Johanssen critics are distracted

According to the review at Scarlett-Fan (Scarlett's fansite), it's not full frontal.
According to the review at Scarlett-Fan (Scarlett's fansite), it's not full frontal.

Are there at least boobs :(
hippie_hunter said:
Are there at least boobs :(

They didn't say.

The review as a whole was mostly negative. From what I heard Scarlett was given little to do at all.
They didn't say.

The review as a whole was mostly negative. From what I heard Scarlett was given little to do at all.
Scarlett has expressed interest in doing nude scenes. She wanted to do one for The Island, but Michael Bay said no.
They didn't say.

The review as a whole was mostly negative. From what I heard Scarlett was given little to do at all.

The review was negatiove on a fansite b/c the movie wasn;t all Scarlett ?
hunter rider said:
The review was negatiove on a fansite b/c the movie wasn;t all Scarlett ?

No. They also said that it left out too many details from the novel. She actually did say Scarlett's performance was disappointing, so there's no bias.
scarlett's performance is always dissapointing. her acting really comes off bland and wooden at times.
GoldenAgeHero said:
scarlett's performance is always dissapointing. her acting really comes off bland and wooden at times.


Acting-wise she's generally praised by critics. The offical first review for TBD gave her performance a passibg grade (the film as a whole got an A -)

Acting-wise she's generally praised by critics. The offical first review for TBD gave her performance a passibg grade (the film as a whole got an A -)

good for the critics but for me she comes off bland. but i would't expect a fanboy such as yourself to agree with me anyways.
GoldenAgeHero said:
good for the critics but for me she comes off bland. but i would't expect a fanboy such as yourself to agree with me anyways.

A lot of people disagree with you, so no hard feelings.
GoldenAgeHero said:
and who are these lots of people? your imaginary friends?

Critics, moviegoers, fellow fanboys, possibly a few of my REAL friends.
No. They also said that it left out too many details from the novel. She actually did say Scarlett's performance was disappointing, so there's no bias.

Strange,the reviews coming out of Venice are really positive for the movie and Scarlett's role as an important supporting character is being well recived,Hartnett is the main one all the rest are in smaller parts
hunter rider said:
Strange,the reviews coming out of Venice are really positive for the movie and Scarlett's role as an important supporting character is being well recived,Hartnett is the main one all the rest are in smaller parts

Thanks. By the way, has anyone read the actual novel?
Thanks. By the way, has anyone read the actual novel?

When I was a bit younger I got into Ellroy, so I think I tried to read it. I don't remember any of it though.
JLBats said:
When I was a bit younger I got into Ellroy, so I think I tried to read it. I don't remember any of it though.

Didn't he also do L.A. Confidential? And did you see the suit he wore to the premier?
This thread is severely lacking in Scarlet Johanssen pictures :o
Didn't he also do L.A. Confidential? And did you see the suit he wore to the premier?

Yeah, he did LA Confidential, and he liked it, and he seems to like Black Dahlia, so I'm going to take his word for it and say the film will probably be good, even though I'm anticipating three other movies a lot more.

And yeah, that suit looked ridiculous.

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