Live-Action Static Shock movie?

I'm all for a Static Shock movie.. He is an awesome character and needs hs own title run after his work on titans.
Jayden would work. I know Corbin Bleu is A HSM kid but he could work too,COULD work.
"Nobody could care less about?" Are you sure you're not just projecting your own feelings on the entire movie going audience? I suppose you think that everyone in the world reads Iron Man and Hulk comics? Believe it or not there is a very large percentage of people who go to see superhero movies with no prior knowledge of the aforementioned hero.
There's a big difference between Static and Hulk. Everyone knows who Hulk is. He's as recognizable as Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and the X-Men. Not everyone in the world reads Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and X-Men comics, but everyone knows who they are.

There's also a big difference between Static and heroes like Iron Man and Green Lantern. While they aren't as big as Batman, Superman, Hulk, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and the X-Men, heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, the Fantastic Four, and Thor have certain degrees of recognizablility.

Static on the other hand has no recognition outside of an obscure cartoon and an appearance in Justice League Unlimited.
I'd love a Static movie. He's an amazing character with a great power and I agree that some black representation in the DC movies would be welcome.
There's a big difference between Static and Hulk. Everyone knows who Hulk is. He's as recognizable as Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and the X-Men. Not everyone in the world reads Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and X-Men comics, but everyone knows who they are.

There's also a big difference between Static and heroes like Iron Man and Green Lantern. While they aren't as big as Batman, Superman, Hulk, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and the X-Men, heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, the Fantastic Four, and Thor have certain degrees of recognizablility.

Static on the other hand has no recognition outside of an obscure cartoon and an appearance in Justice League Unlimited.

while your right its unfair to compare the ones you listed to Iornman and Green Lantern since Captain America, Flash, Aquaman and the fantistic four are better known outside of non comic people.

Do you ever talk to or hang out with non comic people, cause I do and static is far more reconized or was until the Iornman movie and still is compared to green lanter unless your not talking to the average joe, but a superhero freak or comic reader.

I know I use to be a non comic geek untill 2 years ago, and the frist and only time outside of comics I had heard of Iornman was Spider-man tas until I heard an Iornman movie was coming out. and I didn't know who Green Lantern was until Justice League, I had seen a view superfriends episode but I had never know who the green guys were and nobody seem to know or care. this is from a non comic perspective.

to throw this in to perspective most non comic people didn't know that Emma Frost replaced Jean Grey until Wolverine and the x-men cartoon. they had no idea she was now an x-men, and How much more poplular is x-men compare to Static? you and I both know it's more popular by far.
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Rather than wait for Smith's son to come of age. I say go with Nick Cannon.

Never go with Nick Cannon. On anything. Maybe Corbin Bleu or Lee Thompson Young. Jaden Smith, in a couple years, would probably make a good Static.

I never really watched the cartoon-only a few times, and I didn't read the Static comics (I was more into Icon and Blood Syndicate), but I see a lot of potential for the character. He's the most popular of the Milestone characters and he's already been introduced to a wider audience courtesy of the DCAU and his own cartoon series.

I too agree that its time to have more heroes of color starring in comic movies, and Static would be a very good, very doable film. Though his powers and even his suit remind me of Black Lightning, Static appears to be more popular and accessible.
I don't think brand recognition is an issue in the least. The scope of the production, marketing and word of mouth are the things that sell a movie. If it looks good and the studio bothers to properly market it, people will show up. Just like with 80% of all movies produced.
I don't think brand recognition is an issue in the least. The scope of the production, marketing and word of mouth are the things that sell a movie. If it looks good and the studio bothers to properly market it, people will show up. Just like with 80% of all movies produced.

Thank you! Very well said. Comic books should be looked at as a blueprint for cool movies. Compare a Static movie to something like The Matrix which wasn't a comic book, but a very successful movie. The same goes for any really good genre picture. The Mummy, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, etc. A good movie is a good movie. The fact that Static isn't as well known as characters like The Hulk or Batman is inconsequential.

As I've stated before how well known was Blade to the general public before his movie? Now he's a house hold name. With the right actor, a fantastic script, cool SFX, and a good director...Static has every chance at being as successful as any other summer adventure film, be it based on a comic book character or not.

Rather than wait for Smith's son to come of age. I say go with Nick Cannon.

I used to think Nick Cannon would make a good static, however he's gotten somewhat corny and he's way too old. They'd be better off going with an unknown or something.

Perhaps this dude Lil'JJ would be a good static? He's not too old and has done stand up so he could probably pull off the one-liners pretty well.

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Jaden Smith in a few years. I'm seriously tempted to write a treatment for this.
Do you ever talk to or hang out with non comic people, cause I do and static is far more reconized or was until the Iornman movie and still is compared to green lanter unless your not talking to the average joe, but a superhero freak or comic reader.
Yes I do, an I tend to not talk comics to them, despite being a huge comic geek, unless they ask or if I want to act intentionally nerdy. Or just bug them :woot:
Man I already have the first two movies in written already I want to play Static so bad.
Man I already have the first two movies in written already I want to play Static so bad.

It could be a very unique and cool superhero movie. With Static DC has an opportunity to have their own cool teenage superhero movie, not unlike Spider-Man. Only in the movies he was way old and graduated high school in like no time at all. They should have kept him there a little while like in Ultimate Spider-Man.

Jaden Smith in a few years. I'm seriously tempted to write a treatment for this.

Imagine how cool it would be with the big bang and all those gang members suddenly getting superpowers. Static has some really cool villains. Like that dude Ebon who has shadow/body elasticity like mister fantastic or that guy Hotstreak who can control fire.

Imagine all the gangs in your city suddenly getting super powers and you're the only one who can do anything about it and you've got Static's world. Lot's of trouble and with great power comes great responsibility.

He's really the new Spider-Man. :woot:
Hotstreak would definitely be my villain for the origin film, the second would be Ebon and his crew. And, of course the introduction of Gear.
Hotstreak would definitely be my villain for the origin film, the second would be Ebon and his crew. And, of course the introduction of Gear.

while I agree with you on the villians, cause Hotstreak and Ebon were good villians, I disagree with you on Gear because gear is to Static what Robin is to Batman. I think that would be espically ture in moviesl ike how the 90s movie were good up till Batman Forever. to be fair my oppion on that maybe be a little bias cause I never liked Richey. but I just think Gear would be a bad movie. anyway can they use Gear since he isn't in Static comics or did they add him, while I don't read static comics, I read statics file on Wikipeida and it said Gear wasn't in the comics? I have learned not to trust that sight so I am asking?

but a good question for a static movie is what girl to use? Friedia or Daisey? maybe both, sry I like a little tiny bit of drama in the movie.
I liked Richie better as a civilian who likes to tinker than a Bang Baby who can invent anything he wants
I liked Richie better as a civilian who likes to tinker than a Bang Baby who can invent anything he wants

Richie is like the non-psycho Harry Osbourne to Virgil's Peter Parker. the best friend who knows all about the superhero identity. I like the idea of Richie developing "Enhanced intelligence" due to his indirect exposure to the gas that transformed Virgil, and had saturated his clothes.

That being said, I think it would be okay if he begins as a tinkerer in the 1st movie then in the second movie makes more advance stuff to help static as problems arise. It may be better if he doesn't become Gear and just aids Static in a advisory capacity supplying him with gadgets. I wouldn't want people to look at him as a lower budget version of Iron Man.
I don't know anything about the comics but watched the cartoon from start to finish and liked the show. so i watch it.
Richie is like the non-psycho Harry Osbourne to Virgil's Peter Parker. the best friend who knows all about the superhero identity. I like the idea of Richie developing "Enhanced intelligence" due to his indirect exposure to the gas that transformed Virgil, and had saturated his clothes.

That being said, I think it would be okay if he begins as a tinkerer in the 1st movie then in the second movie makes more advance stuff to help static as problems arise. It may be better if he doesn't become Gear and just aids Static in a advisory capacity supplying him with gadgets. I wouldn't want people to look at him as a lower budget version of Iron Man.

They could advance his engineering know-how without indirect exposure.
A Static Shock movie would be awesome. The animated series was very well done & is one of my favorite animated shows of all time.

Also, how about they get a talented actor to portray Static & not washed up never was beens like Nick Cannon & Lil' JJ?
A Static Shock movie would be awesome. The animated series was very well done & is one of my favorite animated shows of all time.

Also, how about they get a talented actor to portray Static & not washed up never was beens like Nick Cannon & Lil' JJ?

We were just throwing out names, I'd personally cast a charismatic unknown. There are tons of young actors itching for their big break.
I think they would also need to get Dwayne McDuffie to write the script and make the movie not like The Last Dragon. Yes, I dare to go there. LOL.
We were just throwing out names, I'd personally cast a charismatic unknown. There are tons of young actors itching for their big break.

I know, but I wanted to point out that both of them are bad actors, and if they got cast, the movie would end up among the ranks of "Steel".
Get a good actor. Don't get Nick Cannon or a hack rapper on Nick toons.

Get a fairly unknown kid.

I don't know about a film. I remember watching the show in middle school. But there were some things that I didn't like. I remember some of his jokes being funny.
If they make a movie, he can keep his sense of humor, but it'd be better to give the movie an overall more serious tone. I agree about not getting some lame actor for the part. The last thing we need is a sucky actor as a superhero.
I think they would also need to get Dwayne McDuffie to write the script and make the movie not like The Last Dragon. Yes, I dare to go there. LOL.

Sho'nuff! LOL :hehe:

I know, but I wanted to point out that both of them are bad actors, and if they got cast, the movie would end up among the ranks of "Steel".

*shudders* god...if static ended up like that it would break my heart...:csad:

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