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Yes. It's true. I wrote a Batman Musical. I wrote the script for fun, but did not expect anyone to care. Then all my friends came to me and asked if we could actually do it. I couldnt say no. This break, hopefully, my pals who go to Berklee College of music will finish compsoing the music so we can record the soundtrack to it. Yes, there will be a soundtrack.
There are references to Batman cartoons and movies. In particular, look for a blatant Batman Beyond reference.
Without further adieu, my script to Batman the Musical:
Batman the Musical
Curtain opens to a completely dark stage. A choir dressed in black enter. Half of them are stage left. The other stage right. Center stage should be empty. A black light hangs above Center Stage.
SONG: Origin of the Knight
Choir: In Gotham City on a dark Cold Night The Waynes saw a movie like any family might. But no one could foretell how that night went to hell.
Enter stage right to stage left THOMAS and MARTHA WAYNE. Thomas has a white rose on his jacket and Martha has incredibly white pearls. They are followed by BRUCE, a young boy. They walk toward Center stage. Coming stage right is JOE CHILL, a robber with a gun.
Choir: They walked down in an alley and encountered Joseph Chill. Demanding pearls and cash he went in for the kill.
The four people meet under the blacklight. A shot is heard. Martha and Thomas fall. Bruce lies at his fallen parents. Joe exits stage left.
Choir: Bruce Wayne was just a boy when his parents were shot, and to make it worse Chill was never caught.
Enter ALFRED PENNYWORTH stage right. He moves to center stage, with Bruce.
Choir: Left alone with Alfred, he made a solemn vow. Hell bring them to justice and he will do it now. After years of training in the land, he is vengeance and the night for he is Batman!
Choir: He is Gothams darkest knight, the villains cower in fright turn on the signal light for Batman! They try to kill him slow, to Arkham they all go. Even Joker is too slow for Batman!
Fade to Black.
The setting is ARKHAM ASYLUM. It is the recreation area. There are Gotham City Police Officers on every corner of the stage. In center stage there are various costumed criminals.
Guard 1: Alright you whackos, you have one half hour in the recreation area. Use it wisely. Remember, if one of you crazies messes up here, all of you lose this privilege for a week. Now enjoy.
Poison Ivy: We shall Raymond. Whos your partner?
Guard 2: I am Mitchell Barker.
Poison Ivy: New in town
POISON IVY moves closer to Mitchell.
Poison Ivy: Why dont I show you around? My cell is big enough for two.
Guard 1: Watch her Mitchell. She and the other crazies will kill you if you give them the chance.
Guard 2: I dont know who all these guys are. I mean, everyone knows Joker and Two Face, but what about the guy with the dummy, or the question mark guy?
Poison Ivy: Who are we? Who are we? We are the inmates of Arkham Asylum!
SONG: The Residents of Arkham
Inmates: We are residents of Arkham, as crazy as we seem. Kill a guy, rob a bank, but we each have our own themes. We have a gimmick so you see that makes us stand in front the rest! When you see what I usually do youll know that Im the best.
Poison Ivy: Look at you, so nice and lively, you been introduced to Poison Ivy. I control flora, that is plants, I can even control men using my sweet pheromones their minds do I bend.
Mr. Zazsz: See the restraints, you want to know why for I am Mr. Zazsz! See the scars that run from my feet to my hands? They each represent a victim that I killed, for deep inside me I know my mission was fulfilled.
Inmates: Their residents of Arkham, do you see what we all mean? We share no allegiance to a higher powers team. Our gimmick lists are long and lasting continuing ever more, for every crazy in Arkham has become part of Folk Lore.
Two Face: Well I heard youve heard of me, but Im not exactly what I seem. My minds in two, evenly split, its always been that way, so when you see me guns a blazing you best run away.
Scarface: Dont you know who I am, Scarface and Ventriloquist of Arkham. Hes my dummy, I run the show for if you mess with Scarface youll have a death blow.
Riddler: Riddle me this, and riddle me that, whos afraid of a big black bat. Riddle me high and riddle me low, guess how long my dance will go!
Riddler performs a tapdance number.
Inmates: We live in Arkham, but there is one we all avoid. Hell turn the corner, kill you and say Heavens to murgatroid! Unpredictable, very crazy, and a cheat at even poker. We advise you to stay away from that maniac the Joker! Heed our warning very well, you poor cigarette smoker! If you had any sense at all, youd stay away from Joker!
Guard 1: All right, very cute. Lets move it along.
Guard 2: Hey wait, where is the Joker?
Guard 1: He is in the television room with his girlfriend. Dont worry Mitch, hes being guarded. There is no way he can do anything.
Poison Ivy: Are you sure about that honey?
Guard 1: For Gothams sake, I hope so.
Scene: Television Room. A couch (or some chairs) is in the middle of the stage. Besides the various guards, there are two other occupants in the room. They are THE JOKER, a white skinned terror with green hair, red lips, and a giant grin, and HARLEY QUINN, a blonde haired woman who is completely smitten with the Joker.
Joker: Did you hear something outside Harley?
Harley: I think I heard them saying something about a toker or something Puddin!
Joker: Poor girl. Cant understand the lyrics for anything. No you idiot, it was an invitation!
Harley: An invitation?
Joker: Quite right Pooh! It was a challenge to outdo myself in the most spectacular way possible! But how?
Harley: The laughing fish bit?
Joker: Hello! The keyword was outdo! Something new! Original! Yes the Laughing Fish was fine back in the day, but thats to be expected!
Harley: Well what are you gonna do Puddin?
Joker: THATS WHAt Im THINKING OF YOU NITWIT! (Hits her) Wait I got it! Oh this will be spectacular! HAHAHAHAHA!
Harley: Whats the plan Mistah J?
Joker: I think in order to keep up with Pammys little song outside I shall join in on my own little ditty. Hit it Maestro!
SONG: Light up the Town
Joker: How often do I, the Clown Prince of Crime think of a brilliant plan?
Harley: All the time my big man!
Joker: And how many times do they work my sweet?
Harley: Um..I can count them on the toes on my feet!
Joker: Well this one Pooh will blow them all away, so take a listen to what I have to say. It is time to Light up the town!
Harley: Light up the town?
Joker: Light up the town! Turn their frowns upside down.
Harley: But how will ya do it?
Joker: My laughing gas will do the job well, itll have them laughing straight to Hell! Then out from the night will come dear Batsy, try as he might hell never catch me. For I am the Clown Prince of Crime. Gotham City is mine!
Harley: But we gotta get out of the Nut house first Mista J!
Joker: Quite right! But dont you worry Harley Quinn, I know exactly where to begin. For half these guards are my men, now take em out boys! This is the end for them!
The guards proceed to shoot each other, not knowing which guard worked for which.
Harley: Puddin, they are all dead!
Joker: Well I lied. None of them were my men. Let us go Light up the town!
Harley: Light up the Town!
Joker: My laughing gas will do the job well for sending Batman straight to hell! For you see I am the man, and now let us start my master plan!
The Joker looks around. He goes to the guard closest to him and takes a set of keys.
Joker: Well that was fun. Whos up for Chinese?
The Joker and Harley exit stage right. As he leaves, the Joker laughs. The laugh continues even as the curtain is closed.
The setting is Wayne Manor. The stage is full of various women. The two lone men are ALFRED PENNYWORTH AND BRUCE WAYNE.
Alfred: Having fun sir?
Bruce: Of course Alfred! You remember Rhonda right?
Girl 1: Ashley.
Bruce: Have another drink.
Alfred: Master Bruce, I havent seen you acting this way in such a long time. It brings joy to my heart.
Bruce: Thank you Alfred.
Girl 2: Hey Brucie have a drink with me.
Girl 3: And me!
All Women: And me!
Bruce: Ladies, ladies please. Alfred, get me a keg, my personal Champagne bottle, and whatever else these women want!
All: Aw Brucie!
Bruce (To Alfred): Alfred, you have to help me get out of here!
Alfred: Sir, perhaps if you pretend to have fun you might actually enjoy yourself for once.
Bruce: Fine Alfred. Just get the Champagne bottle with the club soda in it.
Alfred: Of course Master Bruce. I know your distaste with Liquor.
Girl 4: Come on Bruce, lets go skinny dipping in your pool!
All women rush off stage left. Bruce stares at the sight and sighs.
Bruce: Coming ladies.
Bruce follows the horde of women. Alfred exits stage right, chuckling to himself.
The curtain opens to reveal the Jolly Jack Factory. There are numerous workers putting together Clown Dolls.
Man 1: So hows your kid doing?
Man 2: So-so. Wife keeps nagging me to take him to go see the Gotham Knights.
Man 1: Take him. A baseball game is always good fun.
Man 2: But on this salary?
Man 1: Hey, it beats living on the street.
Man 2: True. At least nothing ever happens here.
Suddenly a door is heard opening. Enter from stage right HARLEY QUINN.
Harley: Hiya ladies and germs howya doing?
Man 1: Whos the broad?
Man 2: Wait isnt she the
Harley hits the man over the head with a rubber chicken. He falls to the ground.
Harley: Hey wise guy! Introductions are my shtick! Ahem. Introducing the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of hate! The one, the only JOKER!
The Joker enters from stage right.
Joker: Hello Jolly Jack Factory, its good to be here today! Wow what a crowd!
Harley: Knock em dead Puddin!
Joker: Why Harley, what a great idea! The crowbar please.
Joker is handed a crowbar from Harley. The Joker then proceeds to kill every person on stage, laughing while he does it. In the background, the instrumental of Light Up the Town plays. Soon the stage is full of corpses.
Joker: They loved me! They really loved me!
Harley: Good job Mista J!
Joker: But Harley I noticed you struck a man before I entered.
Harley becomes visibly nervous.
Harley: Well he was trying to my shtick
Harley runs off stage yelling. The Joker runs after her. He exits the stage, but then comes back out.
Joker: Stay tuned kids, we have a lot more carnage planned for you. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Joker reexits stage left.
There are references to Batman cartoons and movies. In particular, look for a blatant Batman Beyond reference.
Without further adieu, my script to Batman the Musical:
Batman the Musical
Curtain opens to a completely dark stage. A choir dressed in black enter. Half of them are stage left. The other stage right. Center stage should be empty. A black light hangs above Center Stage.
SONG: Origin of the Knight
Choir: In Gotham City on a dark Cold Night The Waynes saw a movie like any family might. But no one could foretell how that night went to hell.
Enter stage right to stage left THOMAS and MARTHA WAYNE. Thomas has a white rose on his jacket and Martha has incredibly white pearls. They are followed by BRUCE, a young boy. They walk toward Center stage. Coming stage right is JOE CHILL, a robber with a gun.
Choir: They walked down in an alley and encountered Joseph Chill. Demanding pearls and cash he went in for the kill.
The four people meet under the blacklight. A shot is heard. Martha and Thomas fall. Bruce lies at his fallen parents. Joe exits stage left.
Choir: Bruce Wayne was just a boy when his parents were shot, and to make it worse Chill was never caught.
Enter ALFRED PENNYWORTH stage right. He moves to center stage, with Bruce.
Choir: Left alone with Alfred, he made a solemn vow. Hell bring them to justice and he will do it now. After years of training in the land, he is vengeance and the night for he is Batman!
Choir: He is Gothams darkest knight, the villains cower in fright turn on the signal light for Batman! They try to kill him slow, to Arkham they all go. Even Joker is too slow for Batman!
Fade to Black.
The setting is ARKHAM ASYLUM. It is the recreation area. There are Gotham City Police Officers on every corner of the stage. In center stage there are various costumed criminals.
Guard 1: Alright you whackos, you have one half hour in the recreation area. Use it wisely. Remember, if one of you crazies messes up here, all of you lose this privilege for a week. Now enjoy.
Poison Ivy: We shall Raymond. Whos your partner?
Guard 2: I am Mitchell Barker.
Poison Ivy: New in town
POISON IVY moves closer to Mitchell.
Poison Ivy: Why dont I show you around? My cell is big enough for two.
Guard 1: Watch her Mitchell. She and the other crazies will kill you if you give them the chance.
Guard 2: I dont know who all these guys are. I mean, everyone knows Joker and Two Face, but what about the guy with the dummy, or the question mark guy?
Poison Ivy: Who are we? Who are we? We are the inmates of Arkham Asylum!
SONG: The Residents of Arkham
Inmates: We are residents of Arkham, as crazy as we seem. Kill a guy, rob a bank, but we each have our own themes. We have a gimmick so you see that makes us stand in front the rest! When you see what I usually do youll know that Im the best.
Poison Ivy: Look at you, so nice and lively, you been introduced to Poison Ivy. I control flora, that is plants, I can even control men using my sweet pheromones their minds do I bend.
Mr. Zazsz: See the restraints, you want to know why for I am Mr. Zazsz! See the scars that run from my feet to my hands? They each represent a victim that I killed, for deep inside me I know my mission was fulfilled.
Inmates: Their residents of Arkham, do you see what we all mean? We share no allegiance to a higher powers team. Our gimmick lists are long and lasting continuing ever more, for every crazy in Arkham has become part of Folk Lore.
Two Face: Well I heard youve heard of me, but Im not exactly what I seem. My minds in two, evenly split, its always been that way, so when you see me guns a blazing you best run away.
Scarface: Dont you know who I am, Scarface and Ventriloquist of Arkham. Hes my dummy, I run the show for if you mess with Scarface youll have a death blow.
Riddler: Riddle me this, and riddle me that, whos afraid of a big black bat. Riddle me high and riddle me low, guess how long my dance will go!
Riddler performs a tapdance number.
Inmates: We live in Arkham, but there is one we all avoid. Hell turn the corner, kill you and say Heavens to murgatroid! Unpredictable, very crazy, and a cheat at even poker. We advise you to stay away from that maniac the Joker! Heed our warning very well, you poor cigarette smoker! If you had any sense at all, youd stay away from Joker!
Guard 1: All right, very cute. Lets move it along.
Guard 2: Hey wait, where is the Joker?
Guard 1: He is in the television room with his girlfriend. Dont worry Mitch, hes being guarded. There is no way he can do anything.
Poison Ivy: Are you sure about that honey?
Guard 1: For Gothams sake, I hope so.
Scene: Television Room. A couch (or some chairs) is in the middle of the stage. Besides the various guards, there are two other occupants in the room. They are THE JOKER, a white skinned terror with green hair, red lips, and a giant grin, and HARLEY QUINN, a blonde haired woman who is completely smitten with the Joker.
Joker: Did you hear something outside Harley?
Harley: I think I heard them saying something about a toker or something Puddin!
Joker: Poor girl. Cant understand the lyrics for anything. No you idiot, it was an invitation!
Harley: An invitation?
Joker: Quite right Pooh! It was a challenge to outdo myself in the most spectacular way possible! But how?
Harley: The laughing fish bit?
Joker: Hello! The keyword was outdo! Something new! Original! Yes the Laughing Fish was fine back in the day, but thats to be expected!
Harley: Well what are you gonna do Puddin?
Joker: THATS WHAt Im THINKING OF YOU NITWIT! (Hits her) Wait I got it! Oh this will be spectacular! HAHAHAHAHA!
Harley: Whats the plan Mistah J?
Joker: I think in order to keep up with Pammys little song outside I shall join in on my own little ditty. Hit it Maestro!
SONG: Light up the Town
Joker: How often do I, the Clown Prince of Crime think of a brilliant plan?
Harley: All the time my big man!
Joker: And how many times do they work my sweet?
Harley: Um..I can count them on the toes on my feet!
Joker: Well this one Pooh will blow them all away, so take a listen to what I have to say. It is time to Light up the town!
Harley: Light up the town?
Joker: Light up the town! Turn their frowns upside down.
Harley: But how will ya do it?
Joker: My laughing gas will do the job well, itll have them laughing straight to Hell! Then out from the night will come dear Batsy, try as he might hell never catch me. For I am the Clown Prince of Crime. Gotham City is mine!
Harley: But we gotta get out of the Nut house first Mista J!
Joker: Quite right! But dont you worry Harley Quinn, I know exactly where to begin. For half these guards are my men, now take em out boys! This is the end for them!
The guards proceed to shoot each other, not knowing which guard worked for which.
Harley: Puddin, they are all dead!
Joker: Well I lied. None of them were my men. Let us go Light up the town!
Harley: Light up the Town!
Joker: My laughing gas will do the job well for sending Batman straight to hell! For you see I am the man, and now let us start my master plan!
The Joker looks around. He goes to the guard closest to him and takes a set of keys.
Joker: Well that was fun. Whos up for Chinese?
The Joker and Harley exit stage right. As he leaves, the Joker laughs. The laugh continues even as the curtain is closed.
The setting is Wayne Manor. The stage is full of various women. The two lone men are ALFRED PENNYWORTH AND BRUCE WAYNE.
Alfred: Having fun sir?
Bruce: Of course Alfred! You remember Rhonda right?
Girl 1: Ashley.
Bruce: Have another drink.
Alfred: Master Bruce, I havent seen you acting this way in such a long time. It brings joy to my heart.
Bruce: Thank you Alfred.
Girl 2: Hey Brucie have a drink with me.
Girl 3: And me!
All Women: And me!
Bruce: Ladies, ladies please. Alfred, get me a keg, my personal Champagne bottle, and whatever else these women want!
All: Aw Brucie!
Bruce (To Alfred): Alfred, you have to help me get out of here!
Alfred: Sir, perhaps if you pretend to have fun you might actually enjoy yourself for once.
Bruce: Fine Alfred. Just get the Champagne bottle with the club soda in it.
Alfred: Of course Master Bruce. I know your distaste with Liquor.
Girl 4: Come on Bruce, lets go skinny dipping in your pool!
All women rush off stage left. Bruce stares at the sight and sighs.
Bruce: Coming ladies.
Bruce follows the horde of women. Alfred exits stage right, chuckling to himself.
The curtain opens to reveal the Jolly Jack Factory. There are numerous workers putting together Clown Dolls.
Man 1: So hows your kid doing?
Man 2: So-so. Wife keeps nagging me to take him to go see the Gotham Knights.
Man 1: Take him. A baseball game is always good fun.
Man 2: But on this salary?
Man 1: Hey, it beats living on the street.
Man 2: True. At least nothing ever happens here.
Suddenly a door is heard opening. Enter from stage right HARLEY QUINN.
Harley: Hiya ladies and germs howya doing?
Man 1: Whos the broad?
Man 2: Wait isnt she the
Harley hits the man over the head with a rubber chicken. He falls to the ground.
Harley: Hey wise guy! Introductions are my shtick! Ahem. Introducing the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of hate! The one, the only JOKER!
The Joker enters from stage right.
Joker: Hello Jolly Jack Factory, its good to be here today! Wow what a crowd!
Harley: Knock em dead Puddin!
Joker: Why Harley, what a great idea! The crowbar please.
Joker is handed a crowbar from Harley. The Joker then proceeds to kill every person on stage, laughing while he does it. In the background, the instrumental of Light Up the Town plays. Soon the stage is full of corpses.
Joker: They loved me! They really loved me!
Harley: Good job Mista J!
Joker: But Harley I noticed you struck a man before I entered.
Harley becomes visibly nervous.
Harley: Well he was trying to my shtick
Harley runs off stage yelling. The Joker runs after her. He exits the stage, but then comes back out.
Joker: Stay tuned kids, we have a lot more carnage planned for you. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Joker reexits stage left.