Marvel Zombies


Spectacular Spidey-Fan
Sep 4, 2008
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Is anybody else enjoying this bloodbath like i am? First the Ultimate Universe gets a taste... then Ash gets his piece, now they could be anywhere... especally hank pym. ... read the newest one to get more details....

That last issue with Spider-Man. Jeez. That may have been the most disturbing thing I've ever read featuring that character.
Dude that was frickin insane.

More specifically...

What Sandman did to the Spider-Man of that world. I mean never have we seen Spidey just utterly destroyed that way.
That was the part that disturbed me, seeing him bloated like that.
When I saw a scan of that part, I honestly thought it was some disgusting DeviantArt vore fetishist's wet dream. I get it's Marvel Zombies, but Christ. Didn't people get their rocks off on "reelizm" when Warren Ellis did Ruins? Why more of the same? Then there's the part where [blackout]zombie Peter suddenly hates his own face and tears it off[/blackout]...apparently someone at Marvel saw Transformers 2. But Pete's doing it wrong.

I'd like to buy the issue and see if the whole story is just being taken out of context, but nothing from this "Marvel Zombies Returns" sounds like the fun/awesome Marvel Zombies everyone else has been raving about.
When I saw a scan of that part, I honestly thought it was some disgusting DeviantArt vore fetishist's wet dream. I get it's Marvel Zombies, but Christ. Didn't people get their rocks off on "reelizm" when Warren Ellis did Ruins? Why more of the same? Then there's the part where [blackout]zombie Peter suddenly hates his own face and tears it off[/blackout]...apparently someone at Marvel saw Transformers 2. But Pete's doing it wrong.

I'd like to buy the issue and see if the whole story is just being taken out of context, but nothing from this "Marvel Zombies Returns" sounds like the fun/awesome Marvel Zombies everyone else has been raving about.
yeah read the issue before casting judgment. Personally I thought this issue was great. I loved the first two minis but I hated Mar Zombies 3 & 4. Luckily they seem to be getting back on track with this one. Pete's response at the end was perfect for a guy trying to fight his nature but failing miserably. Also [BLACKOUT]his body using it's veins and arteries as webbing[/BLACKOUT] made me laugh for some ****ed up reason.
yeah read the issue before casting judgment. Personally I thought this issue was great. I loved the first two minis but I hated Mar Zombies 3 & 4. Luckily they seem to be getting back on track with this one. Pete's response at the end was perfect for a guy trying to fight his nature but failing miserably. Also [BLACKOUT]his body using it's veins and arteries as webbing[/BLACKOUT] made me laugh for some ****ed up reason.

Dude that was so painful to look at.
I thought zombie Spidey's webbing is hillarious. and the classic walking away from his "costume" panel was awesome too.
Yeah, seems like they're never going to solve the zombie problem.
Liked the first one. Stopped paying attention until the fourth, which I loved, but because it wasn't a zombie story, it was a Morbius/Midnight Sons story.

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