I heard of this movie about a year ago. I am half-Korean, so I wanted to buy some movies from the "motherland" lol..........but I didn't buy Musa until I knew of some people who actually saw it....and I bought it this past week and I have to say, it is perhaps one of the best movies in my collection.

I've seen several Korean movies, and this one is the best by far. If the filmmakers
there can keep making beautiful movies like this, they could some day compete pretty good with Hong Kong.
The action was pretty gruesome, but hey, it's reality base so it made the movie that much better.
The subtitles were like you said, broken and sometimes a bit to fast.
Zhang Ziyi was beautiful like always.
I like the score.
The slave is my favorite character.....silent but violent.
I think my favorite scene is the confrontation in the forrest and the final battle.
The cinematography was really awesome too.
I wish the dvd could've had some sort of extra features...even if they were in Korean/Chinese.