My ears are plugged!

I once had an ear plugged up and so my doctor used some sort of suction tube that pulled out a bit of wax that was the size of a small pebble.

is it me or doesn't if feel an orgasmic sensation cleaning out your ears with cotton swabs?
every once in a while I'll read a user name that is just so out there, so incomprehensible that i figure it must be a joke or something.

either way it makes me laugh, once the honor was held by "bat-truck" then others , but from this day forth


will be known amongst all.:):up:
Mr Sparkle said:
every once in a while I'll read a user name that is just so out there, so incomprehensible that i figure it must be a joke or something.

either way it makes me laugh, once the honor was held by "bat-truck" then others , but from this day forth


will be known amongst all.:):up:

Thank you :)
That 70's Venom said:
GRRRRRRRRRR!!! It is bugging me soo much. how do i get rid of it!? :down :mad:

If you have a waterpic fill it with very warm water. prep your ears with some peroxide to loosen up any wax. Then on a lower setting use the water pic in your ear. I used to get really bad wax build up in my ears to the point where I was basically deaf. I kept going to the doctors and paying $50.00 for a nurse to pull out a waterpic and use it. So I spent $50.00 and bought my own. Never had a problem since. If you don't have a waterpic use a water bulb like thing that sucks warm water up and then squeexe the bulb into your ear. That helps me out as well when the build up isn't so bad.
hold your nostrils shut and then try to exhale out of your nose really hard :)
you're lucky, i wish my ears were plugged, i had to have 3 valentines that don't know about each other which meant i've had to shower and change after each one and make an excuse for not staying all day, and im saving the last for 10:30 my time, i seriously hate this stupid holiday... but at least its almost over... i just want to sleep :/ for a month
Lazlo Panaflex said:
I once had an ear plugged up and so my doctor used some sort of suction tube that pulled out a bit of wax that was the size of a small pebble.

is it me or doesn't if feel an orgasmic sensation cleaning out your ears with cotton swabs?

trust me. It's just you.:o
Kable24 said:
If you have a waterpic fill it with very warm water. prep your ears with some peroxide to loosen up any wax. Then on a lower setting use the water pic in your ear. I used to get really bad wax build up in my ears to the point where I was basically deaf. I kept going to the doctors and paying $50.00 for a nurse to pull out a waterpic and use it. So I spent $50.00 and bought my own. Never had a problem since. If you don't have a waterpic use a water bulb like thing that sucks warm water up and then squeexe the bulb into your ear. That helps me out as well when the build up isn't so bad.

that happens to me too occasionally. I hate it.
Lackey said:
hold your nostrils shut and then try to exhale out of your nose really hard :)

yeah, whenever my ears get plugged i do that, but this time it didnt work :(
That 70's Venom said:
yeah, whenever my ears get plugged i do that, but this time it didnt work :(

Do you have a cold or something? I went deaf in one ear because of a cold. It was awesome.
Dark Zero said:
Do you have a cold or something? I went deaf in one ear because of a cold. It was awesome.

I think I do, i have been having a sore throut and headaches for a while now :(

time to go see the doctor.
Lackey said:
hold your nostrils shut and then try to exhale out of your nose really hard :)
When I do that, it actually plugs up my ears. I've actually had this discussion with people before though, and either my ears work differently, or I have a different definition of plugged up ears. When I do what you just described, I get the same sensation that I get when I'm in an airplane, or have sinus congestion. Does that sound right? When I want to unplug them, I always have to swallow really hard.
whenever i fly on an airplane, i get SPLITTING MIGRAINES... sometimes during flight, other times during descent.
That 70's Venom said:
sometimes i always try making a big yawn too.
Yeah, yawning undoes it for me too.
I punch the side of my head. It either goes away, or I eventually knock myself out, it's a win/win situation.

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