How to get rid of trolls.


Apr 27, 2003
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This is a thread with intentions on ridding SHH! of trolls. Any suggestions are welcome.

My suggestion is to ban all free email accounts like Yahoo, MSN, Gmail ect. from being able to register for these forums. Of course those that currently have these accounts in their User CP should be grandfathered in (if possible). Another board I post at recently done this same thing, and spaming and trolling has really went down.

I guess it helps when people can't just automatically go a resign up with Hotmail everytime they get banned and just re-register here with that email. It will also help because you will have easy access to see what their ISP provider is, assuming that they would use this as their email client.
We've discussed this as a possibility.
Man-Thing said:
This is a thread with intentions on ridding SHH! of trolls. Any suggestions are welcome.

My suggestion is to ban all free email accounts like Yahoo, MSN, Gmail ect. from being able to register for these forums. Of course those that currently have these accounts in their User CP should be grandfathered in (if possible). Another board I post at recently done this same thing, and spaming and trolling has really went down.

I guess it helps when people can't just automatically go a resign up with Hotmail everytime they get banned and just re-register here with that email. It will also help because you will have easy access to see what their ISP provider is, assuming that they would use this as their email client.

I'd suggest eating them, but...this works as well
Actually, the best way is to have a really big billygoat on your side
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid idea.

Any "community" that closes its doors to new users when interest ramps up doesn't deserve to be called a community.
Can't you just block ips for troublemakers

this means https proxys are needed or mail 2 web to activate accounts, that's a bit of work for pop 3 email.

- Whirly
Flame on! said:
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid idea.

Any "community" that closes its doors to new users when interest ramps up doesn't deserve to be called a community.
Exactly why we've only discussed it and not implemented it so far. For the time being, the troll problem here is manageable, and steps such as this probably won't be taken unless it gets significantly worse.
Whirlysplat said:
Can't you just block ips for troublemakers

this means https proxys are needed or mail 2 web to activate accounts, that's a bit of work for pop 3 email.

- Whirly
Unfortunately many people have rotating IPs that may be shared with several other users who use the same provider, most notably AOL, meaning we'd have to block dozens of IPs, which still wouldn't gaurantee the troll not coming back, and at the same time restrict many innocent posters.
The getting rid of free email may inhibit the use of good posters too.
My suggestion is just because you dont agree with someone you dont label them a troll.
Let's all just agree to disagree with Man-Thing.
Elijya said:
Unfortunately many people have rotating IPs that may be shared with several other users who use the same provider, most notably AOL, meaning we'd have to block dozens of IPs, which still wouldn't gaurantee the troll not coming back, and at the same time restrict many innocent posters.

fair enough

- Whirly
cant we all just be friends and dance around the swastika? :(

Lackey said:
Let's all just agree to disagree with Man-Thing.

That's not an uncommon occurence. LOL! :D

Seriously, though, a lot of people use G-Mail, Hotmail or Yahoo as their primary email addresses so that they'll always have them no matter what ISP they're using. Not only that, but there are PLENTY of other free email services out there that people can go get accounts with to use in registering user accounts on message boards, so it really wouldn't slow them down in the end.

jaguarr said:
That's not an uncommon occurence. LOL! :D

Seriously, though, a lot of people use G-Mail, Hotmail or Yahoo as their primary email addresses so that they'll always have them no matter what ISP they're using. Not only that, but there are PLENTY of other free email services out there that people can go get accounts with to use in registering user accounts on message boards, so it really wouldn't slow them down in the end.


very true socks are hard to stop

- whirly
Elijya said:
Exactly why we've only discussed it and not implemented it so far. For the time being, the troll problem here is manageable, and steps such as this probably won't be taken unless it gets significantly worse.
I don't mean to disagree with you, but what do you mean it's managable?
Do you mean that it's managble but nobody is doing anything about it? Or do you mean that it's not actually managable and it hasn't taken over the site completely yet?
I'm sorry, what? :confused:

What I mean is, we don't have 30 trolls a day registering to the forum. The ones we do have are easily spotted and quickly dealt with, and they don't come by at a great enough rate to warrant something which would prevent hundreds of normal posters from registering.
I dunno, Man-thing has a point, that would've worked against me.
pssh, they thought the could manage King Kong, didnt' they? Yeah, what happened there?

EDIT: Oh right, he died:(

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