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Ideas for how to bring The Justice League together?


Dec 7, 2010
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People have different ideas about how a Justice League film should be set up, so I figured a thread for us to share our ideas would be nice. The order I would have the films come in chronologically would be Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Superman. Here is why I would do that...

Batman should be the first superhero to exist, which would help explain how he could fit into The Justice League with people superior to him. Batman should somehow find out about an incoming threat at the end of his film hinting at something big. The second film would be Green Lantern, who works as an introduction to other parts of the galaxy.

Wonder Woman would come next, then The Flash because after Batman and Green Lantern it would make sense to finally introduce someone that is not really a superhero but a goddess. The Flash would work afterwards. Superman should come last because he is the most iconic and leading up to him would be a great way to lead into The Justice League.

In The Justice League, the team could come together with Batman bringing them all together. Not only is Batman the first superhero to exist, now he is essentially the founder which gives him every right to be in the team. Superman would be the leader though.

There you have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern. You could also add two or three more members to make the team feel a bit bigger. I would probably use Green Arrow, Black Canary and Starfire.
well, maybe to settle this we should categorize the different kind of characters there are, both heroes & villains.for example nonpowered crazy humans:batman joker....humans that got powers via science flash...aliens superman, martian manhunter.....whatever wonder woman is...whatever aquaman is....
what im saying is that once you accept superman as an alien martian manhunter & green lantern dosnt really need to have a whole movie as introduction since you already accept that theres life somewhere else in the universe.my question is: what are wonder woman & aquaman, how can they be introduced & what would be need to be modified for them to fit in the same(movie) universe that has superman & batman...
Warner Bros. will somehow find a way to screw this up if they ever tried to do a JLA film.
I would really just suggest the film starting with some giant danger coming to earth, thus these superheroes all have to work together to stop it. Have some of them try and stop it on their own at first, but fail, realizing they need to work together, etc.
Just a thought really.
I don't know how they could bring them together without using a tired plot as an alien invasion that's too big for only one hero to stop alone. I certainly don't want them to pull a Marvel and put easter eggs in the film franchises to help set up the team-up. So I'm not sure how they will be able to bring the League together.

As for who should be on the Justice League, well they should probably stick with the original seven or some deviation of them like the animated series did. Plus, instead of having to introduce them with separate films just introduce them here and then give them spin-off films (this most likely being Aquaman, J'onn and maybe a soft reboot for Green Lantern).
I agree with the idea that not every League member needs an introductory film before a JLA one but what I'd really like to see in a Batman/Superman film the introduces Intergang and their weapons from Apokolypse as a way of setting up Darkseid as the main threat of the JLA movie. Maybe Wonder Woman could introduce the Femme Furies, Green Lantern 2 could feature a cameo of Jordan apprehending one of Darkseid's minions. Even a Hawkman film could show a Boom Tube as an archiological device. In other words,I think setting up the major threat for a JLA movie is just as important if not more than setting up the heroes for it.
People have different ideas about how a Justice League film should be set up, so I figured a thread for us to share our ideas would be nice. The order I would have the films come in chronologically would be Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Superman. Here is why I would do that...

Batman should be the first superhero to exist, which would help explain how he could fit into The Justice League with people superior to him. Batman should somehow find out about an incoming threat at the end of his film hinting at something big. The second film would be Green Lantern, who works as an introduction to other parts of the galaxy.

Wonder Woman would come next, then The Flash because after Batman and Green Lantern it would make sense to finally introduce someone that is not really a superhero but a goddess. The Flash would work afterwards. Superman should come last because he is the most iconic and leading up to him would be a great way to lead into The Justice League.

In The Justice League, the team could come together with Batman bringing them all together. Not only is Batman the first superhero to exist, now he is essentially the founder which gives him every right to be in the team. Superman would be the leader though.

There you have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern. You could also add two or three more members to make the team feel a bit bigger. I would probably use Green Arrow, Black Canary and Starfire.

Going on a limb here, but I think Cavill would do a JLA movie if Nolan wasn't involved. Point being, Nolan likes to be in control of his films, this includes Batman unless David Goyer takes a crucial step foward and take over DC Entertaintment.

Also if the step was to go foward with a superhero film in DC continuity right now GL is set. Wonder Woman and GA should be the next two, they could interconnect each other. Remember this is a DC Film Universe in the making so you wouldn't have to follow a logical path connecting the dots up to JLA.

If Cavill is up to it he could be Superman for a long time to come, that is unless Nolan has a hissy-fit about "Superhero Universes" overlaping each other.
I mean, don't we already know the first part of the order: Batman, Green Lantern, Superman? Introduce Flash and Wonder Woman, in either order, while doing a Batman/Superman film to set up the League.

My treatment went like this:

There is a metahuman summit attended by all the league, before they form. Some are in secret ids, but various governments are demonstrating their technology in order to either circumvent or prevent the need for superhuman dependency. The technology goes haywire, which leads to a cascade of problems around the world. The league is kept on their toes and haggard as the alien invasion, complete with mind control tech starts OR they are kept on their toes as Max Lord uses Batman's countermeasures to stop them, turn them against each other, and enable humanity to stand on its own. Either way works, imho. The heroes are trying to network and work together, without killing each other, while at the same time, saving lives and finding more heroes. It's not until the end of the film that they official form the Justice League.
I mean, don't we already know the first part of the order: Batman, Green Lantern, Superman? Introduce Flash and Wonder Woman, in either order, while doing a Batman/Superman film to set up the League.

My treatment went like this:

There is a metahuman summit attended by all the league, before they form. Some are in secret ids, but various governments are demonstrating their technology in order to either circumvent or prevent the need for superhuman dependency. The technology goes haywire, which leads to a cascade of problems around the world. The league is kept on their toes and haggard as the alien invasion, complete with mind control tech starts OR they are kept on their toes as Max Lord uses Batman's countermeasures to stop them, turn them against each other, and enable humanity to stand on its own. Either way works, imho. The heroes are trying to network and work together, without killing each other, while at the same time, saving lives and finding more heroes. It's not until the end of the film that they official form the Justice League.

LOVE IT!!!! Except for the Superman/Batman film and the fact that Batman will be threated as a reboot AGAIN after TDKR. Everything else works but if it was an alien invasion, whose it going to be?
The White Martian idea from the Justice League cartoon show.
Similar to what the Avengers movie is probably doing though, ordinary people and high officials turn out to be shape changing aliens trying to take over Earth.

Starro, who zombifies armies of people with his starfish aliens things,
and he could have an alien protector like in the Batman Brave and Bold cartoon, like Dispero.

Mongol attacks Earth, wants to turn it into War World II.

Both Dispero and Mongol would be powerful enough to hurt Superman and require the team to get together.

The White Martians from the comics, white martians come to earth and pretend to be a team up superheroes with unequal power. The individual heroes like Superman, Batman, and the others, have to get together and become a team to save Earth. With this you could get the moment of Batman proving he is the most dangerous human on Earth when he discovers their weakness and takes one down and intimidates the others, as well as Superman's moment of showing he is the most trusted superhero ever by taking straight to the American people and convincing them these guys are bad and the JLA are good and stuff.
a dc film will never ever work. batman and superman are too big of characters that the audience wouldn't give two ****s about green lantern or the flash. these characters just wouldn't mesh well together in film
I don’t think they can do it similar to what Marvel have done. First, simply because DC is having a more difficult time getting other superhero characters out; but more important, both Batman & Superman has already started filming, meaning the latest one can start the initial formation, would be in GL2. I don’t know of any other characters being considered for solo projects.
With that said, if TDKR could film an after credit scene just showing Bruce, Alfred, and maybe Lucius looking at a breaking news report of a scout ship entering Earth’s atmosphere. Then maybe introduce an after credit scene in TMoS, where Superman stands firm, and then flies off to confront the ship….is shot at, at approach. Than maybe in GL2 after credit scene introduce Barry Allen, by having him and Hal at Jordan’s apartment watching the same report as Bruce & co.; but, with the added footage report of Superman’s approach. Then, out of thin air while watching the report, the Martian Manhunter suddenly appear in the apartment, with some trepidation asking, who is the strongest amongst this planet, as Barry points to the tv screen.
Then you could just do the JLA film from there, following the same format of my JLA Trailer I wrote a few years ago. Pick up the formation of the team coming together in the mist of this pending threat. However, they would need to get the ball rolling now; otherwise, it may be years away from happening, if happening at all.
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In The Justice League, the team could come together with Batman bringing them all together. Not only is Batman the first superhero to exist, now he is essentially the founder which gives him every right to be in the team. Superman would be the leader though.

If anything, Batman should lead the team.

I know Superman is the leader most of the time in the comics, but...

If you think about it in the most realistic way, in a Marvel way, Batman is more appropriate for leadership. He knows every martial art in existence, he's the smartest of the group, he doesn't have super powers so the leadership would be HIS THING, like Cap.

Superman never really had anything that would make him a good leader except for being a good man. But that's not enough.

Hell, Wonder Woman is more suitable to be the team's leader than him.
Just how much are they spending on "The Avengers"?
If anything, Batman should lead the team.

I know Superman is the leader most of the time in the comics, but...

If you think about it in the most realistic way, in a Marvel way, Batman is more appropriate for leadership. He knows every martial art in existence, he's the smartest of the group, he doesn't have super powers so the leadership would be HIS THING, like Cap.

Superman never really had anything that would make him a good leader except for being a good man. But that's not enough.

Hell, Wonder Woman is more suitable to be the team's leader than him.

I wonder what is WW role except for being the warrior woman?

Cap is not the smartest, Iron Man is. But Cap is the more rational and good person hence is the better leader. The thing is people will be more comfortable if their leader is a good person like Cap or Superman. Batman is at best, the advisor.

The Avengers budget is above 200 million.
Before a justice league movie they should just try
Superman and Batman
Followed by a
Trinity movie
Then go for Justice League
I wonder what is WW role except for being the warrior woman?

Cap is not the smartest, Iron Man is. But Cap is the more rational and good person hence is the better leader. The thing is people will be more comfortable if their leader is a good person like Cap or Superman. Batman is at best, the advisor.

The Avengers budget is above 200 million.


I didn't say Cap was the smartest guy on his team, but he doesn't have super powers so being the leader is HIS THING.

"But Cap is the more rational and good person hence is the better leader."

No, that's not what makes a good leader. A good leader has to have good skills for leadership.

"The thing is people will be more comfortable if their leader is a good person like Cap or Superman."

Batman is a good person, he's tough but he is good.
Leader should be tough.

Superman is stronger, but Batman is the better warrior. AND the smartest guy on his team.

He's the perfect leader.

That's why Batman should lead the team, like he does in Young Justice.
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A reason go gather the heroes could actually be a wordly threat if done right. It doesn't have to be from another planet.
I have talked a lot about a disaster type of thing, but there are other different routes to go in this kind of film. Like, have you ever seen a typical superhero facing a zombie epidemic in a blockbuster? For some heroes it can bring in thrilling moments. But I guess it won't be that good around Superman.

The whole "bite and infect" is one of the major ingredients for zombie films But it's not exclusively a zombie thing. There are werevolves too, and these beasts also spread a virus.

That would not work. Anything terrestrial could easily be handle by one Justice League member...they are so powerful individually. IMO, it has to be an extraterrestrial threat, that no one member can handle alone.
Whatever the threat is it would have to be big enough for Superman to need help fighting it, and for GL to not be able to handle it with his ring (or by calling Corps back up), or by Martian Manhunter (who is like Superman only more powerful), or Wonder Woman (again, like Superman), or something Batman can't outsmart, etc.
It has to be very powerful. The DCU are very powerful characters, they are like the Greek Gods come down from Mount Olympus. So the threat would have to be epic.
Something like an alien invasion, or the OMAC invasion, or Mongol invading, or the Injustice League. Something big.
I actually mentioned this idea on the spur of the moment, but the more I think about it the more I like the White Martian storyline from the comics, where they come to Earth pretending to be this great superhero team who will save humanity and make it a Utopian World.
That gives reason for Martian Manhunter, being a green martian from the same planet as them. And in the end, like in the comic, the aliens have put out a world wide televised broadcast to show the death of Superman and the rest of the JLA. And after stopping the White Martians, Superman (being the most trusted hero on Earth) has to address the people of Earth to assure them. This could also be the scene where Superman introduces the entire world to the new JLA, telling them that they will protect and save the day.
You also get the scene where Batman shows how dangerous he is. The White Martians think he is just a human, no threat. Then they find out he has discovered their weakness and isn't afraid to exploit it. He intimidates three very powerful aliens without having any powers.
We also get to see the scene of GL being the intergalactic space cop.
Plus the villains are sort of shallow enemies that can be discarded in the end, but a big enough threat to bring them together.

Oh! While Marvel is doing solo movies to introduce each character, but then ties them into one world with a cameo by Stark in Hulk or something, the DC comic films should do solo films but then do team up movies.
They should make Brave and the Bold movies!
So for example Flash and GL have solo movies but then, before their second films, they team up to fight some threat. Just those two, but maybe mention the other heroes and cities and past events. Like Maybe GL mentions the Kryptonian in Metropolis.
They could even be called
Justice League's Brave and the Bold: Green Lantern and Flash.

Tried to make it like X-Men Origins: Wolverine. To help it tie into to the DC comics (putting Justice League in there for name recognition) and Brave and the Bold since thats what they would all be titled (like a series of films) and then the names of the heroes it would feature.
Like, Justice League's Brave and the Bold: Batman and Superman.
The idea would be that they are still tying them all together, and still bringing them together eventually for a JLA movie, but introducing them two at a time. Maybe the ones that already have a movie can bring in the ones that don't yet. Like Justice League's Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman, or Justice League's Brave and the Bold: Superman and Martian Manhunter.
That way they aren't wasting time, I mean Marvel only does solo films with one little scene to tie the movie into the entire Marvel Movie Universe.
Anyway, I think maybe doing team up movies would also help the studio to see the value of bringing them all together too. And would slowly introduce the team dynamics to the audiance. So that when a JLA movie is finally done the movie wouldn't have to focus on all the characters in one film. Some characters could have the spotlight while others take a back seat, but in the next film the characters in the backseat would take center stage while the others take a back seat.
So, while JLA movie 1 focuses on the Trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman) the JLA movie 2 could focus on Green Lantern, the Flash, and a third hero.
As popular as the characters are, and as likely as the studio would probably want this to happen, the movies shouldn't focus only on Superman and Batman. It shouldn't do like X-men 1-3 and focus on Wolverine. These Brave and the Bold films would help with that.
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The team up besides superman and batman that i like is Green Lantern with Green Arrow
Going on a limb here, but I think Cavill would do a JLA movie if Nolan wasn't involved. Point being, Nolan likes to be in control of his films, this includes Batman unless David Goyer takes a crucial step foward and take over DC Entertaintment.

Also if the step was to go foward with a superhero film in DC continuity right now GL is set. Wonder Woman and GA should be the next two, they could interconnect each other. Remember this is a DC Film Universe in the making so you wouldn't have to follow a logical path connecting the dots up to JLA.

If Cavill is up to it he could be Superman for a long time to come, that is unless Nolan has a hissy-fit about "Superhero Universes" overlaping each other.

What does the JLA need Batman for? Adam Strange is an available tactician type while The Question (Sage) covers gritty. Batman brings an audience but he also brings Nolan headaches.

Drop him.
If they want to use justice league to introduce characters then tey should use the original one that didn't have batman and superman
You need to bring in Batman and Superman to bring in the audience, especially after the GL film. If he is there and they aren't the audiences might not go to see it.
But also Superman is the most trusted hero in DC comics, and one of the most powerful. If he is on the team then the world will trust the JLA. Batman being on the team brings a tactician. You wont get a JLA film off the ground, or get an audience to see, if your team has Adam Strange or the Questions instead of Batman.
Plus Batman represents the human aspect. Unlike GL or the Flash he has no powers. He is a human and has no powers, but he is still the most dangerous member or the team, who has a plan to take down each member of the JLA if he had to. Just like he is in his own comics and movies, he is the most believable hero that the reader/audience can aspire to be.
Sure you can't really, but its more likely you can be Batman than Flash, GL, or Superman.
In a way he represents the audience. So you need Batman and Superman in the JLA movie.
But mostly because the studio wont green light a movie staring DC superheroes where the biggest name, and the only one with a movie so far, is Green Lantern.

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