Is reaching 10,000 posts really a big deal?


Signing off
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
If not then what number would be considered a milestone?
I couldn't wait to get to 10,000 posts. Now I could care less how much I post in a day.
Post count doesn't mean anything, join date does!!!! [/A-M]
If not then what number would be considered a milestone?

10,000 is a milestone. Post counts used to mean a lot more back when your post count determined your title. It took 5,000 posts to get a custom title. Until then you'd be something like Side-Kick, Vigilante, Hero, Superhero, Legendary Superhero. I forget the others.
It depends. Some people just want to "up" their post count so they can get to that number (or whatever number they think is a milestone) while others just post occassionally whenever they feel the need. Some people will view it as an accomplishment, while others realize it's time to go outside. lol
6000, when you get the fat avvy.
For real...getting the big avatars mean a lot [to me]. I'm waiting until I can get on that big x big status
it's only a big deal if you make it out to be
I went on a post bender for a while, just so I could get a avvy.:o
I considered that a mile stone.
No ammount of posts is a big deal.
It doesnt matter I never really cared about post count though i think for the amount of time I've been here i have one of the lowest post counts
...says the man with 41,968 posts!
lol, hey, they don't matter much to me anymore... yeah, they did once, but you know, just give me my avvy and sig, and I'll be happy, no matter how many posts I have.
It doesnt matter I never really cared about post count though i think for the amount of time I've been here i have one of the lowest post counts

one of... yes
A high post count is kind of like Bizarro popularity.
You know, I don't think I've ever actually looked at my post count before.
But I'll take a gander after this one.
I don't really check my post count..I'm pretty sure if I had 5,000 posts I wouldn't be known much :D

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