How would Politics react to real life super heroes.


Dec 13, 2012
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if somebody was doing what batman was doing how would politicians
react. I Imagine democrats wouldnt like Batman,and would claim civil rights violations. Conservatives might embrace him or they might want him arrested to maintain order.

if aliens came from another planets, I would imagine liberals s to be more accepting,conservatives to be more reclusive.

what are your thoughs
Superheroes would be shut down in real life. The end.
That depends actually. It'd turn out like a hybrid of a civil rights movement and the gun control debate.
It really depends on the character's politics.

It also depends on how many there are. If it's like the comics, where there are countless superheroes and supervillains, then it would be complex.

But if it's like most of the movies, where there's only one or a handful, then it would be a case by case thing.
I imagine they would be treated as a threat. No matter how much good they tried to do. Not to mention the field day anyway defense attorney would have with any captures.
It depends on a a lot of factors:

1: How much of an impact are these superheroes making? We've got guys dressed in costumes patrolling neighborhoods right now, but they're mostly ineffectual. How much are the actions of this hypothetical person doing what Batman does actually influencing or changing the social order, and in what way?

2: How many of them are there?

3: Are there super powers in the mix?

4: If there are, what are their source, and are the public or the government aware of that source?

5: Is it just individuals engaging in acts of super heroics, or is there a Mutant underclass thing going on?

6: Is there visible super-villain activity going on? All of the above questions apply.

7: You mention aliens. In what way to they come to Earth? How many of them are there? How was first contact initiated?

Depending on the answers to those questions, the answer to your question ranges from "The local authorities would barely give a crap" to "a transhuman civil war."
I'd say they'd immediately lock up anyone like Superman. Probably try to make him a weapon.
Also I think people are over estimating the competence of our government just a bit.
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This is Alain Robert:

He was arrested many times in the 1980's for climbing famous landmark structures around the world.


Dan Goodwin
(Spider Dan)

I remember in the 1980's a guy by the name of Dan ("Spider Dan") Goodwin climbed the Sears Tower and got arrested.


Issue #1 of "The Human Fly"


Rick Rojatt The Human Fly

There was another guy by the name of Rick Rojat (better known as the Human Fly) who rode on the top of a DC-8. He wasn't arrested, but he did receive injuries from the stunt. I think the first impression of these characters would be to arrest them for trespassing or public endangerment.
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I can see some support here and there, but I can see politicians really making an example of them as soon as the first one screws up or even fails to save someone. :(
I think the world would be more Marvel(ie heroes treated as threats) then DC
I dont think that many people would stand for groups or even individuals in masks doing whatever they please, especially if they have superpowers. Sure, some people would say that the super powered people would have rights just like anyone else, but even they would draw the line at crime fighting and vigilantism.
The Obama Administration would use drone attacks, which is a undeclared war action, thus, having the superheros come at us like bros.
Many superheroes are vigilantes and thus operate outside the law. Superheroes aren't accountable to anyone like the police are unless they are goverment sactioned like the Avengers.

While it looks good in comics having people in costumes in real life jumping out of nowhere, beating and hospitalising suspected criminals is not a good idea.
Agreed, think of all sorts of potential mistakes. Look at one of the back ups in the last couple of ASM issues. Spidey beat up a large individual he thought was a man mugging a woman. It turned out to be a very angry woman having a fight with her long-haired boyfriend.

Funny gag for the ol' Parker luck, but in real life? What if this had been a super powered beat down? Spooky stuff.
Even if a superhero did a lot of good, the day would eventually come were they would make a mistake. There would be a public out cry over it. You could also end up with a lot of people saying that they want powers too. Heroes with powers make for a great story, but just can't happen in real life.
The same way they'd react to real life musicals and real life talking animals, as would anyone else.

Probably a good deal of laughter at first.
As far as politics and politicians, like everything else, superheroes would be taken advantage of, in order to advance what ever agendas the pols were advancing.This could be anything from condemnation to support depending on the politician and what they're about.
BTW, as a semi-related aside, was there ever a reason given for why J. Jonah Jameson hated Spidey so much? Something I've been wondering after watching Spiderman cartoons recently.
I think that it would be like most of the Heroes bad futures with anyone with abilities getting rounded up, experimented on and attacked on sight. Anyone showing their abilities publicly would be called a hoax (if it was something like telekinesis or some sort of flight) or a terrorist (if it was eye beams or explosive abilities) then quietly taken away.

As for the JJJ hating Spider-Man thing, it may have been in the 90's cartoon but wasn't his first wife murdered by a masked man and he has an obsessive hatred of them since?
As far as politics and politicians, like everything else, superheroes would be taken advantage of, in order to advance what ever agendas the pols were advancing.This could be anything from condemnation to support depending on the politician and what they're about.
BTW, as a semi-related aside, was there ever a reason given for why J. Jonah Jameson hated Spidey so much? Something I've been wondering after watching Spiderman cartoons recently.

^It was his wife (Julia) in the 1994 animated series. Now there's a kind of hatred I can sympathize with, it's got a decent motivator behind it and not something you can really argue down despite its irrationality after a certain point.
Ok, that makes sense. Wonder why it took so long to reveal that. From the beginning, it always seemed kind of irrational fto me for Jameson to hate him as much as he did. I believe they have that series on Netfflix, I'll have to check it out. And now back to the subject at hand ...
if somebody was doing what batman was doing how would politicians
react. I Imagine democrats wouldnt like Batman,and would claim civil rights violations. Conservatives might embrace him or they might want him arrested to maintain order.

if aliens came from another planets, I would imagine liberals s to be more accepting,conservatives to be more reclusive.

what are your thoughs

Most political parties and governments would be against them because super heroes undermine their power and authority. Or they would try to buy them out and have them join their party.

There would be vastly more super villians than heroes.

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