C. Lee said:I've always been a bigger Newman fan. His acting just seems like real people in a situation...while Brando puts on his "ACTING" suit and struts around.
Shuley said:You don't even realize Brando is acting,that's how good he is. Plus he came up with the whole meth-acting thing...Like if he going to play say...Jimi Hendrix,he'd have everyone call him Jimmy.He'd live the part. I really like Newman also,he was the man in the 60's
Shuley said:You don't even realize Brando is acting,that's how good he is. Plus he came up with the whole meth-acting thing...Like if he going to play say...Jimi Hendrix,he'd have everyone call him Jimmy.He'd live the part. I really like Newman also,he was the man in the 60's