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Left Behind: The Series


I Work Too Much
Staff member
Apr 29, 2004
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This is a thread dedicated to the Christian series Left Behind, as well as its subsequent sequels, and prequels as well as films, games, and etc.

'Left Behind' is a series of 16 best-selling novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, dealing with the Rapture and the end of the world. The primary conflict of the series is the members of the Tribulation Force against the Global Community and its leader Nicolae Carpathia—the Antichrist.

Left Behind tells the story of the end times, in which many have been "raptured," leaving the world shattered and chaotic. As people scramble for answers, a Romanian politician named Nicolae Jetty Carpathia rises to become secretary-general of the United Nations, promising to restore peace and stability to all nations. What most of the world does not realize is that Carpathia is actually the Antichrist foretold from the Bible. Coming to grips with the truth and becoming born-again Christians, Rayford Steele, his daughter Chloe, their pastor Bruce Barnes, and young journalist Cameron "Buck" Williams begin their quest as the Tribulation Force to help save the lost and prepare for the coming Tribulation, in which God will rain down judgment on the world for seven years.

official site: http://www.leftbehind.com/

Please do not come into this thread to bash the series based solely on it being a "religious" series. It would be in poor taste.

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Here is a List of the Books in the Series, as Well as their order in the series. Numbers in parenthesis are the years in which the books were published.

The Rising: Antichrist is Born: Before They Were Left Behind (2005) [22]
The Regime: Evil Advances: Before They Were Left Behind (2005) [23]
The Rapture: In the Twinkling of an Eye: Countdown to Earth's Last Days (2006)

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days (1995)
Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind (1996)
Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (1997)
Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides (1999)
Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed (1999)
Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (1999)
The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession (2000)
The Mark: The Beast Rules the World (2000)
Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne (2001)
The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon (2002)
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages (2003)
Glorious Appearing: The End of Days (2004)
Kingdom Come: The Final Victory (2007)
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Here is a List of the Books in the Series, as Well as their order in the series. Numbers in parenthesis are the years in which the books were published.

The Rising: Antichrist is Born: Before They Were Left Behind (2005) [22]
The Regime: Evil Advances: Before They Were Left Behind (2005) [23]
The Rapture: In the Twinkling of an Eye: Countdown to Earth's Last Days (2006)

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days (1995)
Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind (1996)
Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (1997)
Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides (1999)
Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed (1999)
Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (1999)
The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession (2000)
The Mark: The Beast Rules the World (2000)
Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne (2001)
The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon (2002)
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages (2003)
Glorious Appearing: The End of Days (2004)
Kingdom Come: The Final Victory (2007)

Wow, I didn't know about the prequels, nor the last one, Kingdom Come.

I heard they also made a youg teen version of the series as well.

I've read Left Behind, up until the Glorious Appearing. For the most part, very good series. It sucks though that out of all the characters only
Rayford makes it all the way to the end
Wow, I didn't know about the prequels, nor the last one, Kingdom Come.

I heard they also made a youg teen version of the series as well.

I've read Left Behind, up until the Glorious Appearing. For the most part, very good series. It sucks though that out of all the characters only
Rayford makes it all the way to the end

I'm currently in the latter third of Glorious Appearing. I have Kingdom Come and 2 of the prequels, but I've yet to read them. Instead of paying like 12-15 bucks each at the book store, i picked each one up new from the "used" book stores on Amazon for less than a dollar each for most :up:

I've heard there is a young teen version of the series as well. there's also graphic novels that cover some chapters/books(?) but i'm not to knowledgable on those.

as for your spoiler, i thought that it would be like that :(
but you always secretly hope not
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I've read part of the young teen series...it was actually quite good.

I have no interest in the prequels :csad:
I'm currently in the latter third of Glorious Appearing. I have Kingdom Come and 2 of the prequels, but I've yet to read them. Instead of paying like 12-15 bucks each at the book store, i picked each one up new from the "used" book stores on Amazon for less than a dollar each for most :up:

I've heard there is a young teen version of the series as well. there's also graphic novels that cover some chapters/books(?) but i'm not to knowledgable on those.

as for your spoiler, i can thought that it would be like that :(
but you always secretly hope not
There's also "dramatic book on tape" versions as well. Full musical score, cast, sound effects...

I've seen the first movie...and....and....yeah....it was pretty awful...
There's also "dramatic book on tape" versions as well. Full musical score, cast, sound effects...

I've seen the first movie...and....and....yeah....it was pretty awful...

i know it'd never sell based on concept and whatnot alone, but i'd like to see this done as a live action tv series or big budget films. with all the action and stuff, as well as being character driven books, i think if done right, it could transfer to the screen well.

i've heard bad things about the kirk cameron films, in terms of quality :(
i know it'd never sell based on concept and whatnot alone, but i'd like to see this done as a live action tv series or big budget films. with all the action and stuff, as well as being character driven books, i think if done right, it could transfer to the screen well.

i've heard bad things about the kirk cameron films, in terms of quality :(

I agree, there is alot of potential for these books to be made in to serious films...they have all the staples of summer blockbusters - action, mystery, suspense, romance...its just that christian movies are no better then the b-movies you see at blockbuster. I don't know if its due to limited funding, or the talent pool is lacking or what...they're just .... meh.

If a good writer and director from hollywood had the balls to take on a project like Left Behind, it could really be incredible....hell would freeze over first but...its always a nice thought.
By the way, I always pictured Dennis Quaid as Rayford...Buck I'm not sure sure...I can see the face, but its alittle to foggy to make out who the actor could be.
I agree, there is alot of potential for these books to be made in to serious films...they have all the staples of summer blockbusters - action, mystery, suspense, romance...its just that christian movies are no better then the b-movies you see at blockbuster. I don't know if its due to limited funding, or the talent pool is lacking or what...they're just .... meh.

If a good writer and director from hollywood had the balls to take on a project like Left Behind, it could really be incredible....hell would freeze over first but...its always a nice thought.

i don't really think the actors in the movie have to be Christians, although the authors would probably prefer it. If they can play the roles believeable I would be satisfied. I'm not sure it would be a summer blockbuster, based on subject matter alone, but like you said, it has a lot of big movie drawing factors, action, romance, mystery, as well as being character driven. You find charismatic actors who do the characters justice and it would work pretyt well i think. Also, if they do up the action and destruction, not skimping on budget and doing good effects, it would improve the quality of the films as well as provide proof at how serious and destructive these events could be. i could see this coming out around Christmas or around the time of year it is now. There's usually not too many big movies coming out at the beginning of the year and it could be a sleeper hit.

By the way, I always pictured Dennis Quaid as Rayford...Buck I'm not sure sure...I can see the face, but its alittle to foggy to make out who the actor could be.

i'm not sure of him as Rayford, but I could see him as Mac, accent and all.
i always pictured Rayford somewhat similar to the look of the guy who played J. Jonah Jameson, more in that body type and stature, not exactly with the salt and pepper hair and the voice of that actor doesn't really fit his voice in my head.

Buck would be probably the most important to cast. He's most likely the one characer most would identify with or get interested in.
also, i just finished Glorious Appearing last night. Was night to finish it finally, i've been reading it off and on throughout most of 2008, while reading other books too. i'll most likely wait a while before I read Kingdom Come, just cuz there's another book I want to read before.
Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days (1995)
Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind (1996)
Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (1997)
Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides (1999)
Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed (1999)
Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (1999)
The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession (2000)
The Mark: The Beast Rules the World (2000)
Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne (2001)
The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon (2002)
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages (2003)
Glorious Appearing: The End of Days (2004)

I own the above 12 books and have read them all. I am currently re-reading them and am on Nicolae (book 3).

I'm not really interested in the prequels and I have no idea why they would have written a book after #12 Glorious Appearing.

Has anyone read "Kingdom Come"?
I'm not really interested in the prequels and I have no idea why they would have written a book after #12 Glorious Appearing.

Has anyone read "Kingdom Come"?

I had no idea that "Kingdom Come" existed until reading this thread.

For some reason though, I'm not too interested in reading it. Curious to mind out what the plot is, but not enough to hunt it down and read it.
I own the above 12 books and have read them all. I am currently re-reading them and am on Nicolae (book 3).

I'm not really interested in the prequels and I have no idea why they would have written a book after #12 Glorious Appearing.

Has anyone read "Kingdom Come"?

i have Kingdom Come but I've yet to read it. I just finished Glorious Appearing the other night.

I know one of the prequels has to do with the backstory on Nicolae and how he came to be, and I think one has to do with the main characters, and their lives leading up to the Rapture, like Raiford and his thoughts of cheating, and who knows what else.

I'm not entirely sure what Kingdom Come is about, but I'd guess it's either about the 1000 year reign on Earth, or when Satan comes unbound. I'm supposed to go out of town soon so this might be my on the road reading.
i'm not sure of him as Rayford, but I could see him as Mac, accent and all.
i always pictured Rayford somewhat similar to the look of the guy who played J. Jonah Jameson, more in that body type and stature, not exactly with the salt and pepper hair and the voice of that actor doesn't really fit his voice in my head.

Buck would be probably the most important to cast. He's most likely the one characer most would identify with or get interested in.

Really? Thats totally from left field for me. I always thought of Rayford as a guy who would have been considered a "hunk" in his youth. But you are right, Buck would be a very important casting choice (ie: not Kirk Cameron).
Really? Thats totally from left field for me. I always thought of Rayford as a guy who would have been considered a "hunk" in his youth. But you are right, Buck would be a very important casting choice (ie: not Kirk Cameron).

i don't mean exactly like the J. Jonah guy lol, but I could see him as being similar in height and build. I kinda thought he'd have sharper features, like a strong jawline maybe, and the short kind of hair that the actor did in playing Jameson, not really looking like him much at all actually i guess. if that makes any kind of sense.
I think he'd be fairly good looking, after all, the much younger Hattie wanted an affair wit him, so he has to have some kind of physical attraction i'd assume.
i have Kingdom Come but I've yet to read it. I just finished Glorious Appearing the other night.

I know one of the prequels has to do with the backstory on Nicolae and how he came to be, and I think one has to do with the main characters, and their lives leading up to the Rapture, like Raiford and his thoughts of cheating, and who knows what else.

I'm not entirely sure what Kingdom Come is about, but I'd guess it's either about the 1000 year reign on Earth, or when Satan comes unbound. I'm supposed to go out of town soon so this might be my on the road reading.

Oohh, well let me know if it's worth the read/buy :)
I just finished The Illustrated Left Behind graphic novel. It covers the first book pretty well and i recognized the art of the artist before i even knew who it was (nerd).

comic artists aaron lopresti and jeffrey moy alternate drawing chapters. I think it was originally printed an issue at a time maybe and this was all of them collected in one?

you lose a lot of the meat from the real books but the graphic novel does pretty well on its own. for someone who'd prefer a lighter less text filled adaptation of the book, this would suffice for them i think.

i wonder if any of the other books have been translated to GN
I read the original novel several years ago. I am somewhat familar with the plots of the subsequent books. I also think it could make an interesting series.

I do wonder though from a theological stand point if Christians would in fact be it's greatest adversary?

There are a few schools of thought regarding the rapture and several that denounce it altogether. Historically, the premise of the rapture was developed in the 50's primarily as an evangelical tool. Whether that is relevant or not, I don't know, but the rapture is sometimes a divisive subject among various christian groups.

I almost wonder if believers would be the first to call for it's cancelation were it made into a television series.
i think it could be a good show as long as they don't make it just about the "preaching"

my fave thing about the book series is how character driven the series is. there were so many characters i was saddened to see die, or some of the things that happen to them.

it spans a lot of different locales, lots of characters of different nationalities and backgrounds. for as big of a cast as the books had, i think it balanced it well. the show would work best as an hour long show.

all the action and cgi could gain some viewers and you find the right cast, you can have a good show and still get the message in there. i know there are some passages in the books i read that i pictured in my mind and would just love to see on a big screen.

even if they weren't to make a tv show, a couple of big budget movies would be ok with me :)
Man I read the first 3 and started the 4th in the series and while I really liked them I stopped reading them cuz they made me feel guilty for not being a christian. I was just like "Ok I cant take any more propaganda"
Man I read the first 3 and started the 4th in the series and while I really liked them I stopped reading them cuz they made me feel guilty for not being a christian. I was just like "Ok I cant take any more propaganda"

they are very Christian in nature and i think they try to witness to non-believers

but the action really kicks up after the 4th or 5th book. there's ALOT of action and death and crazy stuff coming up.

you said you are not a Christian, so i'm curious as to what made you decide to pick it up? who were your fave/least fave characters? i'm interested in a non-Christian viewpoint because I don't know any that have read the series
Ah Left Behind, a series that is never ending. lol. Just kidding, I do love this series. I've read up to book 5, but I need to reread books 4 and 5 as I forgot half the stuff that happens in them. I always loved the third book. So far that has been my favorite. I could read that one over and over again. Something about the atmosphere of it. I need to actually finish the series. lol. It's been so long since I started reading the first one you would think I would be close to done by now.
Ah Left Behind, a series that is never ending. lol. Just kidding, I do love this series. I've read up to book 5, but I need to reread books 4 and 5 as I forgot half the stuff that happens in them. I always loved the third book. So far that has been my favorite. I could read that one over and over again. Something about the atmosphere of it. I need to actually finish the series. lol. It's been so long since I started reading the first one you would think I would be close to done by now.

i've got one left Kingdom Come, and the prequels if I want to read those. I'd like to finish it out by years end, but something keeps me from finishing it. I guess since i've already read 12 of the series, i just dont want it to end

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