I was wasting some freetime in design a hinge system for the first Dungebeetle helmet. Now is in an obj file that must be translated into pepakuras one. I can not spend more time on it but the "hard work" was done.
Once the system were build will need some minor fix in one specific zone that it´s marked on the image with the red pointer.
No more words, there is the system:
The system all in place
Initial and final position
Problematic point
dungebeettle hinge.rar
In the file are a few elements:
The only element that is not in first pic is only to print in paper and mark the position for element 1
Elements 1,2 and 3 must be done in some kind of plastic sheet, for mine I used 3 milimetters one wich is bendable where it´s needed to do.
Element 4 must be done with CNC machine or do in pepakura and fill with resin. I suggest to merge element 3 and 4 to use 3 screws then the face will be taken when necessary.
The one who be brave enough to do the rest of the job must made a mirror in piece number 4.
Don´t hesitate if anyone of you have any question :cool
Hope this system works and helps someone. If someone do the pepakura please send me the file to add too.