JFK Murder Mystery??


Sep 15, 2005
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Ok, so I just got into this subject, but James Files claims he was the shooter in the grassy knoll and he was working for a New Orleans Mafia boss. I first read about it in "JFK and Sam", and then I found this website, jfkmurdersolved.com ....

Do you believe James Files? Is he telling the truth, why or why not???
Also, what did you guys think of the JFK murder?
Holy ****! JFK was murdered? AND there is a mystery surrounding it?
hey batman333! Now make some "Is there a God", "Are you for or against abortion", "should marijuana be legalized", "Creationism vs. Evolution" and "I need advice regarding this girl I want to bump uglies with." threads! :up:
Wilhelm-Scream said:
hey batman333! Now make some "Is there a God", "Are you for or against abortion", "should marijuana be legalized", "Creationism vs. Evolution" and "I need advice regarding this girl I want to bump uglies with." threads! :up:
I think we could use a couple more "which hurts more" threads. Maybe this time, stubbing your toe vs. vaginal mutilation.
Oh, come on. Look up the "Bay of Pigs thing". JFK was killed by the CIA, and Nixon was complicit.
What happened...he was killed by the Mafia. Both him and his brother were huge into crackdowns on the Mafia, something they obviously did not like. Did the CIA KNOW James Files and Harvel Oslwald were going to "wack" Kennedy, probably. Did the orchestrate it, probably not...There would be no reason for them to do it that way. However if they did know, they most certainly had reason to turn a blind eye to it.
It was the reptiles. Their very first scheme against America.
ShadowBoxing said:
What happened...he was killed by the Mafia. Both him and his brother were huge into crackdowns on the Mafia, something they obviously did not like. Did the CIA KNOW James Files and Harvel Oslwald were going to "wack" Kennedy, probably. Did the orchestrate it, probably not...There would be no reason for them to do it that way. However if they did know, they most certainly had reason to turn a blind eye to it.

The CIA definately participated. In the Nixon tapes, Nixon suggests threatening the CIA with bringing up that whole "Bay of Pigs thing". Nixon's chief of staff, Halderman, later said that "Bay of Pigs thing" was code for the Kennedy assassination. I'd assume the CIA helped the mafia assassinate Kennedy, partly in retaliation for the REAL Bay of Pigs.
JLBats said:
The CIA definately participated. In the Nixon tapes, Nixon suggests threatening the CIA with bringing up that whole "Bay of Pigs thing". Nixon's chief of staff, Halderman, later said that "Bay of Pigs thing" was code for the Kennedy assassination. I'd assume the CIA helped the mafia assassinate Kennedy, partly in retaliation for the REAL Bay of Pigs.
Naw they did not need to help them, they just allowed what happen to happen....took advantage of a situation that presented itself. Besides you could just as easily threaten the organization with proving they knew what going to happen.
ShadowBoxing said:
Naw they did not need to help them, they just allowed what happen to happen....took advantage of a situation that presented itself. Besides you could just as easily threaten the organization with proving they knew what going to happen.

I'd assume they just threatened them that it might become known to the world that they knew beforehand of the assassination.

Either way, Nixon and the CIA knew the truth about it, and they allowed it to happen.
JLBats said:
I'd assume they just threatened them that it might become known to the world that they knew beforehand of the assassination.

Either way, Nixon and the CIA knew the truth about it, and they allowed it to happen.
I think thats what I said.

I'd wager to bet they know about a LOT beforehand. However because of SOP and just their general secrecy and mistrust of others with their information they (inadvertently sometimes) allow this stuff to happen.
ShadowBoxing said:
I think thats what I said.

I'd wager to bet they know about a LOT beforehand. However because of SOP and just their general secrecy and mistrust of others with their information they (inadvertently sometimes) allow this stuff to happen.

Yeah, I was basically agreeing with you, it just came out wrong.
ShadowBoxing said:

No, I was there. It was the Crab people that did it.

Nah, JFK was killed by the mob. Lee Harvy Oswald was the scape goat because he was a communist.
I love how Lincoln hand is on the American flag. See how much he loved his country!!
Lord Siva said:
And John Wikes Booth was a Crab Person.

The Crab People on Lizard People violence has GOT to stop!!!

If the guy drawing the picture had that amount of time to do it, why didnt he save abe!
Mrs. Lincoln was obviously a Lizard person. Look at her, Abe is reaching out to take her hand and she's giving him the cold shoulder.
ampersand said:
Mrs. Lincoln was obviously a Lizard person. Look at her, Abe is reaching out to take her hand and she's giving him the cold shoulder.
Shes watching the show. or maybe she was in on it
I wonder if JFK had dreams of his demise like Lincoln supposedly did.
Abaddon said:
I wonder if JFK had dreams of his demise like Lincoln supposedly did.
Supposedly he or a friend said something to the effect of "If someone wanted to kill me this would be the perfect opportunity" before he road through Dallas

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