I finally found an Xbox 360!

So did you get it? Personally I would wait to see how PS3 and Revelution are doing. I think Sony sort of got the better deal of having Xbox 360 come out a year before them because they can play the system and see how it functions and what they need to step up and what they can do to improve. Also since the world wide launch was sort of a flop for Microsoft I think Sony is going to try and work out the kinks.

I think thats what the delay was all about not about the chip not working.
That has to suck. Sorry.

I know my cousin called me, he searched and searched, same story with you, but he caved in.

THE LIZARD#1 said:
So did you get it? Personally I would wait to see how PS3 and Revelution are doing. I think Sony sort of got the better deal of having Xbox 360 come out a year before them because they can play the system and see how it functions and what they need to step up and what they can do to improve. Also since the world wide launch was sort of a flop for Microsoft I think Sony is going to try and work out the kinks.

I think thats what the delay was all about not about the chip not working.

No I didn't get it, I want the Xbox 360 not the f**king Xbox 3-S***ty :o
Yeah sorry Hippie Hunter but dude wait for a while until PS3 comes out, Microsoft is a guess getting a bit intimidated by all the news Sony has going for it they are actually going to drop the price 100 bucks for both consoles! This is sort of a bad move.
im waiting for the revolution, which i hope blows 360and ps3 out the water.
THE LIZARD#1 said:
Yeah sorry Hippie Hunter but dude wait for a while until PS3 comes out, Microsoft is a guess getting a bit intimidated by all the news Sony has going for it they are actually going to drop the price 100 bucks for both consoles! This is sort of a bad move.

I'll be getting all 3 consoles so it doesn't matter. I want Oblivion dammit :mad:

The only console I'm getting at launch is the Revolution. The launch line-up for the Playstation 3 looks like crap so far.
Just out of curiosity HH, where do you live?

If by any crazy chance you live close enough to get to the Circuit City store I work at, I can assure you we have some Premiums in.

Hell...I'd be half tempted to ship you one, if you pay for it...
imdaly said:
Just out of curiosity HH, where do you live?

If by any crazy chance you live close enough to get to the Circuit City store I work at, I can assure you we have some Premiums in.

Hell...I'd be half tempted to ship you one, if you pay for it...

I live in the Finger Lakes area of New York, but I'm getting my Xbox 360 at Target on account that I have $200 in gift cards there. Why shell out $400 when you can pay only $200 instead?

But thanks anyways :up:
i work at a bestbuy and about 3 weeks ago we got in 70 premiums and just yesterday sold the last one. with more on order......i wonder were you went to be stuck with a core
iambilly81 said:
i work at a bestbuy and about 3 weeks ago we got in 70 premiums and just yesterday sold the last one. with more on order......i wonder were you went to be stuck with a core

Target, like I said, I have $200 in Target gift cards.
THE LIZARD#1 said:
Yeah sorry Hippie Hunter but dude wait for a while until PS3 comes out, Microsoft is a guess getting a bit intimidated by all the news Sony has going for it they are actually going to drop the price 100 bucks for both consoles! This is sort of a bad move.
that was their plan from the very beginning. That way when people see 2 systems with very similar capabilities they're gonna go for the cheaper one... it has nothing to do with being scared, it has to do with wanting to make more money.
hippie_hunter said:
I'll be getting all 3 consoles so it doesn't matter. I want Oblivion dammit :mad:

The only console I'm getting at launch is the Revolution. The launch line-up for the Playstation 3 looks like crap so far.

I hear ya about the PS3 line up. I was yawning so bad it felt like my jaw would fall off.

But it sucks though...in England, the stores have all got restocks, but because most people figure it's still sold out, they are all sitting there, premium and all, all alone....unplayed with....unopened.

Not tryin to make ya feel bad or anything, just pointing out there are a crap load of premiums over these parts just waiting to be owned like wolverine would own batman.
Horrorfan said:
But it sucks though...in England, the stores have all got restocks, but because most people figure it's still sold out, they are all sitting there, premium and all, all alone....unplayed with....unopened.

Not tryin to make ya feel bad or anything, just pointing out there are a crap load of premiums over these parts just waiting to be owned like wolverine would own batman.
Wolverine (overly****ed) < Batman.
hippie_hunter said:

Wolverine (overly****ed) < Batman.

Oh I'm sorry; I meant in common sense land :o

I'm just gonna go play some Ghost Recon on my 360.

THE 360 RAWKS! :up:
Horrorfan said:
Oh I'm sorry; I meant in common sense land :o

I'm just gonna go play some Ghost Recon on my 360.

THE 360 RAWKS! :up:

I am so jealous of you right now :mad:

Except for the part of you playing Ghost Recon, I hate Tom Clancy games :down
hippie_hunter said:
I am so jealous of you right now :mad:

Except for the part of you playing Ghost Recon, I hate Tom Clancy games :down

I guess I will just play Condemned or Fight Night then :(

Btw, have you seen 360 screens for the Marvel RPG?

If not get to the Ultimate thread and see them NOW.

It's crazy that you guy's still can't find 'em. They've been everywhere 'round here for like a month. :confused::down

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