Layer Cake


Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
Me and my dad just finished watching it, and I thought it was amazing--a stark, realistic portrayal of a low-level middleman forced into an extraordinary situation and making him into a high-level middleman.

I never saw Daniel Craig in a movie until this, and now I'm definately sold on him as Bond--he's a hell of an actor.

Plus, the transporter guy in Star Trek: The Next Generation is in it, which gives it instant cool points in my book.

The only problem I had with it was that the diologue was sometimes too fast and the slang used in it made it difficult to understand, but hopefully it will be easier to understand over multiple showings.

All and all, a good, solid gangster flick. :up:

What's everyone's thoughts on the movie?
It was ok. Not as good as the the movies Vaughn has produced. Although i think Daniel Craig is going to surprise the nay-sayers as bond.
i thought it was great, and i think in time Matt Vaughn is going to go down as a great director. What impresses me is that in his first movie as a director, he refused to let sony push him around. the ending is the one he wanted. they told him not to film it, he did anyway, and they found it tested best.

I really suspect that after I see X3, Im going to be thinking "I would love to have seen what Vaughn would have done with it
logansoldcigar said:
i thought it was great, and i think in time Matt Vaughn is going to go down as a great director. What impresses me is that in his first movie as a director, he refused to let sony push him around. the ending is the one he wanted. they told him not to film it, he did anyway, and they found it tested best.

I really suspect that after I see X3, Im going to be thinking "I would love to have seen what Vaughn would have done with it

Absolutely. Layer Cake was a brilliant film, nothing new story wise, but just the way it was done was so amazing. Craig, Daniel Craig. I had no idea Vaughn had to fight to keep the ending, more power to him.
yeah, its on the commentary with the deleted scenes (only commentary I ever heard,. forgot to turn it off)
i love layer cake, almost as good as lock, stock and snatch :D
It was okay. It tried way TOO HARD to be the next Snatch. But Snatch is a very good movie that knows what it is doing and is not just a mere imitation. And while Craig is a good character actor he was boring and uncharismatic in this movie and that would explain why there is such an apathy when he dies at the end.

It was a good way to kill a couple of hours though.
I absolutely love this film. You have to see it 3-4 times to understand everything. The acting is great, and the direction is simply fantastic.
I absolutely adore the final sixty seconds.
Michael Gambon was great in this film to, and George Harris was insanely cool:



I thought that the movie was okay but the I didn't like the lead character, he was a whinney wimp.
^^ agreed i had heard the hype sourounding this movie, went in with high expectations and was dissapointed.

Layer Cake.... 4/10
Dynasty said:
^^ agreed i had heard the hype sourounding this movie, went in with high expectations and was dissapointed.

Layer Cake.... 4/10

I had high expectations, and the movie lived up to them. Now that I've seen it 4 times, and understand everything I rate it 9/10, maybe it deserves a bit higher to.

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