I actually don´t mind most of that cast list. I would actually bring in Cary Tagawa to play ... erh... what´s his name again? The leader of The Hand that killed Mariko and got his hand cut off by Wolvie, you know.
I would also use Gambit as Wolvies sidekick (so to say) as they have often worked good together in the comics and the character would bring some *BOOM* to Wolvies aid. Nice CGI, I bet.
I don´t see what Juggernaut would have to do in this movie though. Nor Deathstrike (unless prequal, but that would suck IMO.) If she´s dead, she´s dead.
I would have this movie take place in both Japan (for The Hand) and in Canada (for Wolvies past). Also some scenes from the school, where Gambit(now a graduate mutant student and fresh new member of the X-Men) joins Wolverine on his little quest. In Japan Wolvie faces his old master, Ogun, for advice on what to do, and tangles with "Guy who killed Mariko and lost his hand" and his bodyguard, Silver Samurai. They get outta there and are led to Canada.
In the woods near Alkali Lake they fight Sabretooth and Toad (being pissed that Wolverine aided the loss of Magnetos powers they want to get back at them. And Of course they are hired by the whole merry team of Weapon X, where Stryker survived the flood wave. Saved by Toad in the very last second.)
Wolverine And Gambit are captured and immediately experimented on. This would be a good place to have Mr Sinister appear as one of the scientists.
........................ I´m stoned right now and I´ve lost interest to continue writing this idea.