my idea for EON for James Bond's future

Elba's not that much younger than Craig, and they're making these films in four year intervals now. He's too old to have much of a run on the character at this point.

Time between CR and QoS was 2 years, until Skyfall it took 4 years and till Spectre it took 3 years. The franchise has only taken more than 4 years when the studio was having problems with the rights. Also, with Craig, they worried about one film at a tme. I'm sure that if they prepared the next films better, they could release a new one every 2 years. If they casted him already, they could get in least 3 years from Elba, which wouldn't be all that bad.
Time between CR and QoS was 2 years, until Skyfall it took 4 years and till Spectre it took 3 years. The franchise has only taken more than 4 years when the studio was having problems with the rights. Also, with Craig, they worried about one film at a tme. I'm sure that if they prepared the next films better, they could release a new one every 2 years. If they casted him already, they could get in least 3 years from Elba, which wouldn't be all that bad.

EON/MGM have literally come out and said they're now releasing these films on a 3-4 year schedule as opposed to their old approach of having them out every 2-3 years. With it seeming more likely than not that Craig will return for Bond 25 that pushes recasting back even further and you'd really only get one film out of Elba, which isn't really how they do these things.

Whoever they get to play Bond next will be someone they'll want for the long haul and to accomodate for their new schedule they'll likely cast someone in their mid-30s.
EON/MGM have literally come out and said they're now releasing these films on a 3-4 year schedule as opposed to their old approach of having them out every 2-3 years. With it seeming more likely than not that Craig will return for Bond 25 that pushes recasting back even further and you'd really only get one film out of Elba, which isn't really how they do these things.

Whoever they get to play Bond next will be someone they'll want for the long haul and to accomodate for their new schedule they'll likely cast someone in their mid-30s.

I think the 3-4 year schedule is a good thing. Quantum of Solace was clearly rushed, and the short turn around for the Brosnan sequels did them no favors either. Look at the four films post-Connery that are pretty well universally considered to be the best: TSWLM, GE, CR, and SF. All four of them came after longer gaps.
Yeah the longer they take with these films usually the better they turn out. I still look at that era with John Glen in the director's seat, they all came out within that two year schedule like clockwork and we didn't really get a "great" film during that time.
I see everyone's point with Bond and the code name issue.
Everyone wants to remain faithful to the bible of Bond.
If everyone is so resistant to even tweak the code name aspect, which is really minor, why would changing Bond to a black man be better?
I would think all the purists would surely freak out about that!
Now I would also like to say I am in favor of Elba being cast as Bond.
Its a major shake up thats needed.
But if my point above of changing the code name idea is turning everyone into rabid dogs, how they can Elba be cast?

My idea since I wanted Elba in someway, was to have him mentor a younger Bond, and show that a black agent was actually beter and made Bond what he is.
Uh...the purists and hardcore fanbase are largely opposed to changing Bond's race. I don't know where you've been, but it's an argument that always comes up and leads to heavy debate.

And here's the other thing, we're coming off two of the highest grossing films in the franchises 50 year history. Even Spectre, which is considered to be more middle of the road for the series, had more or less a decent reception and a healthy box office. The series doesn't need a major shake up, they just need to take their time and improve the script for the next one, which by all accounts they're doing by moving to a 3-4 year schedule between releases.
Uh...the purists and hardcore fanbase are largely opposed to changing Bond's race. I don't know where you've been, but it's an argument that always comes up and leads to heavy debate.

And here's the other thing, we're coming off two of the highest grossing films in the franchises 50 year history. Even Spectre, which is considered to be more middle of the road for the series, had more or less a decent reception and a healthy box office. The series doesn't need a major shake up, they just need to take their time and improve the script for the next one, which by all accounts they're doing by moving to a 3-4 year schedule between releases.

Given the success of the last two films, it is a time to be staying the course as much as possible. A major shakeup is the last thing EON should do right now. That's what you do when the franchise is in trouble.
Daniel Craig's answer to his continued involvment seems somewhat a mystery to me still.
If he still is keen on being Bond, then EON should just hold their course.
If he is not returning at all to continue his timeline , something radically new isn't a bad idea IMO.

Here is another hat to throw in the ring if Craig leaves, could be a younger version of Craig himself & add to Craig's Bond :

I still think, now that they hit a bump in the road with Craig's Bond, there is time for the Bond creative team to take my approach listed above.
It can work if handled right.
Stop the films after Craig's last... adapt the novels into a television series.

Sign up a new actor (that isn't a well known name) 007, make it period.

6 episode mini-seasons. 2 Seasons per year... 7/8 year project. Very British based, etc.; of course some liberties with the short stories... build a solid universe and tell the rich stores that really haven't been told outside of the great novels. Because, the films have always been loose adaptations.

Mad Men detail with GOT budget/style for locations.
I agree, 100% reimagining Bond, changing him up too much, well, it's not Bond.

I have said this a million times and people still don't seem to grasp it.

My take. James Bond is in the Royal Navy, the government has it's MI6, M is the head, they have oo agents. They have (i would say) about 9 agents, top of their game, all specialists, so naturally we have oo1 - oo9. The oo is literally an assigned code. oo1 could be an expert in linguistics as well as other skills, oo6 could be great on inter nation affairs and politics.
Bond is tapped us a possible replacement/addition to the oo group. We see the interview process, training, we see him join the oo's - he isn't assigned a number yet. An older oo, oo7 to be exact, played by Elba is training him up and they are out on a mission, oo7 gets killed in the line of duty, Bond takes the mantel.

This settles the often argued 'is Bond a code name', no it isn't - he is a real person, oo7 is just an assigned code. Therefor, anyone can be oo7, but not everyone can be James Bond.

This allows a great universe to be created. Think about it, Jason bourne could have easily been working for MI6 and have the code name oo3 - would it have taken away from the movie? Not at all.
Ethan Hawke - oo8.
Johnny English.... ok let's not go there.
You've convinced me :up:
Must somehow have missed Vaibow's idea. No doubt about it in my mind that's the way to do it, if it absolutely had to be done. Puts the emphasis on the 007 designation being the code name, as opposed to the person and it keeps the character of Bond intact but still allows someone else in as 007. Simple and fair idea, but it wont be enough for some.
I've been saying for years that EON should just expand the franchise.

Create new female and minority 00 agents in spin off franchises that exist in Bonds world and feature the same supporting cast (Q,M, Moneypenny, Tanner) but tell different types of stories that you can't tell with Bond because his character is so tied to tradition and a particular formula.

This way you get to cater to both audiences. People that want Bond and people who want to see a diverse Bond style character.
They talked about it with Jinx, but people weren't very enthusiastic about the idea and they just kind of abandoned it.

A Felix Leiter movie starring Jeffrey Wright would personally get my attention.
I've been saying for years that EON should just expand the franchise.

Create new female and minority 00 agents in spin off franchises that exist in Bonds world and feature the same supporting cast (Q,M, Moneypenny, Tanner) but tell different types of stories that you can't tell with Bond because his character is so tied to tradition and a particular formula.

This way you get to cater to both audiences. People that want Bond and people who want to see a diverse Bond style character.

With respect, a diverse bond style character doesn't really make much sense. Do you mean an Asian/african version of Bond? Female Bond? I think it would be a bit, pandering to the wrong audience if they just made a female, black, gay version of bond and gave them oo status, audiences would see through that. Maybe you mean just create totally new characters that represent a diverse range of people with 00 status? I'm down for that, but bond needs to be the only 'bond type' in the team - however, i still love the idea of a reboot having Elba as a 00 and the one that trains up, shoulders bond and is the one bond aspires to be like as honestly, Elba is so damn cool and suave, i think like that regardless, he's just a cool character.

I like the idea of a tv show - imagine if they had a cast set and locked in for 2 seasons on netflix with a film book ending the 2 seasons? So for instance we see a reboot film, then we have a series which picks up right after the events and focuses on how MI6 handle it and we see cameo's of Bond over two series then the sequel picks up right after the 2 seasons - that would be something totally new, in my mind and would make the cast far more important and invested in - allowing spin offs to occur.
With respect, a diverse bond style character doesn't really make much sense. Do you mean an Asian/african version of Bond? Female Bond? I think it would be a bit, pandering to the wrong audience if they just made a female, black, gay version of bond and gave them oo status, audiences would see through that. Maybe you mean just create totally new characters that represent a diverse range of people with 00 status? I'm down for that, but bond needs to be the only 'bond type' in the team - however, i still love the idea of a reboot having Elba as a 00 and the one that trains up, shoulders bond and is the one bond aspires to be like as honestly, Elba is so damn cool and suave, i think like that regardless, he's just a cool character.
I'm talking about the latter.

A new original 00 agent character that is female or gay or working class or a minority, ect. I'm not talking about another version of Bond, I'm talking about a different type of 00 spy character to Bond who exists in his world and features the same supporting cast. Someone you could tell stories about in that world that would be different from Bond while retaining certain references and back drops of Bond's world. Just like the shared universes of DC or Marvel there could be a Bond shared universe with different 00 agents doing different types of missions depending on the types of characters that they are.
I'm talking about the latter.

A new original 00 agent character that is female or gay or working class or a minority, ect. I'm not talking about another version of Bond, I'm talking about a different type of 00 spy character to Bond who exists in his world and features the same supporting cast. Someone you could tell stories about in that world that would be different from Bond while retaining certain references and back drops of Bond's world. Just like the shared universes of DC or Marvel there could be a Bond shared universe with different 00 agents doing different types of missions depending on the types of characters that they are.

Nice, we're on the same page - netflix need to get on to a 'oo' show. When you think about it, there are many shows out there similar
I could go for a Bond or 00 series along the same lines as The Night Manager.
Why bother? Great as TNM was, it's total straight-up Le Carre rather than Fleming. Pretty different in a tonal sense.

The Craig movies have always leaned a bit more toward that type of grit & groundedness anyway, not sure you'd want to take it too much further in that direction to the point all of the fun "Bondisms" are traded out for something more real. They had a pretty great balance regarding all that in Casino, best of both world.

As for the minority aspect, yeah, pretty much been covered well in the last few posts: do it with another 00 agent, a colleague, rather than Bond himself. Make them completely different personality-wise, more modern & socially-acceptable and representative of modern Britain, and contrast them with old-world d*ckbag James. Much better approach.
The intriguing aspect of the new James Bond iteration is the stage of life they will choose to portray. Will they opt for a younger Bond, fresh in his career and prone to errors, yet displaying the skills that compensate for his inexperience, or will they depict a seasoned Bond, a veteran in his field?
If there really is a public outcry for changing Bond's ethnicity, my idea for EON to solve the race debate for Bond goes like this.
Bring back Craig for 1 more entry.
The story will have Bond admit he needs assistance, showing him put his massive ego aside.
The story introduces a fellow agent , 006,008,009,etc.
Have that agent be another ethnicity other than white or male.
Have EON find a credible writer to flesh out this 'new' agent and make him or her as engaging as Bond.
This could set up a another character in a shared 'Bond' universe and extend the brand.
The next movie or 'mission' would solely feature the new agent.
It would also give EON time to find a replacement for Craig as the new 007.
Why change Bond at all?
Create this new agent to rival or even surpass him in popularity with a fresh start?
Dont copy Bond, make somone original with a different ethnicity to be better right from the start.
There is no public outcry to change Bond's ethnicity and to do so is just stupid. Yes there are people who think if a goldfish looks good in a dinner suit, it too would make a worthy candidate to be Bond.
Secondly, James Bond is the focus. A "shared Bond universe" is equally silly. EON simply need to focus on telling great stories with James Bond and that starts with getting a great script written. Ditch Purvis and Wade and hire hungry and talented writers and dint Green light what is clearly a first draft to be a shooting script. Take the time to get things right. That, is how you secure Bond's future.
I’m all about making older franchises such as this more diverse. It doesn’t matter one bit what color skin Bond has it’s all about his personality. This and most other novels, comics, movies written decades ago happened during a time where you saw little to no diversity and I guess unless you’re white you don’t notice that. So yea being white isn’t critical to the character and anyone arguing otherwise is just a bit racist.
I'm not certain if there's a significant public protest to alter James Bond in any manner. However, I am aware of numerous suggestions for change. I was merely sharing my thoughts on the matter, rather than advocating for one side or the other.
I’m all about making older franchises such as this more diverse. It doesn’t matter one bit what color skin Bond has it’s all about his personality. This and most other novels, comics, movies written decades ago happened during a time where you saw little to no diversity and I guess unless you’re white you don’t notice that. So yea being white isn’t critical to the character and anyone arguing otherwise is just a bit racist.
Preferring a character to remain as they were originally created does not necessarily equate to racism. It's about respecting the creator's vision and work. Similarly, altering Black Panther's race would be inappropriate. A more constructive approach would be to introduce a new character with the desired traits and allow them to stand on their own merits, either within an established universe or a completely new one and let them develop organically.
That’s not a valid comparison as Black Panthers ethnicity actually is important to the character, whereas Bonds ethnicity really doesn’t matter as long as he’s British.

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