if they were gonna make a new game of x-men, i want it to be kind of like halo-style....you can see first person mode. It would be really fun because you have your aim crossbar for your type of weapon, and in this case power, for example storm, you put it over a person and pull the right trigger, which causes a thunderbolt to crash down, but you don't always hit right on because that person moves, and if your rogue, storm, or jean, or any body else that can fly, you can fly into the air without having any energy bars, but when you get hit you fall down. If they could do that plus the graphics of halo like perspective...it's not going to be a copycat of halo, but similiar in that it is first person. It would be more fun that way so that you can explore more of the terrian and get a better feel on the game. You can even switch from third person to first person. That way would be fun too but another way would be a rpg based game, because if crystal chronicles can have 4 player rpg then so should an x-men game, where you get level up and buy stuff like new costumes or equipment....plus you get to explore towns and stuff, since it will be a 4 player rpg, then it would be fun to have split screen sort of, so that you can all explore different parts of the town at the same time, or follow your brother or sister around town to annoy them! lol