How often do you draw a new picture?


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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I draw a new one every once in awhile but fairly often. I don't have the time to draw like every day because of school. I might practice but that's about it.

It takes a long time to draw a pic and then color it in Photoshop so I aim for the weekends.

What about you guys?
I draw a new one every once in awhile but fairly often. I don't have the time to draw like every day because of school. I might practice but that's about it.

It takes a long time to draw a pic and then color it in Photoshop so I aim for the weekends.

What about you guys?

about once a week
i usually have time to do one a month, but i doodle every day.
I have lots of assignments, so it's pretty much every day. However it's much less often that I do something I'm actually happy with.
If I'm working on one of my self assigned projects, It'll take me between 2 weeks and a month, usually. But I have to hammer out a full illustration per week for Illustration class. So I guess I draw a picture a week.
I doodle and sketch a lot. But as for one complete finished picture, probably once a week.
Unfortunately, not very often any more. I used to draw every day for literally hours on end. But nowadays, I am too focused on the ol' 9 to 5 (actually 7 - 3:30) and my band. I feel ashamed. I haven't read any comics lately either, which usually fuels my ideas and creativity.

I do draw icons and logos for my band though, so I guess that counts for something.

Buh, this thread makes me sad.
It's hard to say, it depends on how I'm feeling at any given time, if the creative juices are flowing and what not. On average probably one a week but sometimes it's more sometimes I don't complete anything. I do draw everyday though, not necessarily finished works a lot of roughs, concepts and ideas.
Seeing as I started doing comics with the bare minimum of artistic talent... I do it more than once in a class.

But if I am doing an actual picture, it might take a week or so.

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