Well lets see, Its interesting. Its better than I expected for a first attempt to be honest. See my first attempt was nearly about the same when i started haha. I used those old Toybiz 1989 batmen and robins when I was a youngin. I know this joker figure is what 5 inches and its MUCH much smaller in person, and it also looks 10 times better in person then a High Resolution picture on the internet haha. I get how ya feel trust me.
But yea, what you should do is go ahead and put another coat of paint on, it looks a little thin as far as the purple goes. Go with a straight blue shirt for simplicity. The sculpt is very simple and doesnt lend well to a repaint anyway, but with more editing you can improve it. try and Make the colors more solid and clean.
from what I can tell it looks like your using Applebarrel/Delta Creamcoat/Folkart Craft paint. The cheap kind of acrylic paint you can get around most anywhere. I have a lot of it myself just for mixing colors, or simple jobs. you can use the cheap kind of paint like that to your advantage once you get the feel for it. Mix it with a decent amount of water when putting the first base coat down. and your probably gonna have to put 2 or 3 more coats of it down to get the solid color you need. What you need to do after your completely done painting every last bit you can, and think youve done the absolute BEST you can do.. you should spray a clear coat sealer over it. You can usually get those at walmart or micheals or any hobby shop for 2 bucks. It smoothens out the paint and makes it more durable. (especially when using cheaper paint)
The face looks pretty good, considering the sculpt isnt good to begin with. but improvments you should make are
1) make your colors more solid, put another coat down and go from there.
2) make the shirt one solid color, because the little details often make it look sloppy on a smaller figure.
3) Repaint the chain on his paints there a grey or silver or gold to add more detail to your paint job. And repaint the Tie a dark green, but that's more personal preference than anything. and make sure to go over the smudges of green on teh purple coat.
Think of it like coloring, you want to stay inside the lines and be very specific.. because in turn it will make for a more appealing picture.
Hope some of that advice helps. If you were to paint every week like this. a new figure, in about 4-5 years over time, you would be something to show off. It takes time, concentration and study. I started when I was 3 or 4, messing up ALOT of good figures haha. but it all paid off.