My idea for the proposed Fox Cinematic Universe.


Well, he was.
Oct 9, 2005
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So when participating in a thread i the X-Men section i did a fan layout of the movie franchise.

Basically after DOFP there would be three seperate X-Men movie series:

Uncanny X-Men which would be set in the 70's and feature a young team of Cylcops, Jean, Storm, xavier ect...

X-Men which would feature the OT cast in an alternate timeline and deal with Apocalypse

X-force which would be a Mutant strike team that crossovers and merges with the X-Men series.


Fantastic Four would be set in the 70's and only ever interact with the Uncanny X-Men team. here's a rough idea of how, when and why they would interact.

2015: Fantastic Four Reborn

This introduces the Fantastic Four team.

2017: Uncanny X-Men: Children of the Atom

Professor Xavier, Beast and Havok introduce and train a young team (little bit older than teens) featuring Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Storm, Gambit and Northstar.

2018: Fantastic Four: The Scourge of the Skrulls

The team encounter and defeat the Skrulls.

At the end they head into space to investigate a dangerous level of cosmic energy (Phoenix Force)

2019: Uncanny X-Men: Call of the Shi'ar

Professor Xavier is telepathically contacted by an alien woman called Lilandra, who asks for the help of his team of extraorniary youngsters in protecting a powerful force from the grasp of her tyrannical brother. They travel into the heavens and encounter an Empire and small Rebellion led by a mysterious Human male.

Jean Grey is devoured by the Phoenix force.

Team Roster:

Professor Xavier, Havok, Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Storm, Gambit, Cloak and Dagger.

2020: "Dark Phoenix Saga" Crossover between Fantastic Four and Uncanny X-Men

The Phoenix Force is released and enters the young Jean Grey turning her into a force of planet levelling power

The X-Men wish to save and cure Jean while Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four find it more prudent to find a way to destroy her before they no longer can. They have small friendly fire battles but never become enemies. They reach a stalemate and attempt to cure Jean.

In a moment of clarity Jean say she does not want to risk harming any of them and teleports them all back to Earth.

2021: Uncanny X-Men: Redemption

Climax of the Phoenix Arc. Phoenix returns to Earth and causes mayhem, The X-Men manage to remove the Phoenix Force and it's energy is dispersed far into space and alerting a certain devourer of worlds to Earth direction.

2023: Fantastic Four: Doom
The Fantastic Four face Dr Doom, Reeds former college roommate.

So what dya think?
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Here's mine:

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
Fantastic Four: Doom Strikes (2015)
X-Men: Mutant Massacre (2016)
Fantastic Four: Annihilus Annihilates (2017)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (2018)
Fantastic Four: Galactus Returns (2019)
X-Men & Fantastic Four: Attack of the Skrulls (2020)

Here's my idea/suggestion on how FOX should make their own cinematic universe. Since the only major properties from Marvel that 20th Century Fox has are X-Men and Fantastic Four. I think those two should be their main priority. Forget about spin-offs for smaller X-Men characters and prequels. What they should be doing right now is how to make X-Men and Fantastic Four as large as the other big movie franchises right now.

With the X-Men, after Days of Future Past. They should forward to the present timeline and bring back the original cast of the X-Men series again. At least make 2 films with them and include new faces to the team like Psylocke and Forge. X5 should be an introduction to another big X-Men villain in the comics, Mr. Sinister. Then what happens to X5 leads to X6. Mr. Sinister is the main villain for X5 but at the end of the movie, there will be a big villain that Mr. Sinister is only working for a more powerful mutant, Apocalypse. Then Apocalypse will be the main villain for X6. And I don't want a trilogy where Apocalypse is the main villain, I think it could be tiresome so I think he should be the main villain for only 1 film.

Then for the Fantastic Four, I want them to be big first before teaming up with the X-Men. The box-office performance of their movies should be good and the films should be as good as the X-Men films, or at least good. And like the X-Men 4 to 6, give the series a bigger scale so it would really appeal to a lot of people.

Then after another successful trilogy from the original cast of the X-Men and a successful Fantastic Four trilogy. The next step should be, how can these two superhero teams appear in a bigger movie after their successful trilogy. The solution - make X-Men and Fantastic Four work together. X-Men go could to space for the first time and Fantastic Four will work with a more well-known superhero team. Its a win-win situation if done right and I believe it could be a massive hit. You have 2 superhero teams that had a successful trilogy and they are now coming together. I also think it could be the perfect time to bring the Skrulls. They invaded the earth and Fantastic Four/X-Men will stop them. Another idea for the cross-over film is have Magneto/Dr. Doom help Fantastic Four/X-Men.

Anyway, its just my wishlist. But the Fantastic Four reboot has to be really good and successful first if FOX is really planning to make a cross-over film with the X-Men and the Fantastic Four.
You're both forgetting X-Force. Which seems to be first on their list for a new X-Men film after DoFP.

You should probably factor that into your cinematic universes.
I kept that to the X-Men section as it didn't involve my FF/UXM idea
X-men and Fantastic Four really don't go well together.
You're both forgetting X-Force. Which seems to be first on their list for a new X-Men film after DoFP.

You should probably factor that into your cinematic universes.

I have doubts that film will go to production.
X-men and Fantastic Four really don't go well together.

Aside from the connection of Reed and Susan's child having the X-gene I'm going to agree. Even if they do the Skrull Invasion, it'll feel weird and wrong not having the Kree as well as the Avengers.
I have doubts that film will go to production.

X-Force has a much better chance of success than the FF reboot. FOX can bring back Jackman for the lead, introduce Deadpool as a potential breakout character for a future franchise, and put it into production with a much lower budget than Trank's proposed Fantastic Four. The film has (potentially) a great lead-in with DOFP and is exactly the type of film FOX should be doing as opposed to futzing around with the First Family.
A movie with the title "X-Force" doesn't seem like it would draw a lot of people compare to a X-Men title with the word "X-Men" in the title of the movie. And I read somewhere that the roster of X-Force would consist of 5 mutants that we haven't seen before in X-Mansion.
A movie with the title "X-Force" doesn't seem like it would draw a lot of people compare to a X-Men title with the word "X-Men" in the title of the movie. And I read somewhere that the roster of X-Force would consist of 5 mutants that we haven't seen before in X-Mansion.

A post credit scene in DOFP is all FOX needs to do to link their new X franchise to their previously released films. A different tone - more violence, more comedy - could add to the fans (presumably) brought back to the series. And while it makes sense for the studio to explore other characters, they would be foolish not to pay Hugh his money, at least for the first film.
And you think a post=credit scene in DOFP is enough for people to watch this X-Force movie? I don't think so. Given by the lack of merchandise, X-Force is not really well-known and how FOX promoted The Wolverine/First Class. I don't think it will get enough attention to the mainstream viewers. Plus its a spin-off, X-Men spin-offs will always be seen by the general audience as secondary to the main X-Men series. Business-wise, they should be making more films with the characters that really would appeal to a larger audience and at the same time, introduce new great and cool characters to the mainstream viewers.
wow, cool.

the thought of just the words "FF/X-Men crossover" makes me cringe.
but then when put into an actual story arc that might be cool, it suddenly no longer is "FF/X-Men crossover", but becomes instead, potentially a good set of movies.

this is true about so many things when they are first announced.

i like psylockcolossus' ideas too.
And you think a post=credit scene in DOFP is enough for people to watch this X-Force movie? I don't think so. Given by the lack of merchandise, X-Force is not really well-known and how FOX promoted The Wolverine/First Class. I don't think it will get enough attention to the mainstream viewers. Plus its a spin-off, X-Men spin-offs will always be seen by the general audience as secondary to the main X-Men series. Business-wise, they should be making more films with the characters that really would appeal to a larger audience and at the same time, introduce new great and cool characters to the mainstream viewers.

If GOTG can get a movie, X-FORCE can get a movie. They are no different in terms of being well known to the GA.

X-Force are their own team, they do a different job to X-Men.
Any comic-book property can get a movie, but not all of them will be successful.
I see no reason the Fantastic Four should appear in an X-men movie.

Which is why they need to get returned to MCU. They would go well with Avengers like peanut butter and jelly.
I see no reason the Fantastic Four should appear in an X-men movie.

Which is why they need to get returned to MCU. They would go well with Avengers like peanut butter and jelly.

You contradicted yourself, if theres no reason for them to be in an X-Men movie there's no reason to be in an Avengers movie
I didn't contradict myself.

I'm saying the Fantastic Four world fits better with the Avengers than it does with the X-men.
Possibly true, but they can work with X-Men just fibe given the right reason and story.
The sequel to Days of Future Present in the comics had the FF in it....just saying
Needs more Deadpool


I have a feeling Deadpool will replace Wolverine as most likeable bad ass in the film series when Fox gets that character going. He's gonna steal and upstage every scene. Only a matter of time..
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X-Men and Fantastic Four don't fit with each other? I guess I never read Secret Wars, Secret Invasion or Days of Future Present.
The universe that FOX's X-Men are in would not make sense for the F4, people are terrified of mutants but not the F4? Why? They have superpowers like mutants and even have a member who doesn't look human, yet they are celebrated. If anything they should be feared just as much if not more than mutants, because they show normal people can be mutated and look like rock monsters. They would worry that they might be contagious, the F4 being superstars in FOX's X-Men universe doesn't work and the F4 aren't the F4 if they are not loved by the public.

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