Spider-Man 4: Race To A Cure
Story begins with life going pretty good for Spidey. Love/hate relationship with NYC like usual. He is now working at Doc Connor's lab. (No Lizard in film, Peter graduated college) He still takes pics for the Bugle and dates Betty. (No MJ or Gwen in this film. Storywise, it isn't needed anymore. Studio-wise, I don't like recasts and I doubt they will sign up for one soon.)
We are then introduced to Electronics Engineer Adrian Toomes who works with developing electromagnetic devices for an airline company. He has just been "demoted" due to his long battling sickness.
We then begin to learn that Spidey is becoming stronger (even defeats Rhino easy in short cameo), senses more accurate but is having nightmares. But soon he begins feeling ill (2 ill main characters, sense a theme?) and goes to the only man he trusts to analyze him as Spidey, Doc Connors. Connors informs him that for whatever reason that he gained his powers, his mutation is incomplete as well as his transformation. Spidey frankly asks, "So I'm going to turn into a monster? Some type of giant spider?". "In theory," responds Connors. "To be honest, you probably would not survive the transformation." (Thunder claps)..dun dun dun....
Back to Toomes where we learn that he has cancer due to his work over the years with electromagnetic waves. His battle with chemotherapy (lost all his hair due to chemo) is not improving his condition. After researching his condition he tries to contact Alistaire Smythe a technological genius, working on new technology using a radiation chamber to repair damaged, mutating or cancerous cells. Smythe is hoping it lets him walk again. The device shows good results on mice in everything but repairing spinal cord cells. Smythe is therefore a b*tch & offers no help to Toomes or society until he walks first.
Meanwhile, Spidey's odd condition gets more intense. His strength is still above normal but his nightmares and headaches are getting worse. He begins to wonder if this is really the end of him and if his uncle would be proud of the job he's done. (Input big 5-7 min action sequence here showing off Spidey's new skills: see in dark, more sticky hairs throughout body, ability to perform web-dome)
Toomes, upset and still with clearance, enters the research company with hired help. Toomes hires an albino hitman (Tombstone) to help him steal a harness used for flying using magnetic fields. No one is a match for Tombstone and the mission is a success. Vulture is born (still ill, but powerful due to the harness). Tombstone then introduces Vulture to someone he knows who "also loves toys", Herman Shultz.
Vulture pays the two $$$ for their services in a plan of entering Smythe's facility on the top floor of a REALLY tall building for the purpose of Vulture using it to cure him. Shultz, needing protective gear for two powerful devices that he developed, asks Vulture and Tombstone to steal a uniform made out of a special fabric that would absorb the blasts. (Input 10-15 min big heist and battle when Spidey intervenes.) Spidey gets Tombstone (and eventually information on Vulture's plan) but Vulture gets away with the uniform.
Spidey then questions the morality of getting to Smythe first for the same purpose instead of focusing to stop Vulture. He also wonders what effect the radiation would have on him. Would he go back to his usual Spidey-self or lose all powers entirely? Would he even survive? Deciding to do what's right, he takes off his glove due to an itch and sees that his skin is deformed. He takes off his mask in front of a mirror (off-screen) and he notices (audience gets a hint) that his face is now deformed as well. (Does Spidey have mutliple eyes?) Fearing this to be his final battle he webs off...On to the climax!
Shocker(for the first time in all his glory) and Vulture attack the facility from all angles. (Input military security vs. villians battling.) Spidey arrives and takes on both the villians and security(he's gentle with security). Spidey, too quick for Shocker's blasts finally takes him out. Spidey(and his massive headaches) enters the radiation chamber following Vulture. Door closes behind Spidey while Smythe, outside of the chamber, turns the radiation chamber to dangerous levels. Spidey and Vulture, unable to open the doors, are apparently doomed. But Spidey begins to transform..scaring the $h*t out of Smythe and Vulture. Spidey gets slightly bigger but grows a new arm(looks like a spider leg). Out of desperation Spidey begins slamming his new arm at the door. His new (but stronger) arm eventually knocks the door down, Spidey knocks out Smythe, and turns down the level of radiation. All three men are bombarded with the radiation. Spidey loses consciousness while still transforming. He then wakes...carefully takes off his mask and looks into a broken piece of glass. He's normal again (but touches a new pimple and smiles). Looking for survivors in the wreckage, he finds Smythe, badly deformed (and transformed into Spider-Slayer?) but there's no Vulture. (Survived?) In come police and military...out goes Spidey.
Shocker and Tombstone are now locked up but no word on Vulture. Spidey meets with Doc Connors and gets an A+ grade of health. Spidey's life is back to normal AGAIN. The new powers are gone but so are the nightmares and headaches. Doc Connors tells Spidey that much of Smythe's work with repairing cells has been leaked to the open source after the battle and he finds great potential in using it to continue his own research. They hug and Spidey webs off into the night, aerial moves galore. Then a quick scene of Doc Connors touching his shoulder with his missing arm and saying "Soon enough, I'll be whole again." -Credits-