Let's play Uno.

I need to start sharing my body with the xbox community.
bow chica bow wow.

Lets do this ****. Its going to be hardcore like softcore porn.
Any single game except Superman 64. Its obvious.

But so we can see you? I dunno.
Didn't people use their penis on Rainbow Six Vegas as a face?
You can sorta be naked in source mp games, just take pictures and then use them as a spray. Thats what I'm planning to do when I finally get to play TF2 with one of you. Your body will be laying on a giant picture of my ass.
You can sorta be naked in source mp games, just take pictures and then use them as a spray. Thats what I'm planning to do when I finally get to play TF2 with one of you. Your body will be laying on a giant picture of my ass.

I played TF2 against you before you even played it for the first time. You had a big ol face of cock on you. Later.
Whats with the horrible Romero avatars, btw?
All you need to know is that you need to Romero up right now. It's the most important issue in your life right now.
Fine. Be That Way.

ToddIsDead hated Heath Ledger's Joker because he didn't look like Ronald McDonald enough, so we joked with him saying he wanted Cesar Romero's Joker in the movie, which would have been ******ed. He still insisted that Ledger's Joker was wrong, but took the Cesar Romero jokes well after a little while.

Eventually he was synonymous with Cesar Romero, and now that Ledger is dead, it's a way of rubbing it all in his face. :woot: :hoboj:
Wahahaha... that's too good. :D

But yeah, GFreeman is a raging sexual deviant.

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