I can die in peace: i made a recreation of the dance scene myself...

So wait...how is this better?
and you owe 1:16 mins of my life. :mad: :heart:

Damn geek! :mad::rolleyes: :heart:
you should moved more slowly! anyway is good!

He seemed to shy to do much when it was crowded though. Should have played it up more when people were around. lol
I remember when the movie came out and people $^&%#ed and complained about the dance scene. Now we have people making mini parodies/reenactments. Choche, dude you should put the movie through an editor, because you seemed hyped up on something, way too fast.
Spider-Girl™;13415204 said:
I remember when the movie came out and people $^&%#ed and complained about the dance scene. Now we have people making mini parodies/reenactments. Choche, dude you should put the movie through an editor, because you seemed hyped up on something, way too fast.

Parody because it stood out so much in the film. Some might genuinely like it, but a lot are making fun of it. Although personally the Peter Emo down the street dance stuff wasn't soooo annoying. It was the damn jazz dancing scene :rolleyes: STUPID SCENE.
I may not be cute, and I may be a loser, but nevertheless, I can concur with the original poster, and make the same claim:


Not nearly as charming or geeky, but interesting still, if not disturbing...
I watched this in another thread. HAHA it is great yet very disturbing with you as every character. Genius though, especially the nuts:otto:
Funny stuff, both of them. I can't see any reason for labelling someone a nerd for it, atleast when you're saying it to be mean. We all registered on a superhero-based message board. I think we're all nerds.

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