Justice League Heroes Trailer

frickin sweet I cant wait for this game. The trailer makes it seem like war of the worldsish. I hope its not like the f4 movie game.
A 31 second trailer (even less if you include opening and endings, more like 28 seconds) is a "teaser" really. Reminds me of X-MEN LEGENDS, which is probably why this game is being made at all. I mean, both LEGENDS games sold well, so why can't DC/WB get in on the trend? RPG-style games work better with a team of heroes than solo adventuring or fighting games anyway.
I hate the fact that theres no GC port. Anyways, I'm on the fence about this game. On one hand, John Stewart. On the other, only 2 characters rather than XML's 4. Plus, villain-wise this seems quite weak. Out of the 10 villains in the game, 2 of them are Queen Bee and White Martians. Lets just hope Lex Luthor and Darkseid are in here. This game has a huge chance of sucking, but at the same time, Snowblind has a damn good track record. No matter what, looks like I'm getting it for my PS3. By the time that comes out, JLH will all ready be at $20.
Awesome, so JL isn't quite dead yet. We still have something to live for.
Yeah but this isnt based on the Toon. :/
Well it looks to be a braniac story, so it should be good.
This game is going to suck:

1. You can only play as two heroes at a time

2. Lack of Aquaman

3. John Stewart is the Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan or Kyle Rayner.

4. Those graphics suck

5. That trailer sucks
hippie_hunter said:
This game is going to suck:

1. You can only play as two heroes at a time

2. Lack of Aquaman

3. John Stewart is the Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan or Kyle Rayner.

4. Those graphics suck

5. That trailer sucks
1. I thought it was 4 like X-Men Legends but only 2 player coop?
2. There are other unlockable characters, so maybe Aquaman is in it.
3. Have to agree there, I'd rather see Hal but I like John too.
4. The graphics are pretty good for PS2.
5. Yeah, but it's just a teaser, those aren't usually that good.
Mee said:
1. I thought it was 4 like X-Men Legends but only 2 player coop?
2. There are other unlockable characters, so maybe Aquaman is in it.
3. Have to agree there, I'd rather see Hal but I like John too.
4. The graphics are pretty good for PS2.
5. Yeah, but it's just a teaser, those aren't usually that good.

I believe the Cube and XBox versions were 4 player
I think it looks okay from what I can see. I just think they could improve on a few things. I also think as an unlockable bonus you should be able to play with the Teen Titans (Superboy, Robin, etc) or as Nightwing or JSA or any other hero. But I do agree it should be a four player game I hope it is for the 360.
SsM said:
Its based on one of the comic books.
It's based on the comic book JLA but it's an original story written by one of JLU's best writers. So I would guess it will be somewhat like the show.
droogiedroogie2 said:
Seriously? That blows.
They probably want to ape the "appeal" of X-Men: Legends, which weren't based on any animated incarnation of the X-Men either (the designs were pretty much pulled from Ultimate X-Men for the most part). Plus, the last video game based on a Timmverse cartoon, BATMAN: RISE OF SIN TZU back in 2003, apparently didn't pull the sort of sales numbers that they wanted, so they're probably branching off from the niche of the cartoons and trying to be more "general" to attract more gamers.

For the record, RISE OF SIN TZU was the last time that Loren Lester voiced Dick Grayson/Nightwing for something Timm-related. It was also the first and only time that Scott Menville voiced Robin for "Gotham Knights", rather than the non-Timm related TEEN TITANS.
Cartoon or comic doesn't matter, if it's a good game it should sell. To date, no DC game has been very good.
Lets hope Conroy is Batman's voice actor.
It will be weird not having him as Batman after 15 years.

The game looks like its going to suck.
I'm glad they are making a Marvel Legends game though.
Mee said:
It's based on the comic book JLA but it's an original story written by one of JLU's best writers. So I would guess it will be somewhat like the show.
So it's sort of like Batman Dark Tomorrow, in that it's not exactly "continuity" or anything, but it's based in the comic DCU?

Dread said:
They probably want to ape the "appeal" of X-Men: Legends, which weren't based on any animated incarnation of the X-Men either (the designs were pretty much pulled from Ultimate X-Men for the most part). Plus, the last video game based on a Timmverse cartoon, BATMAN: RISE OF SIN TZU back in 2003, apparently didn't pull the sort of sales numbers that they wanted, so they're probably branching off from the niche of the cartoons and trying to be more "general" to attract more gamers.

For the record, RISE OF SIN TZU was the last time that Loren Lester voiced Dick Grayson/Nightwing for something Timm-related. It was also the first and only time that Scott Menville voiced Robin for "Gotham Knights", rather than the non-Timm related TEEN TITANS.
Sin Tzu and Vengeance didn't sell well because they were poor games, not because they were based on the cartoons. Sometimes, I swear, business people are ******ed.

Warhammer said:
Lets hope Conroy is Batman's voice actor.
It will be weird not having him as Batman after 15 years.
It may not be based on the toon, but Dwayne Mcduffie is writing the story and they're using John Stewart. I really hope since Mcduffie is involved the voice actors from JLU will provide the voices.
Really for voice I wouldn't mind Routh and Bale doing Superman and Batman and to be honest I would mind seeing the movie suits for the two as well. I mean we may not get a team up movie and I know it will be a while before we get a JL movie so why not have the two work together for this project.

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