The Amazing Spider-Man Milestones To Make the Wait for TASM2 Easier

Picard Sisko

Prepare to be Assimilated
May 28, 2012
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TASM2 is about a year and a half away, which feels like its going to be forever. However, there are little things we can look forward to in the meantime that can hold us off until the release.

Within the next couple of months, we should have more casting news, and hopefully a title. Wouldn't be surprised if we get "The Spectacular Spider-Man" or something along those lines.

Since production starts in February, shooting will begin, and we can look forward to some set photos.

By June or July, we should be getting a teaser trailer. Looking forward to that, too.

What are you looking forward to in the meantime during the wait for TASM2?
I'm just gonna live life until it comes out. lol
I'd rather have this trilogy just be The Amazing Spider-Man trilogy and then have the next set of movies move onto something like The Spectacular Spider-Man.
The trailer for that fan-made film annoys me. The kid flicking his fingers was annoying, and I honestly don't think I could stand to see them butcher the actual film.

Although, it seems like they put a lot of hard work into it, which is cool.
Spider-Man Eclipse? I think that came out around the time the movie did. I have no idea though.
The trailer for that fan-made film annoys me. The kid flicking his fingers was annoying, and I honestly don't think I could stand to see them butcher the actual film.

Although, it seems like they put a lot of hard work into it, which is cool.

How about when his father injects him with some serum before he leaves Peter? That's kind of... stupid. But it does look like they put a lot of hard work into it, and I want to see it out of mere curiosity.
Yea, the serum thing was odd.
Spider-Man Eclipse? I think that came out around the time the movie did. I have no idea though.
Ugh. I HATED Spider-Man Eclipse. It's like they thought having a low budget was an excuse to not try that hard. That and the amount of lense flair was annoying.
Really wish Sony would make a SSM animated movie to tie up all the lose ends of the animated series. Bring the movie out at the end of the year, that would tide us over till summer of 2014.
Really wish Sony would make a SSM animated movie to tie up all the lose ends of the animated series. Bring the movie out at the end of the year, that would tide us over till summer of 2014.
I agree. It wouldn't cost nearly as much as a live action film, and because its animated, more kids would want to go see it.
Sony own the film rights (live action), Disney the rest.
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By June or July, we should be getting a teaser trailer. Looking forward to that, too.
I said this in the General Discussion thread, but I'm kinda thinking we won't get a teaser that early this time. I mean, we'll definitely get SDCC stuff, but I'm not sure about another July broadly-released trailer. The teaser for ASM had little effects (excluding the POV shot), and by the time July rolls around, I doubt most of the VFX will be ready to go. I also doubt them wanting to do another VFX-light teaser.

For a nice comparison, the teaser for IM2 (which was effects-heavy) came out in December, when the film came out in May the following month. Then again, the teaser for SM3 came out in June, and the film came out May 4th in the year after, so who knows? Maybe we could get a teaser in July (I'd love to see it happen if the teaser turns out great).
It really depends. The SM3 trailer was very effects heavy and came out less than a year before its release, and I think the same could happen for TASM2. We'll see.
I said this in the General Discussion thread, but I'm kinda thinking we won't get a teaser that early this time. I mean, we'll definitely get SDCC stuff, but I'm not sure about another July broadly-released trailer. The teaser for ASM had little effects (excluding the POV shot), and by the time July rolls around, I doubt most of the VFX will be ready to go. I also doubt them wanting to do another VFX-light teaser.

For a nice comparison, the teaser for IM2 (which was effects-heavy) came out in December, when the film came out in May the following month. Then again, the teaser for SM3 came out in June, and the film came out May 4th in the year after, so who knows? Maybe we could get a teaser in July (I'd love to see it happen if the teaser turns out great).

With regards to a teaser, if Sony have any sense they will make the teaser unrelated to what happens in the movie. A good example is the twin towers teaser. That way they can wow people with the proper trailer showing them stuff they have seen before (because the teaser) didn't show much).

Nolan is the master of this. Nothing in the teaser, blow them away with the trailer.

For example, electricity that dances around for a bit and then forms the shape of the ASM spider logo.
They really are a tease in that case.
I can't wait to find more set photos and concept art. Should be getting some stuff soon.
We won't be seeing concept art for a while, lol. But we will definitely start to see things next month.
Well, obviously. lol

Another thing, there is a fan film based off of TASM coming out in June. Here is the trailer:


Jesus, that looks awful in every way. Couldn't give their Peter an American accent? That'd be like one of us making a James Bond fan film and not giving him a British accent.

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