Milly Alcock IS Supergirl/Kara Zor-El

Ha, there is - two of 'em!
But introducing Supergirl in this film, at least in my opinion is too early. I would have saved Supergirl for a Man of Steel sequel or even tease Supergirl in the mid or post credits honestly. That's just how I would introduce the character but since they are introducing her in this film, could you imagine if her and her cousin team up together to fight whoever the villain is especially since this is supposed to be Clark's movie? But by bringing her in this early, you tease her as a future member for Justice League if and when that happens.
But introducing Supergirl in this film, at least in my opinion is too early. I would have saved Supergirl for a Man of Steel sequel or even tease Supergirl in the mid or post credits honestly. That's just how I would introduce the character but since they are introducing her in this film, could you imagine if her and her cousin team up together to fight whoever the villain is especially since this is supposed to be Clark's movie? But by bringing her in this early, you tease her as a future member for Justice League if and when that happens.
I think they're keen to get her up and running as soon as they can. Supergirl has the highest public profile she's ever had. Her TV show ran six seasons (plus crossovers), finished two years ago and is still being shown regularly. The Legion of Super-Heroes animated movie last year was a Supergirl movie in all but name. Sasha Calle's performance in The Flash was well-liked, even if the movie itself was divisive. Pretty sure they want to ride that wave.
But introducing Supergirl in this film, at least in my opinion is too early...
I’m a tad skeptical that Woman of Tomorrow is the best introduction to the character. So at a bare minimum, it makes sense that SG would make some sort of appearance in Superman — even if it’s a minor/cameo role — prior to WoT.
But introducing Supergirl in this film, at least in my opinion is too early. I would have saved Supergirl for a Man of Steel sequel or even tease Supergirl in the mid or post credits honestly. That's just how I would introduce the character but since they are introducing her in this film, could you imagine if her and her cousin team up together to fight whoever the villain is especially since this is supposed to be Clark's movie? But by bringing her in this early, you tease her as a future member for Justice League if and when that happens.

Too early for what tho

It's a bit unconventional and removed from the classic look, but I kind of like this “space medieval” direction.
It's actually a pretty fresh route to go and could lead to something quite unique (for once:o).

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