How about not carving anything, but hollow them out so you can put bowling balls in them so when the vandals come to destroy them, they get their reward.
I went to a Pumkin-Carving Party/Contest on Sat. Night.
I came in third place w/an original comilations of some superhero charactes I created in grade school...not bad since our rules stipulated no tracing!
But there were some VERY original ones at the party. Three others stand out in my mind:
1) A larger pumpkin with long vertical chuncks carved out... made into a "jail". Then, she put a miniature pumkin (w/face) inside as the "prisoner".
2) A pumpkin eating a pumpkin...same use of two sized pumpkins'.
3) And this takes some MASTER dedication to your craft...turn the pumpkin into a literal "globe" of the world...I've seen it done only two nights ago!
Okay guys, I ended up carving this bat hanging from a cave, and some little bats on the sides of the pumpkin, and I'm going to get some toothpicks today to put the little bat shapes that I cut out on top of the pumpkin, to make look like they're flying around. It's cool.
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