I love how Singer's film looks and I am sure I will love it,but this is how I'd do Superman if I could.If I made one I would make it a full in depth telling of his origin.Going into the whole plot line in the comics where he became a hero in Afrcia as part of his Superman training(kind of like BB).While in Africa he stops a huge crime ring.Mostly I would retell his origin like how Singer is in flashbacks(or so I've heard).Then after the Africa part he return to Smallville,his mom make the costume,and go off to Metropolis.The rest is the basic love story with Lois,tons of Superman action,and the villain as Lex Luthor.But one difference is I would make the biggest most epic fight scene ever between Bizarro and Superman(Bizarro being a failed clone of Superman and is controlled by Lex).I just can't explain it all,but I have tons of great ideas.Plus I would love the look of the city be like a 1940s New York Gangster look.As far as the cast goes I want for the head of the crime ring in Africa the guy who is Mr. Eko in Lost;Superman would definitely be Routh;Jimmy Olson,although I like the SR actor,I'd go younger with maybe Haley Joel Osment or(if he could fake a good American accent)Rupert Grint,but I most want the guy who was Jimmy in King Kong;for Lex definitely a more muscular Michael Rosenbaum;Lois either Bosworth or Natalie Portman;and for Perry White the original SR one Hugh Laurie from House.But I hope you all liked what I've put down,I hope to be a filmaker some day and dream of making a Superman movie so please give feedback if you like it or hate it,and thanks.