So I saw that announcement, and went to check it out myself, I was there to see Spider-Man 3 anyways (God that movie dragged, too many characters to follow, felt too much of a soap-opera to me). They had this big black Flat-nosed semi truck parked in front of the theater. They had "Sector Seven" agents telling us that there's no such thing as "Non-Biological Entities" until they got "interrupted". They pretty much just showed the Qatar footage as some scoopers previously reported. It just showed the whole Scorponox attack at Qatar. One part of it pretty much reminded me of Starship Troopers. You don't see the thing transform and the way it moves, it seems to swim through the sand like water (think those giant worms in Beetlejuice). Some of the effects shots seems to be incompleted and they were using a temp score from Batman Begins. And yes, as with every Bay movie, things get blown up spectacularly, and that typical Bay racial humor that involves a phone company, Indians, and outsourcing. Looks a whole lot of fun.