If you could have a wax figure of yourself...

The Spawn

Better Than You
Aug 10, 2002
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...in Madame Tussauds (NYC Wax Museum), what would you want this figure to be wearing? What pose would it be in?
Interesting thread...

Green Shorts & a Yellow T-shirt.
It depends on what I was famous for. If I was an actor I would want it to be the costume of one of my most well known roles or something. I would like it to be a suit though .
I would want to be posed with a camera, like I was taking the picture of another figure. That way stupid people would purposefully stay out of the frame until I finished taking the picture, or at least until they realized that I was a statue.
Superman tights, and in a pose that looks like I'm flying. :up:
Superman tights, and in a pose that looks like I'm flying. :up:

I actually took a picture of myself like that for photography class last year, and I photoshopped the background to look like the sky

As for me, I'd prefer one of my Spidey shirts and a pair f blue jeans. A suit would look nice but it's too common.
I would be in a pale blue sundress, holding sweet peas and looking down at them.
I actually took a picture of myself like that for photography class last year, and I photoshopped the background to look like the sky

As for me, I'd prefer one of my Spidey shirts and a pair f blue jeans. A suit would look nice but it's too common.

On second thought ..


Clark Kent doesn't wear Old Navy vests...
That wasn't from Old Navy ... that was actually from the inside from some coat I had when i was 10, i'm surprised it fit so well
That wasn't from Old Navy ... that was actually from the inside from some coat I had when i was 10, i'm surprised it fit so well

I like coats that have pieces. They're like transformers you wear.
You look like the guy from Heroes

yea people say I look like a lot of celebrities, but I can never see the resemblance.

I like coats that have pieces. They're like transformers you wear.

Lol yea, but I would've preferred a real vest for this pic. The only one i ever had was for my prom, and it was only a rental so i couldn't keep it :csad:
I live in NY but i've only been there once. But it's really cool. I have a pic of me grabbing J'Lo's ass :o
It's 30 bucks though.

Better free up a whole day.

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