If your brother/sister's significant other was using the web to cheat..


Jun 6, 2006
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If your brother or sister's "significant other" was activley using an online community to pick up hot dates and you had proof, would you rat them out to your sibling?

Would you stay out of it?

What do you think?
Tell them, especially if you have proof.
Rat them out dude. If you can't rely on your family to be straight with you, then who can you rely on?

Sidenote: Make sure the proof is iron-clad before you stick your neck out.
Hells yeah! Never go against family or friends.
People may hate in the beginning, but if you are telling the truth, then they wont hate you for ever. Unless they are *****es.
your sibling will get over it
heavily hint because it may backfire on you.

Thats what I think may happen. Its hard to have iron clad proof without searching for it. And if I search for it, how do i explain this to my sibling?
set up an overly elaborate ruse to catch him.

In fact, call the TV show "Cheaters"
Tell your siblings significant other that you know about it. Give them the choice, they either admit it to your sibling or you rat their a$$ out.
^Oh yeah, then you stomp on their f***ing throat! Forgot that part.
I'd confront them first...if I see no results from the confrontation then I'd do an Emeril and kick it up a notch.

so what if I've been watching too much Food Network.
If it's a guy, beat him up. If it's a girl, just stab her in the neck with a pencil....chivalry is not dead.
yeah the confront the cheater first and give him/her an ultimatum. If s/he refuses to abide by your rules then tell your sibling. You could also use a video/audio recorder and then your proof would be ironclad.
Where is there a dilemma? :huh:

If you care about your sibling, you tell them that their S.O. is using an online community to get dates.

If you don't give a f*** about your sibling, you don't waste time involving yourself.

cL:huh:se thread
find out where online he's picking up the hot dates, and then go get yourself some ass.
I wouldn't care because I know it's impossible to find "hot dates" on the internet. :o
If your brother or sister's "significant other" was activley using an online community to pick up hot dates and you had proof, would you rat them out to your sibling?

Would you stay out of it?

What do you think?

Tell them. This is more than friendship this is family.
see if you can get a piece of that cheatin ass.... alls fair and yadda yadda.
If its a guy let em cheat, if its a woman tell you're brother immediately.

chivalry is not dead.

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