Mish Mash of Help Requested : ]


Feb 7, 2005
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I've been glancing through a variety of threads on this forum, and am very appreciative of the helpful nature of people here. I thought perhaps I could give a brief background of myself before delving into some questions.

I'm 24 and have been reading comics off and on for the past twelve years. Until recently I've been (gasp) a DC fanboy; however, I think I've seen the light. There's some great stores in Manhattan that I've been frequenting the past few months, and every now and then I'll pick up a Marvel tpb or a current issue. Some of the stuff I've recently read: Marvel Universe vs. Deadpool, Deadpool Classics, Dark Reign (Avengers).

I'm just going to mention my wishlist for my next visit to the store. Please give me your recommendations, or what you find to be essential with this criteria. Also, feel free to prioritize based on your preferences. Any help is very much appreciated!

-best Thor collection/tpb
-a lesser known character's recently started series
-a primer to Secret Invasion
-best individual Deadpool back issues
-best Daredevil series/tpb
-something to catch me up to date on recent big 616 happenings
-is Thunderbolts worth looking into?

I think that's it for now
Annihilation: Conquest
Guardians of the Galaxy

That is all.
-best Thor collection/tpb

Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson Vol. 1 TPB
Thor by J. Michael Straczynski Vol. 1 TPB

-is Thunderbolts worth looking into?

I enjoyed Warren Ellis' run, which is available in two trade paperbacks.

-best Daredevil series/tpb

Daredevil Legends Vol. II: Born Again TPB
I've also heard Ed Brubaker's run on the book has been pretty good.

-a primer to Secret Invasion
-something to catch me up to date on recent big 616 happenings

I've been glancing through a variety of threads on this forum, and am very appreciative of the helpful nature of people here. I thought perhaps I could give a brief background of myself before delving into some questions.

I'm 24 and have been reading comics off and on for the past twelve years. Until recently I've been (gasp) a DC fanboy; however, I think I've seen the light. There's some great stores in Manhattan that I've been frequenting the past few months, and every now and then I'll pick up a Marvel tpb or a current issue. Some of the stuff I've recently read: Marvel Universe vs. Deadpool, Deadpool Classics, Dark Reign (Avengers).

I'm just going to mention my wishlist for my next visit to the store. Please give me your recommendations, or what you find to be essential with this criteria. Also, feel free to prioritize based on your preferences. Any help is very much appreciated!

-best Thor collection/tpb
-a lesser known character's recently started series
-a primer to Secret Invasion
-best individual Deadpool back issues
-best Daredevil series/tpb
-something to catch me up to date on recent big 616 happenings
-is Thunderbolts worth looking into?

I think that's it for now

-not sure there about trades. If you want to be in on the current stuff, I'd just pick up the new series. Its trade friendly, I like the Jurgens stuff.

- I'd say NOVA would be a great bet. Its up to issue 23 right now, but its a great series and pivotal to the marvel cosmic line. Another new hero book I'd suggest is Skaar...

-The Kelly/ Mcguiness stuff is some of the best comics EVER..I really would suggest any of Vol 1 (i think issue 11 won some awards).

-Not a DD guy

-Read Avengers: Dissasembled trade, Civil war (skip House of M) , Avengers : The Iniative, World War Hulk (although you could get away with skipping this) Secret Invasion, Read both annhilation minis.


-Read T-bolts. Escpecially the post civil war stuff where the book changed from more or less an old school book to a new darker series. It is especially relevant given the current status of Dark Avengers.

-But if you want a good read, T-bolts has had a couple lulls but has gone for over 100 issues for a reason, its been a consistant book. Just skip the "fight bolts" stuff...and IMO some of the last Nicenza stuff with Genis-vell was phoned in.
I would suggest Immortal Iron Fist. There should be 4 trades I think. They're all amazing.

Other than that I recommend the newer cosmic line. There's some extensive reading to get it all, but I suggest it all. There's highs and lows but I think it's all pretty satisfying. There's trades and hardbacks for the original Annihilation that started it off. I suggest the hardbacks and go from there. If you like it, keep going, if you don't then stop. It starts with a mini (Drax) then a one shot (Annihilation Prologue) then 4 minis (Nova, Silver Surfer, Ronan, and Super Skrull) then it all comes together in the final battle in the actual mini (Annihilation), and when that's done there's 2 aftermath issues. All this together equals one amazing story, and while some of the minis are only soso, Annihilation itself is amazing. At least read through that. It's all contained in 3 hardbacks if you want to read those. I suggest them.

If you like it then a Nova ongoing started out of it and rolled shortly into the follow up of Annihilation called Annihilation: Conquest with the same set up. 3 issues of Nova, then a prologue (Annihilation: Conquest Prologue) then Nova continues the story along with 3 minis (Wraith, Starlord, and Quasar), then as those minis end the actual mini starts (Annihilation: Conquest) and Nova continues with his direction inside the story. Best bet would be to read Annihilation Conquest 1-3, then read the rest of the Nova tie-ins (through issue 12, including the annual), and then read the last 3 issues of Conquest.

Once those are finished Nova continues his ongoing and a new ongoing starts called Guardians of the Galaxy (containing many of the cosmic characters that's taken center stage in the cosmic stuff so far). Both have been wonderful. These two then slightly tied in with Secret Invasion (though it's not necessary to read Secret Invasion itself), and then they lead into the current event that's just started called "War Of Kings".

Other lead ins that's lead into it thus far are the "Inhumans: Secret Invasion" mini, followed by the "Secret Invasion: War of Kings" one shot. Then there's the "X-Men: Kingbreaker" mini. There's some X-Men pre-reading that leads into that if you want it, but you don't need it since the Kingbreaker mini recaps it pretty well. And there's also a 2 issue mini called "Darkhawk: War of Kings". These are all leading into War of Kings itself, which just came out with it's 1st issue last week.

And that is my suggestion :)
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-best Thor collection/tpb

Current Thor by JMS, also pick up the Loki mini.

-a lesser known character's recently started series

Iron Fist, Incredible Herc, Nova, Secret Six are all pretty great and new.

-a primer to Secret Invasion

Don't bother much, get the Thunderbolt's tie in and you'll basically be set.

-best individual Deadpool back issues

Just check out the new series, it's kick ass. Deadpool vs. the MU was on of the better trades but you have that.

-best Daredevil series/tpb

Current is pretty good.

-is Thunderbolts worth looking into?

Damn straight it is. Get from Ellis' run up to now and you'll be set.

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