Movie series that "jumped the shark"?


Sep 23, 2005
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I was checking the Jump the Shark webisite, and I began to wonder...

if TV series can "jump the shark", what about movie series?

What are some movie series (with 3 or more sequels, no trilogies) that jumped the shark?
Garfield jumped the shark the moment it was conceived. How it ever got a sequel is nothing short of astonishing.
good question any ansers folks
When rocky fought and beat Dolph mother ****ing Lundgren somehow.

When Jar Jar first spoke.

When police academy stopped being funny (I don't know which film that was, maybe the third.)

When Batman pulled out his Bat-credit card.

When Superman threw some sort of jello disc or something at Non

Movies that don't have a fourth film but are almost guranteed to have one:

When Sam Neil stepped on that plane to go back to Jurrasic Park. At least Jeff went to find his girlfriend. Sam did cuz it was in the script.

When Arnold said "Talk to the hand." in T3.
When did the "Emanuelle" films lose their heart? When, I ask you, when?!
some people think the bond series jumped the shark when they started semminl like generic action movies
Any movie after Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter.

You'd think that they end it with that title. :rolleyes:
Superman's film franchise may have jumped the shark when they fired Richard Donner over "creative reasons" and replaced him with Richard Lester, because, while Superman II is enjoyable enough, the patchwork quality really shows. If Superman didn't jump the shark then, he sure as Hell did when they brought Richard Pryor into #3.

The Jurassic Park movies jumped the shark with Lost World.

Men In Black jumped the shark at MIB 2.

Robocop jumped the shark at Robocop 2. Shame on you, Irvin Kershner! How could you from Empire Strikes Back to making Robocop 2 so horrible?

I think Bond might have jumped the shark with the TV Magnate villain in Tomorrow Never Dies. Then again, some fans probably felt the same way about You Only Live Twice, Diamonds Are Forever and Moonraker.

Yes, Sylvester Stallone somehow beating Dolph Lundgren was ridiculous, but then again, so was killing Micky and Apollo Creed.

Terminator 3 was a crime against humanity.

Highlander 2 permanently soiled the Highlander franchise.

Indiana Jones will be permanently tarnished by this bastard 4th sequel that's supposed to start next year.

Matrix jumped the shark at The Matrix Reloaded.
Gamma Ray said:
Die Hard 3. It was more like SUCK HARD. :mad:

Oh, please Die Hard With A Vengeance was awesome.

Die Hard 2: Die Harder is easily weakest of the series, though I wouldn't say it "jumped the shark."
The Rocky series jumped the shark in the third one when rocky became smart.
However, 3 and 4 were both good movies :o

Oceans twelve, even though its only the second sequel, jumped the shark with the stupid julia roberts look-alike crap.
Oh, please Die Hard With A Vengeance was awesome.

Die Hard 2: Die Harder is easily weakest of the series, though I wouldn't say it "jumped the shark."

:up: With a Vengeance is far superior to Die Harder and one of the best third installments you'll find in any franchise.

'nuff said.
Yeah, Die Hard 3 is great.

I also saw Alien3 mentioned, but IMO that wasn't that bad. The Alien series didn't jump the shark until 4 with the stupid cloning thing and the human/alien thing in the end.
Die Hard: With A Vengeance is spectacular. Die Hard 2 is the weakest. In fact 3 is quite strong for being 1) a third installment 2) abandoning the chlostrophobic feeling of the first two.
Yeah, Die Hard With A Vengeance is a fabulous movie!! McClane having to go all over New York like that was fantastic!
Dr. Fate said:
The Jurassic Park movies jumped the shark with Lost World.

What? :eek:
I'd say it had jumped the shark by III, but not The Lost World.
I thought it was near-par with the first movie.
It made the big bucks, also.
Batman15 said:
The Rocky series jumped the shark in the third one when rocky became smart.
However, 3 and 4 were both good movies :o

Oceans twelve, even though its only the second sequel, jumped the shark with the stupid julia roberts look-alike crap.

Heck yeah, I hated that.
Kevin Roegele said:
:up: With a Vengeance is far superior to Die Harder and one of the best third installments you'll find in any franchise.

Nice to know you agree with me.

Carmine Falcone said:

TheFalcon said:
I also saw Alien3 mentioned, but IMO that wasn't that bad. The Alien series didn't jump the shark until 4 with the stupid cloning thing and the human/alien thing in the end.

I mentioned Alien3. I don't like it all. I'm not one of those fanboys of Aliens who was upset that Hicks and Newt were killed off (I initially was, but then I learned there were valid reasons for killing both of the characters). I thought the set designs were too claustrophobic, there was huge lack of sympathetic characters (had the fim kept the charatcer of Clemens, payed by Charles Dance, alive a little longer, the film would've been stronger IMO because he was a great character), the visual effects were dreadful (the rod puppet dog alien running on the ceiling is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in a movie) and it's just a dull and unpleasant film with piss poor directing from Fichner and a contrived and lazy script.
Jess said:
Die Hard: With A Vengeance is spectacular. Die Hard 2 is the weakest. In fact 3 is quite strong for being 1) a third installment 2) abandoning the chlostrophobic feeling of the first two.

Plus it has Jeremy Irons...

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