Most users online?


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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From the Forums Home.

Most users ever online was 2,283, 05-04-2006 at 04:25 PM.

How do you guys figure that out? I know it's a new record.
It's cool that we have had that many users come at once.
That was when the new Superman teaser came on
It is, consider the mess I had to clean up when they all started posting
true, some were bots
search bots and those idiots bots programs to register and spam their products
Morg said:
That was when the new Superman teaser came on

And there was one or two things going on in the X-Men forum that day too. Let's not forget about that.
What would happen if all the members got on at once?
Odin's Lapdog said:
2200 people isn't that many...

Its a fair number to have on simultaniously. Besides, we are a rather rare and unusual lot. :o

I remember back when the record was broken by a few hundred! :eek: Them were the days son. :D
Lord Siva said:
What would happen if all the members got on at once?
Mirko would jump up, yell "BINGO!" and the International Association of Internet Officers (IAIO) would present him, Excelsior and Dew K Mosi with an engraved plaque and a bottle of champagne! :)
Hey! How come we don't get in on the champagne action? :(
They might share with us Daisy if we've been good. They actually get like a case of it. I suspect Mirko would throw us a bash at his plush Houston penthouse. :o
Truthteller said:
Its a fair number to have on simultaniously. Besides, we are a rather rare and unusual lot. :o

I remember back when the record was broken by a few hundred! :eek: Them were the days son. :D
Being in university, it wouldn't be hard to arrange for everyone on a computer during peak work time (ie deadlines) to log onto superherohype for 1 minute.

that would be around 900 people alone.

plus i thought the hype was like the largest internet site of its kind. Anyone who even remotely liked this kinda stuff would know about this site, right?
Lord Siva said:
What would happen if all the members got on at once?
not feasible considering some people have more than a single user account, and others are banned and can't get on anymore.
You used to be able to log on with multiple names at once. :o

You still can if you have multiple browsers (and possibly even if you use the tabs in Firefox, but I don't know for sure).

Also, banned members aren't counted in the number of members, nor are they shown in the member list (except to mods/admins).
in August, I'll shatter your pelvis
Daisy said:
You used to be able to log on with multiple names at once. :o

You still can if you have multiple browsers (and possibly even if you use the tabs in Firefox, but I don't know for sure).

Also, banned members aren't counted in the number of members, nor are they shown in the member list (except to mods/admins).
sh of course, if one actually takes their cookies off, makes sense...

so does the rest.

although isn't kritic girl banned? she's still on the hype list?
Truthteller said:
Its a fair number to have on simultaniously. Besides, we are a rather rare and unusual lot. :o

I remember back when the record was broken by a few hundred! :eek: Them were the days son. :D

Remember when the record was something under 200, and that kept on pissing Malice off so he organized the "Get Past 200" thingamajiggee where he wanted us all to show up at a certain time at a certain date and we were to tell all our friends to do the same (which failed miserably because we don't have any friends :D )

The numbers during the first 4 years here were miserable considering we usually hit between 800 & 1600 at any given time these days.


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