Yeah, he was one of my favourites, loved all those books, Catcher being my fav, followed by Franny and Zooey, then I would say the short story 'Teddy'.
Someone gave me copies of all the stories he wrote that were published in newspapers but never put in book form, but I don't know what I did with them, I put off reading them as I was thinking they might not have been up to much if he didn't want them collected.
He was supposed to have kept writing about the Glass family, if he did , I would love to read more stories about them, he was kind of obsessed with them, so I wouldn't be surprised.
If anyone has not read it, the bio, 'In Search of JD Salinger' by Ian Hamilton is a great read, it ends with him being taken to court by Salinger, really interesting.
and ok, a film would never do it justice, but who wouldn't be in line on the first day for a Catcher film? I know I would, I think I would be happy either way, if it remains unfilmed, fine, folk have to read the book and get the full story, if a decent film is made, cool, I can flick it on as an added extra, like the Watchmen movie.
There was an interview with Jay McInernay on the bbc news site today, and he was saying that he thought the days of Catcher speaking to the younger generation were over, he gave a copy to his 13yr old son, and he really enjoyed it, but in this day and age of the net, kids maybe don't relate so naturally to the book. He also made the very pertinant point about how the book came before Elvis, Rock n Roll, 'Rebel without a Cause', and all these other ingredients of the youth revolution, so it was a lot more shocking and revolutionary to read to that generation then any other, although for generations, it was still kind of a shock to read, and something that did kick a lot of young minds open to the fact that a lot of thoughts and feelings they had were not so strange, and perfectly natural.
the JmcInerney interview is on this page:
R.I.P. JD Salinger Here's to a legend, a great writer and a guy who was not adverse to doing handstands at parties