World Magneto vs. Supes

Nothing Magneto could do could stop Superman. Superman would take this one without to much trouble, his variety of powers would counter-act anything Magneto could do to him. Supes would then get in close and with a love tap of a hit to the stomach knock him down and out. And if you bring up Magneto ripping the iron out supermasn blood,
Please no DC zombies.:)
This is kinda hard but I think its a toss up. A lot of people under estimate Magneto. :(
superman would bop his ass. there's like a million and one ways he could do it. okay, not that many but still ****loads. And lots of them fatal!
It all depends if Magneto had Kryptonite. Magneto could hit him with all sorts of metallic objects, but Superman is too strong. The big question is - could Superman survive having the iron removed from his blood?
Originally posted by Jeanne
It all depends if Magneto had Kryptonite. Magneto could hit him with all sorts of metallic objects, but Superman is too strong. The big question is - could Superman survive having the iron removed from his blood?

Because we all KNOW that superman has iron in his Kryptonian blood:rolleyes:

BTW Maggy has NO kryptonite. The only one who does is Batman:o
Originally posted by Kmackintrush
Please no DC zombies.:)
This is kinda hard but I think its a toss up. A lot of people under estimate Magneto. :(

Silence with the name calling bub:mad:
Superman would win.
magneto might hold his own for awhile...but in the end, he just cant beat superman!
Why does everyone think that Kryptonite is something that can be found in your local friggin home depo? Its EXTREMELY rare, and even for people like Batman, it takes years and years to replicate some, and its extremely expensive. And there isnt any in the MU universe anyway, so theres a 0% chance of Magneto even getting Krytonite dust. Magneto would die from exertion far sooner then he could even begin to seriously hurt Superman.
Originally posted by Mr. X
Why does everyone think that Kryptonite is something that can be found in your local friggin home depo? Its EXTREMELY rare, and even for people like Batman, it takes years and years to replicate some, and its extremely expensive. And there isnt any in the MU universe anyway, so theres a 0% chance of Magneto even getting Krytonite dust. Magneto would die from exertion far sooner then he could even begin to seriously hurt Superman.
nice explanation!

A friend of mine recently read an issue of Scientific American which had stated that magnetism can be used to shut down the brain and throw the central nervous system into disarray. Magneto's powers are near limitless, and I would venture to say that the winner would depend on who the writer of the story was. Supes and Mags are both Insanely powerful and writers could provide interesting situations for either to win. I would guess that if Mags depended solely on brute strength (hurling buildings at Supes), he would probably lose, but if he decided to employ the science of his powers and go after Supes body functions, then he would probably win. Obviously, I'm a Magneto fan, but I am still capable of some objectivity. All in all, this fight is a coin toss that would have to be chalked up to the writer.

Originally posted by MAGNETOROCKS

A friend of mine recently read an issue of Scientific American which had stated that magnetism can be used to shut down the brain and throw the central nervous system into disarray. Magneto's powers are near limitless, and I would venture to say that the winner would depend on who the writer of the story was. Supes and Mags are both Insanely powerful and writers could provide interesting situations for either to win. I would guess that if Mags depended solely on brute strength (hurling buildings at Supes), he would probably lose, but if he decided to employ the science of his powers and go after Supes body functions, then he would probably win. Obviously, I'm a Magneto fan, but I am still capable of some objectivity. All in all, this fight is a coin toss that would have to be chalked up to the writer.

interesting...what is the date and title of this article...i want to read it!
I don't know. I didn't ask. It came up during a casual conversation. I'll see if I can find out.

Originally posted by MAGNETOROCKS
I don't know. I didn't ask. It came up during a casual conversation. I'll see if I can find out.

ok..let me know...
Unless Magnito lines all of his metal with Kryptonite he isn't winning. Metal bounces off of the "MAN OF STEEL"
Originally posted by MAGNETOROCKS

A friend of mine recently read an issue of Scientific American which had stated that magnetism can be used to shut down the brain and throw the central nervous system into disarray. Magneto's powers are near limitless,
However, they are not limitless. It was necessary in the film for extra iron to be pumped into Lorio's blood before he could extract it. I don't know if the film version could do this. But it is likely that the comic / cartoon version could, as in TAS when Xavier was dying he strengthened his brainwaves using magnetism, thus allowing him to contact the Shi'ar empress.

Oh, and I LOVE YOUR NAME!! :D :D :D
Originally posted by MAGNETOROCKS

A friend of mine recently read an issue of Scientific American which had stated that magnetism can be used to shut down the brain and throw the central nervous system into disarray. Magneto's powers are near limitless, and I would venture to say that the winner would depend on who the writer of the story was. Supes and Mags are both Insanely powerful and writers could provide interesting situations for either to win. I would guess that if Mags depended solely on brute strength (hurling buildings at Supes), he would probably lose, but if he decided to employ the science of his powers and go after Supes body functions, then he would probably win. Obviously, I'm a Magneto fan, but I am still capable of some objectivity. All in all, this fight is a coin toss that would have to be chalked up to the writer.


Again you're assuming that a kryptonian body functions just like a human one. It doesn't, therefore your science holds no water. Also maggys powers are NOT limitless at all. Considering that supes can move at almost 186,000 miles per second I don't see how maggy would even be able to get a lock on his body let alone be able to effect his alien physiology
well if Magneto could technically shut down Supes brain, i doubt he would have to worry about his super speed....he could just put up a magnetic bubble around himself which if Supes entered would shut down the old brain...but again theres no idea if it would work on Kryptonians....and lets say it will Supes could fly in and at super speed and bash into Magneto (protected by his bubble) killing them both...

but yeah this is all crazy talk....I give the fight to Superman, but I wouldnt say its exactly Magneto would be a pushover
Originally posted by Mr. X
Nothing Magneto could do could stop Superman. Superman would take this one without to much trouble, his variety of powers would counter-act anything Magneto could do to him. Supes would then get in close and with a love tap of a hit to the stomach knock him down and out. And if you bring up Magneto ripping the iron out supermasn blood,

You obviously don't know much about Magneto if you say that.
Last I checked Superman has the basic physiology of a humanoid. Meaning he has a brain, heart, etc.
This means he can be badly hurt and yes even killed by a super being whose power allows him or her to create force bubbles or force fields at a certain range... Meaning a telekinetic or anybody who can affect matter without the need to be touching it. Magneto falls under this category... and he would certainly have no moral ideology preventing him from creating an electromagnetic force bubble inside an opponen'ts brain, and then expanding it to crush all the grey matter.

I love Supes N all, but as with most DC characters, they make him out to be completely indestructible. When he really isn't and should not have to be. That is the reason why his power levels can be so frustratingly different from story to story.
Here you have a person who is supposed to be able to move a whole planet yet in a later story he has difficulty in stoping a runaway train? It doesn't compute.

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