Jonathan Pryce cast as the President of U.S.A.


Feb 28, 2004
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El Mayimbe here with some quickie election results...

In 2009, neither McCain nor Obama is the President of the United States!

In Stephen Sommer’s big screen live-action adaptation of G.I.JOE, Johnathan Pryce aka Elliot Carver aka Govenor Weatherby Swan will be the President.

The President has a small but integral part in the film.

Stay tuned as more develops...

From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite co-ed GI JOE team, based from it’s headquarters The Pit, deploys the latest in next-gen spy and military equipment to fight crooked arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious COBRA organization from plunging the world into chaos.

G.I. Joe is due out Summer 2009.
I wonder if he'll try to be a media king and try to take over the world's tv and then see how things are when James Bond has to fight them
He can't be president of the U.S.A, he's not a natural-born citizen.:cwink:
Ironically, we have a foreigner playing the US President who speaks far better English than the current real US president.
Ironically, we have a foreigner playing the US President who speaks far better English than the current real US president.
Whoaa.. watch what you say. I dont know if you are a U.S. citizen, but if so you know how our freedoms are being snatched up daily. I hada friend who critisized the Bush administration on a message board, and a few months later he just stopped posting. Curious.

Anyway, I hope the president eats Hostess snacks in this movie.
Whoaa.. watch what you say. I dont know if you are a U.S. citizen, but if so you know how our freedoms are being snatched up daily. I hada friend who critisized the Bush administration on a message board, and a few months later he just stopped posting. Curious.

Anyway, I hope the president eats Hostess snacks in this movie.

sounds like your friend got black bagged CIA style!

Sweet Pryce is a great actor. Brazil FTW :cwink:
isn't the movie set 10 years in the future?

why won't their be presidents 10 years from now :huh:

Perhaps Robot presidents who shoot lasers out their eyes and spit acid. That would be the most badass president ever.
Nah, they should've gotten Stephen Colbert to play as 'Stephen Colbert'. You know he's going to be the next president. :D
The article says that neither McCain nor Obama will be President, if the movie is set 10yrs in the future, that goes with out saying.
the Pryce is right!

hes a great actor. good casting.
Whoaa.. watch what you say. I dont know if you are a U.S. citizen, but if so you know how our freedoms are being snatched up daily. I hada friend who critisized the Bush administration on a message board, and a few months later he just stopped posting. Curious.

I've actually been posting from an un-air conditioned cell Guantanamo Bay for the last 6 month. The guards cut off my thumbs and my left foot, but I managed to steal one guard's iPhone while he was practicing waterboarding on himself, so I should be able to keep posting until he stops paying the bill... Or I get caught using it.
Good actor except he has a very distinguished British accent.

Hopefully he can hide it well.
I'm still laughing at the concept of a British President of the United States!:hehe: Oh wait a second, is'nt someone trying to push a bill through that would let say naturalized Citizens run for the nations highest office?:wow:
Hello President Schwarzenneger!
there's a concept called "acting", maybe you've heard of it?

Yea him being naturally from other country as nothing to do with it, Hugh Jackman is Australian....he's playing a character that's from canada...nobody seems to be up in arms about that...This nationality crap is beyond ridiculous!:wow:
On this one I have to give a hearty, huh? I'm sure he won't be a British President and like it's been stated he's an actor. Most of you folks went to see Batman begins right? Christian Bale AND Gary oldman are brits yet you couldn't tell.
Seriously though, I think this whole nationality/ethnicity issue is a bit much. If this was maybe the 1920s, then perhaps. But it's 2008 now. Racism's gone out of fashion. Sure, maybe it's not the way you would have done it, but it's certainly not a 'problem' someone is of a different race/nationality.

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