Marvel Zombies!

Orko Is King

Jun 29, 2000
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Torn from the pages of Ultimate Fantastic Four! On an Earth shockingly similar to the Marvel Universe's, an alien virus has mutated all of the world's greatest super heroes into flesh-eating monsters! It took them only hours to destroy life as we know it-but what happens when they run out of humans to eat?!? Follow their search for more food-and witness the arrival of the Silver Surfer!
I'm there. You guys should all be reading Walking Dead. :up:
I can't wait. That cover is friggin awesome.
I like Walking Dead too but yet another alternate universe story doesn't interest me, zombies or not. And Kirkman's Marvel work hasn't been nearly as good as his Image stuff.
Cool! Zombies Rule / Superheroes Rule

Zombies + Superheroes = Awesome!
doesn't it make you wonder how Ghost Rider's going to look?
euroq said:
I like Walking Dead too but yet another alternate universe story doesn't interest me, zombies or not. And Kirkman's Marvel work hasn't been nearly as good as his Image stuff.
Don't you think this could make for an awesome crossover in the real Marvel U.?

Or do you hate crossovers that much? :(
masteryoda said:
Don't you think this could make for an awesome crossover in the real Marvel U.?

Or do you hate crossovers that much? :(

Obviously we can't have the heroes of the real MU turning into flesh-eating zombies...

And I don't hate all crossovers. Just bad ones like Maxium Garbage or House of M. I'm excited about "the Other".
euroq said:
Obviously we can't have the heroes of the real MU turning into flesh-eating zombies...
Sure we can we just fix em up at the end. :)

euroq said:
And I don't hate all crossovers. Just bad ones like Maxium Garbage or House of M. I'm excited about "the Other".
Then I'm going to hate The Other. :mad:
masteryoda said:
Sure we can we just fix em up at the end. :)

Yeah, maybe Wanda could magically fix things up. :rolleyes:

masteryoda said:
Then I'm going to hate The Other. :mad:

No.. you... won't.
Didnt you guys read Ultimate Fantastic Four? Reed went INTO this world already and almost brought them all back into this one.
Vartha said:
doesn't it make you wonder how Ghost Rider's going to look?

He'll look like a non-skeletal guy with his head not on fire while he doesn't ride his not motorcycle? :confused:
that seems like it's actually going to be pretty cool. i'm big on alternate universe stories and i can't believe nobody has turned marvel into a bunch of zombies before! i'm looking forward to seeing our favorite characters as thoughtless flesh seeking monsters. should be funny and entertaining.
I heard about this and I groaned. I groaned for several reasons:

1). It proves that Marvel does not realize, even after a bankruptcy, that it is not 1994 anymore. A book will not sell simply because it is a spin-off of a "hot"
title anymore. If that were true, then JUBILEE, ROGUE, and GAMBIT would not have been cancelled. SPIDER-GIRL would not be alive solely because of fans making it a sacred cow and needing something to mine for digests. And Marvel would not have so little faith in ongoing titles that almost nothing these days that wasn't already an ongoing title is being slated as something other than a "mini series". If they hope people will buy this book solely because of Ultimate Fantastic Four, then Marvel really needs to learn a new trick.

2). Marvel already has a bloated line with books that accomplish little point and no one buys. Yes, DC does the same thing. But does competition mean repeating your rival's mistakes? What is the point of a series based on an alternate universe from a 3 issue run of ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR, which is only the weakest selling Ultimate title right now.

3). It will have every poster who reads WALKING DEAD, one of those titles no one reads that is hailed as being good, saying that if you like Zombies and Kirkman in MARVEL ZOMBIES, you should REALLY be reading WALKING DEAD. Prove me wrong. It's impossible to talk about GRAVITY without having people shill for INVINCIBLE, and this will be no different. Look, it's great that online fans like trying to do a better job of promoting weak selling quality books than the companies do, but getting a handful of people on Hype to read a title will not help sales at all. It's one of those "principle" things I guess. Maybe the satisfaction of getting one more person reading, say, RUNAWAYS, offsets that fact that said accomplishment doesn't help the book's sales in any way. You need to increase readers and demand in the thousands to even have a shot at helping a book.

4). If this series is meant to amp up Kirkman, why? He's a good writer but I like books to have a purpose for existing, or to at least pretend to. If they're trying to amp Kirkman up in hopes that MTU will sell better, I can tell you right now it won't work. If they're trying to help sales on WALKING DEAD, why in god's name does Marvel want to amp a competitor (for that matter, why is INVINCIBLE showing up in MTU? Why? INVINCIBLE outsells a few Marvel books and they're HELPING it? It's like Marvel has no business sense).

5). It's one of those "watch the fanboys buy anything" titles that usually seems limited to X-spinoffs.

So, I'm really not interested, despite Kirkman and a pretty cover.
I just want to buy it because Zombies are awesome, and it has Zombie superheroes! ...I do think lots of people will pick this up though

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