Are you talking? Savage Dragon Volume 1: Baptism Of Fire? I was a little disapointed by it, so much so that I never moved onto Vol:2.that's a tough one.....the 1st Savage Dragon tpb, Tales of the TMNT vol.1, Vertigo's Doom Patrol or Swamp Thing tpb's, etc. Just way too damn many!
I was asking coz I wanted to know if I was thinking of the same trade or if there was another I didn't know about.Umm ok. And I care because??
savage dragon is everything comics should be.I was asking coz I wanted to know if I was thinking of the same trade or if there was another I didn't know about.
If I can have all 12 volumes, it's definitely Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix.
A masterpiece of storytelling, each story is self-contained in a different time (jumping from past in one volume to future in the next....ranging from the beginning of time to the end of time, and each volume moving closer and closer to "present time" in the final volume...which would have tied the whole story together if Tezuka had lived long enough to finish it.)