JLA soundtrack


Hal Jordan's replacement
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hey what cool songs do you think will be in the JLA movie?
Something instrumental, I don't want stupid rock music blaring out.
Why are you guys so against rock soundtracks? They can have 2 - the score and the songs. Than you can just get the one you want and not the other one. How hard is that?
Why are you guys so against rock soundtracks? They can have 2 - the score and the songs. Than you can just get the one you want and not the other one. How hard is that?

Go watch Daredevil again. The only thing wrong with that movie was the awful music videos.
I didn't know they played music videos during Daredevil. :oldrazz:

I wouldn't mind an "Inspired by..." soundtrack. Of course the movie should just have the score. A couple of songs over the end credits wouldn't be so bad, though.
How many has he done? All I know is Batman, which is brilliant and Spider-Man, which isn't.
They should get John Williams. Superman, Star Wars, Jaws. He's a legend.
John William's kicks Elfman's butt when it comes to soundtracks.

williams has a bigger career, but that doesn't mean elfman isn't as good as he is. I think they're both awesome and two completely different styles.
I agree with buggs. I think Elfman's getting too overused in the superhero genre -- with Batman, Spider-Man and Hulk on his resume I think he wants a break.

A more realistic option should the JL film get back on track would be John Powell. Miller loved the collaboration he and Powell had while working on Happy Feet and he seems like the go-to guy for Miller now. I would be thrilled if John Williams was asked to score it, though.
Go watch Daredevil again. The only thing wrong with that movie was the awful music videos.

F the videos, the soundtrack was kinda enjoyable. Although it aint touching Spider-Man and Batman Forever or Blade 1's.

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