Daredevil's comic currently has an arc going on that's got him in prison with Bullseye and others. I don't read it but I hear it's very good.
If you're interested in the Punisher, you'll want to check out Garth Ennis' Punisher under the MAX imprint. He recently put out a one-shot called The Tyger that was really, really good, and could serve as a good jumping-on point for Ennis' style and take on the Punisher.
Deadpool's co-starring in Cable & Deadpool right now. I hear it's good but I don't read it.
Gambit was recently turned into one of Apocalypse's Horsemen. I don't know which one.
Iceman lost his powers in the Decimation event, then regained them about 3 seconds later. I don't know what he's up to, either.