I punched a hammerhead shark in the face today!!!!

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Jul 28, 2005
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Was about 1 o'clock this afternoon, beautiful, hot, sunny Sydney weather. Perfect for the beach... . I noticed this long browny grey thing about 4 meters away from me, got closer, Realised it was a hammerhead shark - and that it was about 2m long- So I PUNCHED IT IN THE FACE!!! Just across from its left eye....
needless to say, it didn't bother me any more....but i gotta say, they feel sooo cool, kinda like a soft sandpaper/swade...

would make a reallly nice jacket....

So has anyone else done anything as manly as beating up a shark today?
psychocheeseman said:
Was about 1 o'clock this afternoon, beautiful, hot, sunny Sydney weather. Perfect for the beach... . I noticed this long browny grey thing about 4 meters away from me, got closer, Realised it was a hammerhead shark - and that it was about 2m long- So I PUNCHED IT IN THE FACE!!! Just across from its left eye....
needless to say, it didn't bother me any more....but i gotta say, they feel sooo cool, kinda like a soft sandpaper/swade...

would make a reallly nice jacket....

So has anyone else done anything as manly as beating up a shark today?

had a fight with a squirrel once, and lost
psychocheeseman said:
Was about 1 o'clock this afternoon, beautiful, hot, sunny Sydney weather. Perfect for the beach... . I noticed this long browny grey thing about 4 meters away from me, got closer, Realised it was a hammerhead shark - and that it was about 2m long- So I PUNCHED IT IN THE FACE!!! Just across from its left eye....
needless to say, it didn't bother me any more....but i gotta say, they feel sooo cool, kinda like a soft sandpaper/swade...

would make a reallly nice jacket....

So has anyone else done anything as manly as beating up a shark today?
i choked a chicken
Chuck Norris does that in his sleep :o
psychocheeseman said:
Was about 1 o'clock this afternoon, beautiful, hot, sunny Sydney weather. Perfect for the beach... . I noticed this long browny grey thing about 4 meters away from me, got closer, Realised it was a hammerhead shark - and that it was about 2m long- So I PUNCHED IT IN THE FACE!!! Just across from its left eye....
needless to say, it didn't bother me any more....but i gotta say, they feel sooo cool, kinda like a soft sandpaper/swade...

would make a reallly nice jacket....

So has anyone else done anything as manly as beating up a shark today?
Which Sydney beach? Hope it wasnt at the one I was at?
He speaks the truth. I know it to be true.
It was a dolphin, tough guy. :mad:
that's awesome cheeseman. i hope it's true cause you'll be able to tell that story for decades.
psychocheeseman said:
and that it was about 2m long- So I PUNCHED IT IN THE FACE!!!

Big-a deal. I punched-a five goombas in-a the face yesterday, and I didn't get a medal. Plumbers don't get-a no respect...
psychocheeseman said:
Was about 1 o'clock this afternoon, beautiful, hot, sunny Sydney weather. Perfect for the beach... .

I'd also like to know where exactly you could find a shark in anyplace other than the beach. The bathtub?
Saph said:

I'd also like to know where exactly you could find a shark in anyplace other than the beach. The bathtub?

obviously you have never seen the SNL skit "Land Shark"
Once at Bethany Beach I think a saw a shark near me, but it could've been a dolphin...
One time a shark punched me in the face. :(
Maybe the shark got close because it wanted to cuddle with ya & gets punched in the face for its trouble (poor shark).

psychocheeseman said:
Was about 1 o'clock this afternoon, beautiful, hot, sunny Sydney weather. Perfect for the beach... . I noticed this long browny grey thing about 4 meters away from me, got closer, Realised it was a hammerhead shark - and that it was about 2m long- So I PUNCHED IT IN THE FACE!!! Just across from its left eye....
needless to say, it didn't bother me any more....but i gotta say, they feel sooo cool, kinda like a soft sandpaper/swade...

would make a reallly nice jacket....

So has anyone else done anything as manly as beating up a shark today?

Oh,that's such seahorse crap! See,Here's the true story...

He begged for his life, then I turned around and he punched me in the back of the head, then he got out of the water and ran off. The coward :mad:
Next time you come in the water I want you to try that crap on me, boy. :mad:
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