I guess if your kids need to cross the street they're on their own.
at bestThis is a sad snapshot of our society.....
Daddy touched my peepee.
t jail with you filthy people!mother too I imagine
At first I thought it was some sort of a joke
Anyone call the cops on me for holding my kid hand better start running, I'll bloody give them holy hell. Bloody idjits
Waaaaaaaaaait a minute. Morg, you don't have kids. Who are you trying to fool?
This is a sad snapshot of our society.....
and how would you know Jag? I do like to keep some personal stuff private
and how would you know Jag? I do like to keep some personal stuff private
When I was really little, my mom left me outide a store with my dad. He tried to get me to blow my nose, which I refused to do and started screaming and trying to get away from him. My mom came out of the store to find my dad trying to explain to a police officer what was going on. I ran up to my mom and cried 'mommy don't make me blow my nose!' Then they all laughed. I was traumatized.
Waaaaaaaaaait a minute. Morg, you don't have kids. Who are you trying to fool?