World I want a new Spidey Animated series

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
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I want to enjoy him in animation again. Every show so far has missed the mark in one way or another, with Spectacular being the best overall (its only real shortcoming in my eyes was artwork.)
So here's my wishlist:
1.-MAKE HIM AN ADULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name is Spider-Man, not Spider-Boy. We've seen enough of him in high school. We watched him grow up, get his degree, get married, take a teaching position and embrace fatherhood. This insistance on turning him back into a child is getting really old.
2. - Peter & Mary Jane together! Let's skip past his unlucky in love days and put things right.
3. - REASONABLY closer to the comics. Some creative freedom is fine but let's have a recognizable storyline. No more taking a little from Ultimate, a little from the movies, etc.
4. Spidey works alone! Guest heroes are fine but let's have them fewer and further between. And no more Spider-Friends!
5. Better art. Truth be told, the art quality was the only thing I liked about Ultimate.
6. More mature-themed than the 90's but not as far out there as the MTV series. I want him to throw punches but not curse every time something goes wrong.
I wouldn't mind seeing an animated series that takes place when Peter became a teacher and was in his early 20s.
Don't we all.

As far as your idea for him to be an adult, it just wouldn't work well in animation and to be honest with you it doesn't work that well in the comics either which is why you see Marvel constantly trying to redefine the character somehow. One of the great things about Spidey from the 60-70s was watching character deal with life as a young man with powers and taking responsibility. Responsibility as an adult and responsibility as a young man are two totally different things. By having him as a man in his mid-late 20s you limit a lot of the problems the character has to deal with because he's not necessarily obligated to anything. In high school you HAVE to go to school and deal with relationships and your parents. Same can be said of college I suppose. As an adult you don't have to deal with those things. I see no reason why Spider-Man wouldn't just commit full time to crime fighting as an adult. Also you would think Peter would have figured out a lot of things by the time he's that old. As a high school or college student there are still many things for him to learn and experience. Peter Parker the man just isn't interesting as Peter Parker the high school student. Not to mention a lot of younger viewers won't be as interested in watching a fully grown Spidey.

Best thing we could hope for in a new Spidey cartoon is...basically what Spectacular gave us. I'm hoping Marvel swallows its pride or whatever and hires the Greg Weisman and his crew again to make the next Spidey cartoon. I doubt they're under contractual obligation to Sony and there's no way Sony holds the intellectual property rights to a creative team. I really hope that Josh Keaton will be able to voice Spidey again as well. I'm not sure if Sony holds some kind of right to the likeness of his voice but I hope not. By the time a new Spidey cartoon is ordered Young Justice should be over so hopefully those guys will be free.

Seriously, that team was the epitome of what we'll get from a Spidey cartoon. I don't think Marvel could find anyone to do it better even if they wanted to. Best case scenario for us all is if Marvel acknowledges Spectacular and hires them next time. That would make me the happiest camper.
The thing about Spidey being a teen is that he was one of the first if not the first and definitely most iconic teenager superhero. Before Spider-Man, the notion of a teenage superhero was nearly unheard of. Teenagers were only sidekicks.The whole point was to introduce a hero that wasn't rich, wasn't invincible, wasn't an adult/popular/charismatic. He was a teenager dealing with every day life issues and had alot of growing to do, to ultimately become the iconic hero we know as Spider-Man.

I mean I often come across people complaining about Spectacular making Peter a teen. When they were actually sticking close to the comics as that's how he started out as he got his powers at 15. It makes me think these people were spoiled by the 90s show already having him in college. The plan was for them to move chronologically, and we get to see Peter and his friends grow up and his progression from total loser to semi-popular awkward guy that he is in the 90s Spider-man.

Same thing with the Amazing Spider-man. Complaints about Peter being a teen along with silly Twilight comparsions. They're gearing Garfield's Spider-man towards a trilogy. In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne wasn't the heroic, selfless protaganist that we saw in Dark Knight Rises. It's called character development. Garfield's Spider-man will eventually get there.
Not to mention there was an actual plan to have Peter grow up throughout the series, if it had a 65-episode run. The final episode would have had Peter's high school graduation, and the possible DTVs would have taken more mature stories in college.
Marvel won't admit defeat. They've been running the character into the ground for the last 6 years in the comics and are naturally continuing the assault in animation. They call him the flagship but they treat him like the ba$tard stepchild. Spectacular was as good as we're going to get for awhile.
I really don't understand. Its like they want him to fail. This is one reason why I would fear them owning the film rights to Spider-Man.

As far as comic books go, I pretty much stopped reading shortly after issue #500 or so. Maybe some stories here and there before One More Day. Joe Quesada really ruined Spider-Man and other Marvel comics.
Marvel should make a Marvel Team Up show like Batman: The Brave & The Bold. I'd like to see Marvel make a throwback team up show like that one with Spidey headlining it like the classic 70s-80s MTU series. It'd be cool to see a showcase of tons of Marvel characters with a retro tone. It'd be better than the hodgepodge crap of whatever that USM is.
USM is a team-up show, though. I just think they should get back to the rich storytelling SSM had.
There should be a Marvel team up series, with individual series for different characters that tie into it.
I'd like to see a more adult series,no doubt. I understand you can't go real dark with it,but maybe a Spidey animated cartoon or film that deals with,or even hints at, serious issues like drugs,sex;etc. And,maybe this is just me but I wouldn't mind seeing Spidey done anime style. That type of animation is so detailed and so quick moving that I think it would really fit a character like Spider-man.
USM is a team-up show, though. I just think they should get back to the rich storytelling SSM had.

Some episodes Spidey is solo, some episodes he's with the team, some episodes he's with the team teaming up with other heroes, other episodes he's solo teaming up with heroes; it just seems to me like the show doesn't know what it wants to do.
I'd like to see a more adult series,no doubt. I understand you can't go real dark with it,but maybe a Spidey animated cartoon or film that deals with,or even hints at, serious issues like drugs,sex;etc. And,maybe this is just me but I wouldn't mind seeing Spidey done anime style. That type of animation is so detailed and so quick moving that I think it would really fit a character like Spider-man.
I don't think Marvel works as anime. Not a fan of anime cartoons, so the stories would have to be really good for me to watch.
I want a similar animated show, as close to Spectacular Spider-Man story quality as possible, more into the original earth 616 comics and lesser elements from other media, preferably with art style as good as that of Young Justice

No origin, it's done to death. I want to see him start graduating college, Flash and Peter are good friends, or at least have Flash in the army and grow him up as a friend to Peter

If they can take the 80s comics part, place Marla as Jameson's love interest, put Peter in grad school and make him work as an assistant teacher as well as being a photojournalist for the Daily Bugle
The more punches delivered, the better it is than constant use of webs to attack
I want them to re-hire Greg Weisman...I don't want to be disrespectful but I really am wondering if Marvel Animation is filled with idiots. Even if they couldn't use Spectacular itself they still could have kept Weisman on to run a new show. He came up with the best Spidey show we'd even been given and they pooped all over it and swept it under the rug.
I'd be cool with a sequel to the 90s animated series.

Although I surely wish to get Weisman back doing Spiderman.
I think they should make a better series with DTV animated movies that tie into it.
Weisman's original dream of high school TV show then college DTVs was perfect.
If I had to rank all the different Spider-Man animated series, it would probably be like this:

  1. The Spectacular Spider-Man
  2. Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994)
  3. Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003)
  4. Spider-Man (1967)
  5. Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends
  6. Spider-Man Unlimited
  7. Ultimate Spider-Man

I have not seen the animated series in the 80s, so I can't add that to the list.
Marvel won't admit defeat. They've been running the character into the ground for the last 6 years in the comics and are naturally continuing the assault in animation. They call him the flagship but they treat him like the ba$tard stepchild. Spectacular was as good as we're going to get for awhile.

Sadly, you're right.
How have the ratings been for Ultimate Spider-Man?
The thing about Spidey being a teen is that he was one of the first if not the first and definitely most iconic teenager superhero. Before Spider-Man, the notion of a teenage superhero was nearly unheard of. Teenagers were only sidekicks.The whole point was to introduce a hero that wasn't rich, wasn't invincible, wasn't an adult/popular/charismatic. He was a teenager dealing with every day life issues and had alot of growing to do, to ultimately become the iconic hero we know as Spider-Man.

I mean I often come across people complaining about Spectacular making Peter a teen. When they were actually sticking close to the comics as that's how he started out as he got his powers at 15. It makes me think these people were spoiled by the 90s show already having him in college. The plan was for them to move chronologically, and we get to see Peter and his friends grow up and his progression from total loser to semi-popular awkward guy that he is in the 90s Spider-man.

Same thing with the Amazing Spider-man. Complaints about Peter being a teen along with silly Twilight comparsions. They're gearing Garfield's Spider-man towards a trilogy. In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne wasn't the heroic, selfless protaganist that we saw in Dark Knight Rises. It's called character development. Garfield's Spider-man will eventually get there.

Spidey was a great teen hero; 40 years ago. A huge part of his appeal lies in his real-world relatability; Peter Parker feels like one of us when he comes out of that mask. One part of living in the real world is you don't stay a teenager forever. The teen angst is replaced by growing pains and that's a part of life. A part of life that we saw him experience and the powers that be insist on taking it away from him.

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