Merrick from AICN reviews CR Script....

Yellow Cyclone

Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
spoilers, yadda yadda etc... you guys know the drill

i think that part of it works, but other parts....yuck

bond has always come from a wealthy family, and him trying on a tux and checking himself out in the mirror? c'monnn there's nothing working class about a man who's family dies in a CLIMBING ACCIDENT

plus to have M actually say "i miss the cold war" and THEN have bond join MI6?!

it's disregarding every single bond movie/moment ever.....from connery to gogol, to spectre to the already mentioned end of the cold war from goldeneye

this just sounds bad to me...i think it'll do fine opening weekend, then bomb out....its just missing too many key bond elements

3x:down :down :down
Yellow Cyclone said:
spoilers, yadda yadda etc... you guys know the drill

i think that part of it works, but other parts....yuck

bond has always come from a wealthy family, and him trying on a tux and checking himself out in the mirror? c'monnn there's nothing working class about a man who's family dies in a CLIMBING ACCIDENT

plus to have M actually say "i miss the cold war" and THEN have bond join MI6?!

it's disregarding every single bond movie/moment ever.....from connery to gogol, to spectre to the already mentioned end of the cold war from goldeneye

this just sounds bad to me...i think it'll do fine opening weekend, then bomb out....its just missing too many key bond elements

3x:down :down :down

...Did you NOT notice the fact that it says it's a RESTART?

Just about everything they say about Bond has been EXACTLY what I've been looking for in these movies for a long time. Yes, he's a badass, yes, he's the guy with the cool gadgets, but we still see the human being inside him, and like every other human being, he has flaws.
Then maybe you should watch other movies if you want to see that? Bond is bond, his trademarks are the reason the franchise lasted this long and has been so successful. Why change something that works? The general audiences love it the way he is.
millennium movies said:
Then maybe you should watch other movies if you want to see that? Bond is bond, his trademarks are the reason the franchise lasted this long and has been so successful. Why change something that works? The general audiences love it the way he is.

All I'm saying is it's possible to have a suave, badass movie with break-neck action sequences and have a deep and emotional story; and from the sounds of the script, that's exactly what we're getting. I don't see why Bond can't have character development.
None of the script reviews out there do the script justice. You got to read it for yourself. If you would like to see the script, let me know.
I've read the script - I think Merrick gives a grossly incorrect impression of what CASINO ROYALE is all about. CASINO ROYALE's screenplay is pretty much any die-hard Bond fan's dream: a really solid back-to-basics Bond story with the emphasis on suspense instead of action and with some genuinely witty dialogue.

Merrick really misses the mark on a lot of things - for one thing, he entirely misinterprets the "tux" scene. The script states Bond has owned a tux previously and doesn't really have anything to say about Bond finally having a nice outfit - it's rather more a point about the relationship between Bond and Vesper. Furthermore, Bond is *always* a man with the taste for the finer life from the very early moments of the film, ordering beluga caviar, etc. I don't think there's anything "working class" about Bond in CASINO ROYALE. He seems elegant from the very beginning and definitely knows his stuff in regards to cuisine, tailoring, and so on.

Furthermore, CASINO ROYALE isn't as joyless as Merrick seems to portray it. There's a lot of snappy wit and humor in the dialogue - and not the cheesy innuendo that typically infiltrates Bond films, but genuinely good stuff that hearkens back to the era of Sean Connery.
seishin87 said:
None of the script reviews out there do the script justice. You got to read it for yourself. If you would like to see the script, let me know.

If he doesn't, I would. :o
millennium movies said:
Then maybe you should watch other movies if you want to see that? Bond is bond, his trademarks are the reason the franchise lasted this long and has been so successful. Why change something that works? The general audiences love it the way he is.
The trademarks of the series are all entirely intact within CASINO ROYALE.
Im tempted to give the script a read :S...

Problem is it usually ruins the film when i see it. Happened with Spider-Man and Batman Begins. So im not shure if i want to do that
millennium movies said:
Problem is it usually ruins the film when i see it. Happened with Spider-Man and Batman Begins. So im not shure if i want to do that
It's worth not reading and waiting till November. There's plenty of stuff you wouldn't want to know in advance.
MaskedManJRK said:
All I'm saying is it's possible to have a suave, badass movie with break-neck action sequences and have a deep and emotional story; and from the sounds of the script, that's exactly what we're getting. I don't see why Bond can't have character development.
But we're not having character development. We're having caracter erasing, and starting over. Which is daft. Any decent screenwriter can utilize the Bond we all know and love in an interesting and fresh mannor without resorting to restarting the franchise.
Just finished reading the screenplay and I definitely agree with Seishin in that the review did it injustice. Another part of the review that was way off was that Bond was willing to commit suicide in a depressed sort of way- this was not the case at all, or at least what I picked up on.

In the scene, Bond has lost everything. There is no other way but to take on Le Chiffre other than a 'suicide mission' of a sorts. Because he believed it to be the right thing to do. Risk his life to save the lives of others. A true hero. This is the same type of risks you see the FBI or CIA take, this belief is what many of them stand by. Sometimes risks are worth it if it means the greater good.

The screenplay was a real page turner. The casino card game part of the film was really fast paced and was an edge of your seat type thrill. I could only describe it as similar to the anxious feeling of watching Paul Newman playing cards in the classic film The Sting. It was really well written.

The action scenes also were not as 'typical' as Ain't It Cool News may lead you to believe. The plane scene is ALOT more elaborate than the review makes it out to be. I mean, sure it's an airport fight- but it's like an airport fight that we could never believe and is really a Bond type action scene that you'd expect. It's going to be one of the BEST scenes you've seen all year and I can guarantee that. Very awesome, very tense, and visually impressive.

Bond is also not a "depressed" guy in the film. He is the cool Bond that we all know. The screenplay could be misinterpreted as a depressed Bond, but reading through it- I saw nothing of the sorts.

I would say the review that does it the best justice is Latino review.
hey is Valenka very important in the script because i know she is le chiffre's bodyguard? after reading all the script reviews i am definitely looking forward to the movie and i wished i could read the script. i read the batman begins script before the movie came out and that got me even more excited for the movie and the movie was amazing. hopefully casino royale will be great as well!!!
if anyone has the script and would like to email it to me my email is
[email protected] and i would be greatly appreciated for your help!!!
JDBOND said:
hey is Valenka very important in the script because i know she is le chiffre's bodyguard?
Her role isn't particularly large, no. She has a few moments, but generally she's just a background character.
could someone with the script please PM me a link thanks.
A`question for those who have read it...How ould you rate Merricks review of the script?
seishin87 said:
A`question for those who have read it...How ould you rate Merricks review of the script?
I would say the review draws misconstrues scenes within the script, misunderstands other bits, and overall misleads the reader into thinking the script is something very different from what it actually is. It's a script review that honestly doesn't really know what it's talking about.
Definitely agree with the user above.

Alot of it is way off.
I like what Im hearing this far about this movie. the more down to earth tone is really what the series needs, especially after Die Another Day, which was very unrealistic(I know that was one of the trademarks of the Bond series but DAD was alittle to unrealistic).

BTW can anyone with the script PM it to me? please

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