MLB 2k8 or Army Of Two???


"Kill Them All"
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Which one are you gonna buy? Or which one should I buy???
How can you compare the two?!

And as much as I love 2k, I have a feeling MLB 08 is the superior game.
I´m not much into sport games, imo, they all pretty much suck.
So, for me, the answer is easy.
Isildur´s Heir;14228151 said:
I´m not much into sport games, imo, they all pretty much suck.
So, for me, the answer is easy.

QFT (for me, anyways)
Army of Two. I mean, have you seen the trailer? :woot: :up:
Neither right away, but I will eventually buy Army Of Two...I will never buy MLB2k8
Just got the call that my reserved copuy of Army of Two will be in the shop this Friday:applaud

Now to find the blooming £££:huh:
MLB 2K8 isn't that good. Gameplay is lacking. If only 2K had the license to football games and EA had the license for baseball games, it would be perfect.
Yea i dont think 2K8 really improved much over last yrs game.

It depends on your mood at the time. Do you feel like shooting biitches with a buddy, then go with AoT, if you feel like taking control of your fav baseball team then go with MLB 2K8. Also disregard any ones opinion on 2K8 if they state that they a). dont like sports, b). dont like baseball or c). dont like sports videogames. In other words disregard Isildurs Heir and Venom :up:
I downloaded the demo for 2K8. It's just not that good overall. Yeah it's just a demo, I don't know if it's the final version or what, but there are framerate issues, just the overall feel of it seems....generic. Not that much fun.
I downloaded the demo for 2K8. It's just not that good overall. Yeah it's just a demo, I don't know if it's the final version or what, but there are framerate issues, just the overall feel of it seems....generic. Not that much fun.

I read a review that said the same thing(framerate issues).
I beat army of two on the hardest diff. and it was fairly addictive. The campaign is fairly short if your remotely good at shooters.

i hope they release new missions
I read a review...(framerate issues).

Nah, those have been fixed...I got the update, as soon as I loaded-up the game while connected to live...

As far as sports games go, especially's pretty beast. You can knock BOMBS, once you get the hitting down!!

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