Background: In Superman returns, we saw superman have a son, jason.
Having watched the movie a bit close up, I realise that he did indeed use his super strength burst - to the point that he didn't use his inhaler.
Personally while initially resistant to the idea, have come to realise that the character is closer to home than Superman, since he is half-human .. a part that all of us can completely relate to.
I would like suggestions on these (pick 1 or pick all):
1) A Jason Kent Story [from post Superman returns to till (if) he takes up the superhero mantle]
2) Jason Kent's powers, strengths (talents, skills, affinities) and weaknesses. What will they be? When will they develop. (optional
How will learn about his powers (episodes)? Similarities, Differences from Superman [father]
3] Jason Kent's progress as a Superhero, allies, enemies etc...
4] Jason Kent fan-interested plot in a Superman Returns sequel
To kick it views:
1) Jason finds out about his slowly developing powers, yet he is really insecure and uncertain, since his seems like 3 people (father, superman, clark kent). Lois and Richard are live in partners, but superman effectively romances lois in the privacy of their bedroom (in civilian wear). Due to troubles about his powers, Jason is angry with his father for being such a all-encompassing hero...since he realises that it is too big a burden to bear. His adolescence and youth are spent in this way. Till one day, where his father and the (new) justice league are completely unable to hold back a certain threat ... and his father pinned by Kryptonite and other weakening sources (magic, mind games, red-sun etc...) and is about to be killed publicly (like STAS with Darkseid). In that moment, Jason realsies the responsibilty and the power that comes with it....and takes on his superhero mantle. Making his debut completely ovecoming the adversary, saving his father and doing some pretty big saves (like jet falling etc...) to save the day.
All of Superman's powers. His human side base-level is naturally enhanced to
'heroes' or 'sentinel' or 'wolverine/xmen' type abilities, due to the hybrid of Human and Advanced Kryptonian DNA. These human 'powers' are like proortional enhancements of our normal capabilities. At his lowest, he is about as fit as an Olympic Class Athlete.
He is able to soften himself to human levels and strenghten himself to Superman Levels, which is based on his emotional state. By default, so long as there is cause for action, his systems harden. He was trained in this in the Fortress of Solitude. This is unlike his father, who is consistently solid and tough.
As a thrilling side line, in learning about his powers, he casually picked up Aikido and was into Ninjutsu (fantasy role-play). He 'practiced' this by way of habit in addition to his growing powers,aiming to perfect his form to his standards. Soon the more mature he got and began to weave in these skills into his adventures. If need be he can enter search a room more silently and yet speedily than Batman.
It also enabled him to not hold back, yet not hurt anyone he was fighting ... even at full force. At baseline levels it would look like Steven Seagal meets Batman meets Cyclops (xmen).
Kind, Brave Heart (father), Serious Demeanour (from Lois + attitude from his growing up days), Accomplished Pianist and Percussionist, Dedicated, determined, curious and daredevil.
Accomplished writer and counsellor. Working with the Daily Planet, but in a senior editor role with special investigations, operations & foreign liaisons - direct dealings with the US CIA and the White House as Daily Planet's representatives. Chief Advisor and Director of the Social Wellness Humaniarian society - a branch of social welfare movement, a mega - project initiated through the Daily Planet Staff Recreation Committee. With this latest role, his senior editor role comes in with a Strategic capacity. [invariably it has also allowed him to know that is happening in the world - and to use his abilities ... in his father's footsteps]
Jason' weaknesses: Less intense in terms of Kryptonian weaknesses. But the Human Weaknesses are magnified. For example, while we feel stress or afriad etc...the chemical reaction and enhanced sensitivity to the effects, magnifies it many times. So long as he is not thinking clearly, it becomes worse.
Emotional Tension: Effectively it paralyses his Human side along with his immune system. Accelerated due to his Kryptonian DNA component. He needs to exercise calm and emotional control to overcome the effects.
Kryptonite: His Human side is powerful at resisting Kryptonite radiation. WIth Kryptonian DNA, his body twice more resistant to any form of human radiation. When weakned by Kryptonite, the Kryptonian aspect of his body, feeds of and amplifies the strength and resistance provided by Human aspect to Kryptonite Radiation. It therefore takes his 4x longer than a human to be affected by Kryptonite.
Jason can be fully exposed to Green Kryptonite for more than month, to experience the effects Superman will experience after 1 min of exposure. A normal person will circum to radaition burns etc...within days or a week.
However, if wrought with emotional tension (i.e agony matrix + mind attacks), Kryptonite will affect him at a much faster rate, about 50% for that of Superman.
Red Sun Radiation: It dims Jason's powers somewhat, but its much like a settng yellow sun to him. This is because of his multiple metabolic capability - from food, from yellow sun reservoir and hybrid DNA.
Magic: He is about as susceptible to magic or mind games as a normal human who can't see between the lines. With determination, he has some resistance to it.
3] Jason kent gains the respect of Superman and the World. Superman still leads the charge, but Jason takes on the more internal or underground elements ... kind of like a strike force. Eventually he is joined into the new justice league, consisting of new heroes and a new Batman (Terry Mcginnis). [
in Epilogue, when Bruce says "Kent called" was Jason Kent, not Clark ...although Clark recommended Terry for advice].
Enemies are the younger version of both Old Justice League enemies, STAS enemies, as well as Batman Beyond enemies, all inspired by their predecessors. Accept that these guys are more serious and power hungry, smarter, technlogically savvy and better organised.
4] I believe the sequel should look at a development of Jason;s powers. not too extravaant, but an obvious conditional use of his abilities ... albeit innocently to protect the one's he loves ... includng superman (say throwing kryptonite away or jjust tossing a concrete slab away...small things like that...that allows Superman to recover and continue the fight). Age wise, maybe 8 or 11-12 years...just before puberty.