Joel Edgerton Lined Up for Jeff Nichols' WB Sci-Fi Movie
Indie filmmaker Jeff Nichols has quickly been moving up the ranks having received acclaim for his second movie
Take Shelter and having success with its follow-up
Mud this year. Now he's directing his first untitled studio release and while his lucky charm Michael Shannon, who has appeared in all previous films, was quickly signed on, word now comes from
Variety that Australian actor Joel Edgerton, who was so good in Baz Luhrman's
The Great Gatsby for the studio, may take a role in Nichols' studio debut.
There are no details for the untitled sci-fi chase film set in the present day except that NIchols is directing the screenplay that was purchased specifically for him by the studio with plans to take a writing pass on it as well as producing it with Sarah Green and Brian Kavanaugh-Jones with plans to start production early next year. Glen Basner and Christos V. Konstantakopoulos are executive producing.
Similar to Nicholas, Edgerton has also been moving up the ranks as an actor in the past couple years, having taken on a key role in Gavin O'Connor's Western
Jane GOt a Gun and being attached to the Whitey Bulger biopic
Black Mass for Universal, which is currently trying to lock down a replacement for Johnny Depp in the lead.